Chapter 910: Come back early

Linhai City in country A is a city with four distinct seasons.

There are spring seasons when flowers bloom, and there are also days when it snows like this.

The heavy snow this time has been falling for several days, and there is still no sign of stopping.

Qin leran sat by the window, looking at the flying snowflakes outside the window with bright lights, but what he was thinking about was Quan Lizhang and Quan Nanzhai and his son.

When Brother Lie took office as president, Quan Lizhang, as Brother Lie's father and as the former president, did not show up to hand over the power baton.

Yesterday, Quan Lizhang sent someone to arrest her again, asking her to leave brother lie, and told her that brother lie could only marry Shen Lingxi.

In Qin leran's understanding, no matter how angry the child is with his father, the father will forgive the child after he is angry, and he will still love the child as always.

Brother lie never mentioned his father in front of her. It is conceivable that the relationship between their father and son must be very bad.

There must be a reason for such a bad relationship.

What happened between father and son?

Qin lelan's head almost exploded and he didn't come up with a solution.

Forget it, don’t think about it anymore.

When brother lie comes back, she will ask him.

[Of course, what are you doing? Brother lie called! Answer the phone quickly! Answer the phone quickly! 】

The familiar and sexy voice of brother lie suddenly rang. Qin leran quickly picked up the phone to answer the call and shouted: "brother lie!"

"Of course..." Quan Nanzhai called her name, but hesitated.

"Brother Lie, your visit abroad went well." She watched the news broadcast and knew that when Brother Lie visited yesterday, he was treated with the highest ceremony by the highest local government.

Yesterday, Brother Lie also visited the country's very famous history museum, and was accompanied by the country's top leaders throughout the process.

It can be imagined that the leaders of other countries still attach great importance to diplomatic relations with country A and the new president of country A.

"Well, it went very well!" Quan Nanzhai said, his voice was deep, as if there was a lot of dissatisfaction, and this dissatisfaction might break out at any time.

"Brother Lie, what's wrong with you?" Qin leran finally heard that Quan Nanzhai was not happy, and she felt it even though she was thousands of kilometers away.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Quan Nanzhai asked without answering.

Could it be that brother lie heard that she was invited by his father to talk?

Brother lie sent someone to protect her. She thought brother lie should know about it, and this was probably what he wanted her to say.

Qin leran wanted to tell Quan Nanzhai everything in one breath, but when she thought of the tense relationship between their father and son, she didn't want to mention a word.

No matter what Quan Lizhang does, he is still Quan Nanzhai's father. She can't help the relationship between the father and son ease, but she can't let the relationship between the father and son worsen.

"Yes." Qin lelan pretended to smile relaxedly, "I want to tell brother lie that I really miss him and hope that he can appear in front of me as soon as I open my eyes tomorrow morning."

Before Quan Nanzhai could speak, she continued: "Brother Lie, I'm just thinking about it. You are busy with your work and don't worry about me."

Although she hoped in her heart that brother lie would be by her side every day, her reason still told her that she should make him focus on work and everything else be secondary.

The two of them will still have a long life in the future. When he retires and has a lot of time to accompany her, then the two of them can do the things they want to do together.

"Well, you go to bed early." That's what Quan Nanzhai said.

"Brother Lie, you should go to bed early." Qin leran forced himself to smile, but then hung up the phone with gloomy eyes.

Why didn't Brother Lie say a few nice words to comfort her?

He must not know how much she misses him.

Qin leran only knew that she was thinking about brother lie, but she didn't know that there was an inconspicuous black car parked on the road opposite her downstairs.

There was a person sitting in the black car. He looked at the lighted window of the high-rise building and said silently in his heart: "Of course, Brother Lie will not let you be wronged again."

"Mr. President, the snow is getting heavier and heavier. If we don't leave, the road may be closed at night." The driver Qiao Min waited for a long time, but did not wait for Mr. President's instructions, so he had to remind him loudly.

"Go to the sanatorium in the north of the city." Quan Nanzhai gave the order in a deep voice.

Speaking of which, he probably hadn't met that person in private on a father-son basis for more than a year.

I originally thought that everyone should live their own lives, but I didn't expect that man to attack his girl.

Since that man wants to start with his girl, he can no longer pretend that nothing happened between the two of them.

"Yes." The driver Qiao Min responded, started the car and drove out.

Because it was snowing heavily and it was night, many roads were closed and the expressway to the north of the city could not be taken, so we had to take the old road.

Taking the old road by car will take a lot of detours, so it will naturally take more time than taking the expressway.

They set off from Yuepan Bay at nine o'clock in the evening, and it took them nearly two hours to arrive at the sanatorium area in the north of the city at eleven o'clock in the evening.

When we arrived at the Gaogan Sanatorium in the north of the city, the road was already covered with thick snow. The car drove for nearly twenty minutes before reaching the yard where Quan Lizhang was resting.

It was eleven o'clock in the evening. Quan Lizhang usually had already rested at this time, but today he did not rest. He seemed to know that Quan Nanzhai was coming to see him.

The woman who was in charge of receiving Qin leran yesterday knocked on Quan Lizhang's door. Without waiting for his answer, she pushed the door in and said, "Sir, the third young master is here."

"When it's just the two of us, just call me by my name. How many times do you want me to say it?" Quan Lizhang frowned in dissatisfaction when the woman called him that.

"It's just a title. I know you have me in your heart." The woman looked at him and smiled, "He's here, do you want to see him?"

"I've wronged you all these years." Quan Lizhang sighed, looked up at the clock on the wall, and then listened to the sound of wind and snow outside, and said, "It's snowing so heavily, but he's still here. It seems like I'm My son is really a sweetheart.”

The woman did not speak because she understood Quan Lizhang and knew that he still had something to say.

Sure enough, she heard Quan Lizhang say again: "He is really similar to his mother."

The smile on the woman's lips faded instantly, she lowered her head and said, "You and your son have something to say when they meet, so I'll go down first."

She took two steps, then turned back and warned: "It's getting late, don't talk too late, and don't let him get angry. Your health is important."

"Yes." Quan Lizhang nodded, "Wanqin, I will give you a title sooner or later."

Su Wanqin smiled faintly: "Li Zhang, compared to getting a status but not getting your love, I would rather have your love than that empty status."

After saying that, she smiled softly at him again, and then walked away.

As soon as Su Wanqin left, Quan Nanzhai came.

Similarly, Quan Nanzhai also knocked on the door and pushed in without getting an answer from Quan Lizhang.

The difference is that Quan Lizhang looked kindly towards Su Wanqin, but towards Quan Nanzhai he had a stern face and said angrily: "Quan Nanzhai, you have become the president and you don't even understand the most basic courtesy? "

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