My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 915 Didn’t take a direct look

Chapter 915: Not taking a direct look

In previous years, it has snowed in Linhai City, but no year has it snowed so heavily, and no year has it snowed so long.

Today is already the third day of heavy snowfall. The heavy snowstorm is still continuing, and it seems that it is planning to finish the snow for several years at once.

Because of the heavy snow and the thick snow, a red weather warning was issued throughout the city, and all schools were closed and all units were suspended.

It was still snowing heavily and she couldn't go to work. Yaya was bored. She thought of Xiaojutan, whom she hadn't seen for many days, so she called to say hello: "Xiaojutan, what are you doing? If nothing happens, we will make an appointment to have hot pot at home. Bar."

After hearing Yaya's question, Qin leran looked back at Quan Nanzhai who was busy in the study. All units were on holiday, but he was not on holiday. He was still reading some documents and processing some things.

It had been nearly two hours since breakfast. He had been busy in the study, so busy that he didn't even have a drink of water.

Seeing that brother lie was so tired, Qin leran ran to the kitchen and was going to make a pot of coffee to cheer him up. Yaya just called.

She looked away and said apologetically: "Sister Yaya, let's wait for another day. I have some things to do today, so I can't go out."

Brother lie is busy working at her home, so forget it if she can't help him. How can she leave him at home alone while she goes out to party.

Yaya asked: "It's snowing so hard that you can't even go out. What can you do to keep you busy?"

Before Qin lelan could answer, Yaya had a flash of idea in her mind and said with a smile: "Oh oh oh, I know, you must be accompanying your lover."

Qin leran pursed his lips and smiled, and admitted openly: "Well, sister Yaya, you guessed it right, I am just accompanying my beloved brother."

Yaya added: "I often heard you say that your beloved brother is very busy. I guess everyone is not going to work today, so your beloved brother has time to accompany you. In such a rare and beautiful time, if you and him have a good time, I won't I'm disturbing you."

After saying that, Yaya was about to hang up the phone. Qin lelan quickly called her out: "Sister Yaya, wait a moment, I have something to ask you."

Yaya said: "What's the matter?"

Qin lelan thought about it and decided to ask directly. Yaya has a cheerful personality and says whatever she likes. She doesn't like to be secretive.

Qin leran said: "Sister Yaya, I said before that I went to work in a company owned by Shengtian to pursue Qin Yinze. You have been working for a while, how is the situation developing?"

Asking Yaya about this matter, Qin lelan was not only concerned about Yaya, but also wanted to know about Qin Yinze, who had not shown up for several days.

Qin Yinze, that guy, is always like a ghost, appearing next to her inadvertently. No matter what, she can't get rid of him.

In recent days, Qin Yinze has not appeared, and he doesn't know where he went?

There was so much wind and snow outside, and news came out from time to time that someone was buried in the snow, and a house was damaged by the snow... just in case something happened to him.

Qin leran admitted that she was a little worried about Qin Yinze's safety.

But she only admitted that she was worried about him a little bit, and she would never admit that she was worried about Qin Yinze, the bad guy who always made her angry.

When the word Qin Yinze was mentioned, Yaya lamented. She had lived for twenty-two years and had never been as frustrated as she is now.

She successfully became Qin Yinze's secretary. Wherever he went at work, she followed him. It could be said that the two of them were together most of the day.

But what's the use?

No matter how hard she worked, no matter how nice she dressed herself up, the man Qin Yinze didn't even look at her.

It can't be said that he didn't look at her. He did look at her, but it was at work. He didn't say a word to her outside of work.

She has been working by his side for two weeks and a half, and Qin Yinze hasn't said a word to her outside of work.

Are you angry or not?

Thinking of this, Yaya was so angry that she gritted her teeth. She wished she could find a chance to stun Qin Yinze and bite him hard.

Of course, she was just thinking about it, and was not bold enough to really dare to do anything to her immediate boss.

I miss her Yaya. Although she is not a first-class beauty, she is somewhat pretty. There have been many boys pursuing her over the years. How come she has become worthless when she comes to Qin Yinze?

Yaya feels that Qin Yinze, a man like this, is like a smelly and hard stone. She has tried all her methods but can't soften him.

"Sister Yaya, what's wrong? Is the situation going well?" Hearing Yaya sigh, Qin lelan probably guessed the situation.

She and Qin Yinze have lived under the same roof for more than ten years. She knows his personality to some extent.

Qin Yinze is also a stubborn person, and the things he believes in are difficult to change. It may be difficult for Yaya to pursue him like this to achieve results.

Qin leran wanted Yaya to give up. Just as he was about to speak, Yaya said confidently: "I know there is a woman hidden in his heart. But it doesn't matter, I will definitely kick that woman away from his heart. I'll replace it."

Qin leran: "..."

Apart from wishing Yaya success, she really didn't know what else to say to Yaya.

Yaya said again: "Xiao Jian Tan, please leave me alone, you go to accompany your beloved brother first."

Qin lelan said: "Sister Yaya..."

Yaya said: "Stop talking, I know what to do. You are busy, I will hang up."

Qin lelan listened to the busy signal on his phone, shook his head and sighed: "No one is going to work, but your president and his team still have to go to work. This is to make life easier for you citizens."

Qin leran put away his mobile phone, concentrated on making coffee, and delivered it to Quan Nanzhai personally: "brother lie, have a cup of coffee before you get busy."

"Yeah." Quan Nanzhai responded without raising his head. He stretched out his hand to hold the coffee cup as usual, but he couldn't find the coffee cup after touching it.

Because the coffee Quan Nanzhai usually drinks is prepared by his personal secretary, who stays with him all year round to take care of him, so his habits must be clearly understood.

The secretary knew that he didn't care about anything when he was busy at work, so after greeting him, he would put the coffee in the same place every time.

In this way, even if Quan Nanzhai doesn't look at it, he can reach out and get the coffee, which can save him a lot of time.

In fact, Quan Nanzhai does not have to complete these tasks alone. His team of deputy secretaries totals hundreds of people.

But in order to spend more time with Qin leran, Quan Nanzhai chose to work alone at Qin leran's place. If necessary, he would contact his deputy and secretary by phone.

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