Chapter 909: I want a child

Shen Lingxi smiled shyly: "No."

Long Yi pinched her face and looked at her with disgust: "No? If I hadn't helped you, you might have soiled your clothes."

It sounded like he disliked her, but Long Yi's words sounded full of doting.

Shen Lingxi couldn't help but blush, and blinked her round eyes. She was not a child anymore, how could she dirty her clothes.

However, if Long Yi wants to say this about her, let him have his say. Anyway, he won't really dislike her.

"Xiao Xi..."

Long Yi suddenly called her name affectionately.


Shen Lingxi looked up at him and blinked in confusion.

He stretched out his thick palm and rubbed her head: "Thank you for waiting for me! Thank you for being willing to believe in me instead of trusting the person who looks the same as me."

Suddenly hearing what Long Yi said, Shen Lingxi's heart seemed to be stabbed hard by something, and the pain made her panic.

She bit her lip and forced down the pain in her heart: "Shouldn't I wait for you? Shouldn't I believe you?"

He was her lover, the father of the child she lost, the man who truly held her in his hands and cared for her... Waiting for him to believe in him was what she should do, and she didn't want him to say thank you.

"You believe in me so unconditionally, and I..." Thinking that he suspected her of harming her because of false evidence, Long Yi wanted to slap himself hard.

"Long Yi, the past is in the past, let's not mention it anymore, okay?" Shen Lingxi put her hand into Long Yi's big palm, "Promise me that we will go on well in the future and never be separated again. "

She had been away from him for a year, and it felt like a century had passed. She didn't dare to think about whether she could hold on to being separated from him again.

Long Yi raised his hand and gently stroked her beautiful but thin face: "Well, in a few days we will leave this place and start a new life in a place where no one knows us."

After knowing the truth, Long Yi had already made a plan in his heart. After the mastermind behind the destruction of the Long family was found out and dealt with, he would take Shen Lingxi to start a new life in a place where no one knew them.

Moreover, he wanted to conceive a child with her, a girl who looked like her and was as gentle, beautiful and kind as her.

Thinking of the child who looked like Shen Lingxi and the bright future of their family of three, a gentle and happy smile appeared on Long Yi's handsome face involuntarily.

In this life, although he has experienced the pain of his family being wiped out and almost dying in a sea of ​​fire, luckily he still has her. As long as she is with him, he can overcome all pain and start a new life.

"I want to go to Provence, France." Shen Lingxi smiled softly and said, "If possible, the two of us can settle down there."

Provence is world-famous as the home of lavender, and that place also produces high-quality wine. Provence is also known as the "City of Knights" in Europe, where there are many romantic stories about love.

Shen Lingxi fantasized more than once about walking hand in hand with her beloved man in the beautiful lavender fields and writing a romantic love story between them.

"Okay. It's all up to you." Long Yi caressed her head, then suddenly pushed her head towards him, lowered his head and kissed her gently.

His kiss was gentle and lingering, like tasting fine wine. The more you tasted it, the more you could taste her unique beauty.

"Xiao Xi..."

After a long time, he gently called her name when he let her go.

"I do."

He just called her name and didn't say what he wanted to do, but people who knew him knew what he wanted to do and expressed his wishes openly.

After receiving Shen Lingxi's approval, Long Yi no longer restrained his strong desire to want her, picked her up and strode towards the room.

Shen Lingxi cautiously stretched out her hand and hooked his neck, blushing so hard that she didn't dare to look at him. Suddenly she heard Long Yi's hearty laughter: "Why is my Xiaoxi still so cute?"


Is she cute?

She is obviously shy, right?

She reached out to touch his waist, pinched him gently, and warned him not to talk anymore, but she didn't know that Long Yi was not threatened by her.

He put her on the bed and half leaned over to look at her: "Look at me."

Her face was almost burning, and he asked her to look at her. She was so ashamed that she opened her eyes and glanced at him. When she met his bottomless eyes, she closed her eyes again in fear.

This man, Long Yi, was so terrifying. His eyes looked like he wanted to swallow her in one gulp, which made her heart tremble.

"Xiao Xi, look at me." Long Yi used his gentle and sexy voice to lure her to open her eyes and look at him.

Shen Lingxi: "..."

"Xiao Xi, look at me!" He said again, unusually stubborn, as if he could spend the whole night with her if she didn't open her eyes and look at him.

Shen Lingxi: "..."

Why is this man so stubborn?

She could feel her body turning red with embarrassment. Couldn't he not let her look at him?

"Xiao Xi, look at me!"

The third time he said the same thing, he made sure to make her look at him and make her know clearly which man would want her next.

After all, Shen Lingxi couldn't resist Long Yi's stubbornness and persistence. She slowly opened her eyes with a red face.

Just as she opened her eyes, Long Yi suddenly leaned down and kissed her again. After another long while, he let her go and said, "Do you know who I am?"

He asked such a childish question, but Shen Lingxi nodded stupidly: "You are my Dragon Wing, the Dragon Wing that I love."

"Good girl, very good!" After hearing the satisfactory answer, Long Yi leaned forward and loved the woman he loved most in his most passionate way.

When he was most intimate with her, he asked her in a dumb voice: "Xiao Xi, do you know who is loving you right now?"

It was obvious that he loved her, but he didn't know what he was worried about. He just wanted to hear her tell her personally so that he could feel at ease.

Perhaps it was because he had lost her for so long that he thought he was in his dream and couldn't believe that this moment was in the real world.

Shen Lingxi breathlessly gave him a four-word answer: "You are Longyi!"

As soon as he heard the word "Long Yi", Long Yi was excited and once again took the woman he loved as his own.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe once, maybe twice, or maybe the Nth time... While Long Yi was still struggling, he heard Shen Lingxi say in a gossamer voice: "Long Yi, I want A child! Give me a child, please?”

Long Yi said in a deep voice: "Okay, we want a child!"

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