My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 904 A mysterious man invites you (4)

Chapter 904: A mysterious man invites you (4)

If you ask Long Yi, who is better between sister Lingxi and her?

Long Yi will definitely answer without hesitation, of course his Xiao Xi is better.

Because he loves Shen Lingxi, he loves everything about her, so Shen Lingxi is the best and unique in his eyes.

Ask her brother lie the same question. Obviously in brother lie's eyes, she is the best, and no one can replace her in his world.

Shen Lingxi and Qin leran both have people who know how to appreciate themselves. There is really no need or need to compare them with each other.

"No comparison?" Old Man Quan smiled coldly, threw the brush in his hand on the desk, and said, "Do you think the Shen family girl is not qualified to compare with you? Little girl, you have such a loud tone."

"Mr. Quan, you know that I don't mean what I said, so why do you deliberately distort your understanding." Qin leran still smiled lightly, "anyway, there is no third person here, and no third person will hear what we say, you No need to beat around the bush.”

This kind of person has a kind and kind face in front of others and a cruel face behind others. This is a typical politician.

As people who struggle in political power struggles, family love is almost non-existent in their world, and there is only a struggle for power in their lives.

He spoke very directly, so there was no need for Qin leran to pretend not to know how to go around with him. It was better to let him express his attitude. After solving the problem, she could go home earlier.

It just so happened that the old man of the Quan family had no intention of going around in circles with Qin lelan. He said, "I have only one purpose for asking people to come to you."

Qin leran smiled and said nothing, waiting for his next sentence.

Old man Quan added: "The girl from the Shen family was Nan Zhai's fiancée before he took up the position of president. The old man from the Shen family has contributed a lot to Nan Zhai's ability to climb to the position of president. It can be said that he can sit firmly. In the position of president, the support of the Shen family is crucial.”

When it came to the important point, Old Man Quan deliberately paused and stared at Qin leran closely, trying to interpret what the little girl was thinking through her expression.

However, he never expected that this little girl's emotional control ability was much stronger than he expected. She always had a smile on her face, making it impossible for anyone to pry into her true thoughts.

Unable to see Qin leran's true thoughts, Mr. Quan hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "Nan Zhai broke off his engagement with his previous fiancée not long after he took the position of president. This is very bad for his image."

Qin leran smiled but remained silent.

Old Man Quan continued: "If Nan Zhai marries Shen Lingxi, the Shen family will be of great help to him. If he wants to cancel the wedding, the Shen family will give him the greatest resistance. He wants to become a qualified politician, Then this engagement cannot be terminated."

Qin leran smiled and nodded, which made it even harder to see her inner thoughts.

Looking at Qin leran's childish face, which was always smiling, old man Quan sighed seriously: "little girl, loving someone is not about destroying him just to get him, but you should fulfill him. Think about it seriously , Do you really want to see Quan Nanzhai who has nothing and is even forced to step down from the position of president? "

His strong attitude could not scare away the little girl. Old Quan's face changed and he changed into the attitude of a humble supplicant.

For him, a qualified politician can bow to anyone and can bend freely no matter what the occasion.

Qin leran smiled and said, "of course I don't want to see him have nothing."

Hearing this answer, Old Man Quan thought that an opportunity had come, and took the opportunity to say: "Then do you know that everything you are doing now is ruining his future?"

Hearing this accusation, Qin lelan felt that she was wronged. She smiled and said, "Mr. Quan, I just want to ask you, have you ever truly understood your son? Do you really understand his abilities?"

Perhaps Old Man Quan understands Brother Lie because he knows how powerful Brother Lie is, so he wants to try his best to restrain Brother Lie.

But why would he do this?

Qin leran can't understand.

Mr. Quan smiled without a smile and said, "He is my son. As a son of his father, how can he not know what abilities he has?"

Qin lelan added: "If you really know him, then you should know that he is capable of taking the position of president without the help of a woman."

Her brother lie is so good that it is absolutely impossible for a woman to get to the top. When he got engaged to Shen Lingxi, he mainly wanted to protect his good brother's woman.

Old Man Quan's face darkened, a little ugly: "Little girl, do you know that I have countless ways to make you disappear from this world?"

Qin leran still smiled: "I guess if you could get rid of me, you wouldn't bother asking me to come and talk. Maybe I'm a corpse without temperature now."

As soon as Qin leran's words came out, old man Quan's face became even more ugly.

This damn little girl's brain turned fast and accurately enough, and she actually said exactly what he was thinking in one sentence.

She was absolutely right. If he could get rid of her, he could just send someone to get rid of her directly. Why bring such a thing around to make him angry?

It wasn't that he was afraid of this little girl, but that the Shengtian Group behind her was too powerful. Qin Yue, who would shake the global economy with his stamp of foot, was not someone to be trifled with.

Qin lelan added: "Mr. Quan, I can give you a definite answer. I will definitely stay with Quan Nanzhai and become his presidential wife one day."

Old Man Quan clenched his fists, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes: "Little girl, don't talk too much. It's one thing if you want to marry, but another if Nan Zhai will marry you."

Qin leran smiled politely: "I don't have to worry about this. I believe he has better vision than you and knows what kind of girl he wants."

Not only does she have good taste, but her brother lie has even better taste. When she was so young, brother lie knew how to pamper her and make her miss him.

After being extremely angry, Old Quan said again: "Little girl, then I want to see if you can become Quan Nanzhai's presidential wife in my lifetime."

Qin lelan smiled: "If you don't die suddenly... I think you should be able to see it."

Old man Quan was rude, and Qin lelan was too lazy to be polite to him. It's true that she had a good tutor, but her father also taught her that if someone bullies you, you must pay him back a hundred times.

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