Chapter 906: Father knows

Qin leran didn't shout stop, Chang Li grinned again.

This time, he smiled as if someone had lent him millions and refused to pay them back. He was in great pain.

"Okay, don't laugh. Just do whatever you want." It's a good thing for his subordinates to be loyal, but they are so loyal that they don't know how to adapt. Qin leran is really speechless.

Chang Li nodded: "Yes."

"Let's go." Qin leran walked out first, and Chang Li followed closely behind her, tensing up and paying attention to the surrounding situation.

Seeing Chang Li's tense face, Qin lelan sighed: "Chang Li, I can still see you alive and well, then everything will be fine. Just relax."

Chang Li said: "Miss, please go ahead."

It is his mission to protect her safety. Her life is more important than his own. There has already been a mistake today, and he does not dare to be careless again.

"Chang Li, you really don't need to be too nervous..." Qin leran wanted to say something to enlighten the dull Chang Li, but he had already reached the place where Lin Xiaoxiao was stopped.

Seeing her coming out, Lin Xiaoxiao, the confused guy, rushed over immediately: "Leran, what did Uncle Quan talk to you about?"

"Nothing." Qin leran didn't intend to tell anyone about today's incident, especially the confused Lin Xiaoxiao.

She guessed that even if she told Lin Xiaoxiao about this matter, Lin Xiaoxiao, a fool, might not be able to straighten out the relationship in this matter.

After all, Lin Xiaoxiao is also a melon-eater who doesn't know the truth.

Lin Xiaoxiao, like other citizens of country A, only knew that Shen Lingxi was Quan Nanzhai's fiancée before he took office as president, and did not know the hidden secrets in this matter.

Occasionally, Qin leran could see some differences in Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes. It seemed that Lin Xiaoxiao was hiding something and was unwilling to tell her.

In the past, Lin Xiaoxiao told her everything, but now he was hiding something from her. Qin lelan guessed that this matter had something to do with brother lie's fiancée.

Even her friend Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't accept her appearing next to brother lie. Of course, the citizens of country A who didn't know the truth would not understand their hidden secrets.

"Leran, are you really okay?" Lin Xiaoxiao scratched his head, glanced at Chang Li beside Qin leran, and complained softly, "He came to me just now and was fierce, saying that if anything happened to you, he would shoot me. I was so scared that something happened.”

Just after she finished speaking, Chang Li's gloomy gaze came back, making Lin Xiaoxiao shrink back in fright. She quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, as if she was afraid that Chang Li would cut off her tongue if he got angry.

"He's so mean. You probably didn't know it was the former president who was looking for me." Qin leran patted Lin Xiaoxiao on the shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile.

Chang Li is not very old, but in Qin lelan's eyes, he is a very steady young man. She has never seen Chang Li not calm. He must be really scared if he gets angry today.

Qin lelan looked at Chang Li and saw the worry that could not be concealed in his eyes. His heart softened for no apparent reason. It felt so warm and touching to have someone who cared about him so much in a foreign country.

"They say he who doesn't know is not guilty, so I won't argue with him." Lin Xiaoxiao held Qin leran's arm and shook it hard, "Leran, since there is nothing wrong, then you continue to accompany me to give me Friends, please support me. I made an appointment with him, and he will be disappointed if he doesn’t go today.”

Qin lelan couldn't refuse Lin Xiaoxiao, and was about to nod in agreement, but Chang Li stood up and refused: "Ms. Lin, my lady has something to do today, and I'm afraid it's not convenient to accompany you."

As soon as Chang Li spoke, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately hid behind Qin leran and poked half of his head out to look at him: "you are so fierce. Leran agreed to accompany me, why do you refuse me on her behalf? You Who do you think you are to her?"

Because he was afraid of Chang Li, after yelling, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately retracted his head and hid behind Qin lelan, not even daring to peek at Chang Li.

Qin lelan said: "Xiaoxiao, how about we go another day."

You can go at any time to cheer up your friends, but today, matters related to her personal safety must be dealt with in time.

Chang Li always followed her, but someone got rid of her and it took him more than ten minutes to find her specific location.

They had to find a way in time for those people to successfully take her away without the eyes and ears of the people around her, to prevent the next time.

Lin Xiaoxiao said "Oh" in disappointment, and then lowered his head in depression, as if everyone in this world looked down on me.

If it were normal, Qin lelan would go with her if his heart softened, but today she not only had no intention, but the most important thing was to find out the loophole that she was taken away without being discovered by the people around her.

Chang Li arranged for someone to take Lin Xiaoxiao to her friend, and he personally drove Qin lelan home. Neither of them spoke during the journey.

But not long after, Qin lelan's phone rang. She picked it up and saw that it was a call from her father. It seemed that he had received the news that she had been taken away.

She asked: "Chang Li, you informed my dad?"

Chang Li nodded, honestly not hiding anything: "Yes. Miss Qin's safety is the most important thing for Mr. Qin. We don't dare to neglect it at all. We will report it to him immediately if there is any situation."

Qin leran learned about the situation, then answered the phone, and said sweetly: "Dad, are you assuming it again?"

Qin Yue was silent.

Sometimes, Qin leran is really speechless and helpless towards her father.

He always remained silent and did not speak out his thoughts, always letting them guess about him, but she couldn't guess what he was thinking many times.

She thought for a while and decided to take a preemptive strike: "Dad, Uncle Quan just wants to meet with me, how come you..."

"I can only look down on his son. What qualifications does he have to talk to my daughter?" Qin Yue's serious voice came to Qin lelan's ears from the phone.

Her father is really overbearing. They are both children, so why should his daughter be more valuable than other people's sons?

Is it just because his daughter is Shengtian's daughter?

His son is still the president of country A.

Speaking of which, his status is not bad, and it is more than enough for his daughter.

However, she couldn't tell her father that.

She had to analyze the situation first to see how much her father knew about today's matter, so that she could find a solution and not let her father deepen his misunderstanding of brother lie.

Analyzing from his father's words, he was probably dissatisfied with Old Quan talking to her in private, and did not know the content of Old Quan's conversation with her.

As long as her father doesn't know the content of their conversation, then she can find a way to calm him down and make him not take this matter too seriously.

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