Chapter 907: Damn sexy!

After figuring out this key, Qin lelan felt much more relieved.

She cleared her throat and pretended to be relaxed and said: "Dear dad, is there anything wrong with Uncle Quan asking me to invite me to meet him?"

She added: "You can talk to brother lie. If you haven't given brother lie a good look, why can't uncle Quan talk to me?"

"Besides, Uncle Quan is very friendly to others and he is full of praise for me. Why are you angry? Do you have to have people oppose me and his son like you do to satisfy you?"

In order not to worry his father, and to prevent his father from becoming more dissatisfied with brother lie, Qin lelan could only tell this nonsense with his eyes open.

However, as soon as she finished speaking, the first words her dearest father said hit her hard in the face.

Qin Yue said seriously: "A father who has not even shown up for his son's appointment as president, I don't think he will really worry about his son's personal emotional issues. Now that he is worried about it, it proves that he must have other purposes."

Qin leran: "..."

How could she underestimate her father's intelligence so much?

Don't forget, her father is the helmsman of the Shengtian Group. His emotional intelligence is worrying, but his IQ is not matched by many people.

When the lie was exposed, Qin leran smiled awkwardly and said, "Dad, no matter what his intentions are, he can't bully your daughter anyway. Don't worry about that."

"Do I have to wait until my daughter is bullied before I can stand up and take care of it?" Qin Yue has always taken precautions against Qin lelan's safety.

"..." Qin leran was speechless again, because what her dearest father said was so right.

After a while, Qin Yue coughed lightly and softened his voice: "Of course, Chang Li will follow you every step of the way these days."

Qin leran pursed his lips: "Dad, I am a beautiful girl. Do I have to let him stay with me when I go home and sleep?"

Qin Yue said in a deep voice: "This matter has been settled, we can't refuse." Chang Li is the person he chose, and he can absolutely trust it.

Qin leran: "..."

As expected, he is still her overbearing father.

What can she use to fight against her father?

After ending the call with Qin leran, Qin Yue immediately dialed Zhan Nianbei's phone number. As soon as the call was connected, he asked, "Can you stay in country A for a few more days?"

As soon as Qin Yue said this, Zhan Nianbei knew something was going on. He asked, "Is someone planning to do it again?"

Qin Yue said: "That old guy Quan Lizhang sent someone to take Ranran to meet him. I don't know what he specifically said to Ranran."

Zhan Nianbei said: "The old man doesn't even care about his son taking office as president. Why did he suddenly think of seeing it?"

Although he was asking questions, Zhan Nianbei already had a rough idea in his mind that it would definitely not be a good thing for Mr. Quan to meet Qin leran.

Qin Yue did not answer Zhan Nianbei's question, but added another important point that he was particularly concerned about: "The people that Old Man Quan sent to take away Ran Ran were quite powerful, and they actually managed to avoid the spies I sent to protect Ran Ran. .”

This is what Qin Yue is particularly worried about today. The people he sent around Qin leran were supposed to protect her safety at all times, but they were dumped today.

As a father who dotes on his daughter as much as her life, how could Qin Yue not worry about Qin lelan's safety.

When Zhan Nianbei heard this, he knew the seriousness of the matter and couldn't help but frown: "Mu Zhi, since you mentioned this matter, I also have something to tell you."

Qin Yue simply hummed: "Yeah."

Zhan Nianbei thought about the strange things he discovered in the past few days, and then slowly said: "I stayed in Linhai City for a few days, and I found that there were several forces at work secretly, and several forces were targeting Quan Nanzhai. .”

Qin Yue nodded: "When Quan Nanzhai took office as president, he did not receive the power stick from his predecessor personally... This is the reason why those who covet the position of president can make a fuss about it."

Zhan Nianbei added: "Although Quan Nanzhai's people have cleared away these scattered forces, it won't be long before a similar force will emerge to compete with Quan Nanzhai. I always feel that these scattered forces will The power is controlled by a mysterious force behind it. If you want to completely eliminate these forces, it is impossible to catch the real mastermind. "

Qin Yue said: "I don't care who is behind the scenes, I only care about the safety of my daughter. If that kid Quan Nanzhai can't handle this matter, not only will he not be able to secure the position of president, I will not take my daughter away." Leave it to him."

Zhan Nianbei understood: "Since you told me not to meddle in other people's business, I won't care. I will stay in Linhai for a few more days to help you look after your baby daughter."

Qin Yue: "Yeah."

Without even a thank you, Qin Yue hung up the phone. He was still the same as before, he had never been polite to his uncle.

They knew each other too well, and Zhan Nianbei would not be angry with his eldest nephew.

"Did my brother call?" Just after hanging up the phone, Qin Xiaobao poked his head out and asked.

"Yes." Zhan Nianbei nodded and waved to Qin Xiaobao, as if calling a cute little pet, "Come here and let me hug you."

"Our children are almost grown up, and we are already an old married couple in the eyes of others. Why should we hug each other?" As he said unwilling words, Qin Xiaobao felt like the wind was blowing under his feet, and he was there in the blink of an eye. Dian Nianbei winked at him playfully.

Zhan Nianbei pulled her into his arms and held her in his arms. He lowered his head and bit her earlobe gently, which made Qin Xiaobao shrink back from the itch: "Zhan Nianbei, what on earth do you want to do?"

Zhan Nianbei bit her hard, raised his head slowly, looked at Qin Xiaobao in his arms with burning eyes, and said two words lightly: "Fuck you!"

Qin Xiaobao: "..."


It’s really terrible!

Zhan Nianbei, an old man who is very old, can actually say such shameless words.

Forget about being shameless, the key point was that the way he spoke was so sexy that she wanted to pounce on him and eat him in one bite.

She obviously wanted to knock him down, but in order to prevent him from saying what women in their thirties looked like, she had to try her best not to say anything and lowered her head pretending to be shy.

Zhan Nianbei reached out and pinched her chin, forcing her to raise her head: "Qin Xiaobao, don't tell me, don't you want to?"

Yes I do!

What a great idea!

However, she still wanted to be reserved for once.

If Zhan Nianbei, an old man, really understood her, then he could just throw her down. Why would he need to ask her if she was willing?

"You don't want to speak?" Zhan Nianbei curled his lips and smiled, with evil eyes.

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