Chapter 916: I need you

Quan Nanzhai handles things that can be dealt with by phone and video in this way. If he can't deal with them, he will let people delay them for a day and wait for him to go back to deal with them.

In order to spend more time with Qin lelan, Quan Nanzhai is also trying his best to squeeze out time.

Quan Nanzhai insisted on staying here to accompany Qin lelan. Not only could Qin leran not be happy, but he felt very guilty and blamed himself.

She has always wanted to share some things for him, but now instead of helping him, she is holding him back, how can she not blame herself.

"Brother Lie, go back and do your work. You don't have to accompany me. I have many friends in Linhai, and they can play with me. Just now a friend called and asked me if I want to have hot pot with them. "

With that said, Qin lelan turned around and went to the hanger to give him Quan Nanzhai's coat, "brother lie, go and deal with your state affairs."

"They are them, I am me." Finally, Quan Nanzhai raised his head from a pile of documents, grabbed Qin leran's hand and held it in the palm of his hand, holding it firmly, "however, I'm not here because you need me Accompany, but I need you to accompany me, do you understand?"

Qin leran: "..."

She doesn't understand.

Obviously he stayed for her sake, how come he needs her company now?

Seeing Qin leran's stupid look, Quan Nanzhai couldn't help pulling down her head and kissing her forehead: "however, how important you are to me is far more than you imagined many."

"I imagine that I am already very important in your heart, so important that no one can compare." Sometimes, Qin leran is so narcissistic.

It's not that she is narcissistic, but that she believes in brother lie so much, that he is the same as her, and must put her in the most important position in her heart.

"Well, that's the right way to think about it." Quan Nanzhai pinched her face, took a sip of the coffee she made, "it tastes good."

In fact, the coffee was boiled and too much sugar was added. It tastes strange no matter how you drink it. Not only did Quan Nanzhai not dislike it, he asked her to add another cup after drinking one cup.

Quan Nanzhai admired his face, and Qin leran was happy. He leaned in front of him and said happily, "brother lie, you like the coffee I make, so I will make it for you every day in the future."

"Okay." Quan Nanzhai nodded, and handed a document to Qin leran, "your English is good, please translate it for me."

"Brother lie, it's not very good." Qin lelan didn't reach out to take it, "the documents you read are all state secret documents, and it's not suitable for me to be an outsider."

The leakage of confidential documents can be big or small. If those who want to pull Quan Nanzhai know about it, they can use it to fan the flames.

Qin leran thinks about things and has learned from her father's caution. Before her identity is clear, she should not touch these sensitive documents, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to brother lie.

"These are not confidential documents." Quan Nanzhai said.

He was just worried that she was too bored, so he specially found an English document for her to translate for fun, so that the time would pass faster.

Jingle Bell--

Quan Nanzhai's work cell phone suddenly rang loudly.

As soon as the phone rang, Quan Nanzhai knew that something important had happened, and he immediately picked up the phone to answer: "What's the matter?"

Lin Jiacheng's very anxious voice came over the phone: "Mr. President, another big event happened. This snowstorm came too fast, and we were unprepared. In addition, it lasted for a long time, and several provinces and cities were affected degree of influence."

Quan Nanzhai frowned, and shouted coldly: "Get to the point."

These things Lin Jiacheng said are known to the whole country. As the president of a country, how could Quan Nanzhai not know.

And in the early stage, he has asked relevant departments to organize emergency rescue and disaster relief, and do his best to ensure the personal safety and property safety of the people.

Lin Jiacheng's old fritters are really getting more and more oily, and his speech is very smooth. He only picks good things to say, and he doesn't know how many turns he has to make when things are bad.

When the President roared, Lin Jiacheng immediately blurted out: "A snow trample incident occurred in Wushan Mountain. Hundreds of families in several villages at the foot of Wushan Mountain were buried. According to preliminary statistics, about 300 people were trapped at the bottom of the mountain. Their lives and deaths are unknown."

"Have the rescuers passed by?" Quan Nanzhai asked in a deep voice, his pair of beautiful sword eyebrows were getting tighter and tighter, almost frowning into two vertical lines.

"Our rescue team is already on their way to Wushan." Lin Jiacheng replied.

How dare he call and tell the President if there is no organization to arrange personnel to go to the rescue.

What kind of temper is their President, how can he not understand after he has been with the President for so long?

Quan Nanzhai ordered: "If the order continues, human life is the most important thing in everything. It is only one more person who can be saved. At the same time, the safety of the rescuers must be ensured."

While speaking, Quan Nanzhai got up, put on his coat while walking, and said: "Arrange a helicopter, and I will go to the disaster area immediately."

"Mr. President, the snow is still falling. It's too dangerous for a helicopter to fly over. Do you want to wait a little longer, at least wait until the snow stops before going to visit the rescuers and the victims." Lin Jiacheng was really worried about Quan Nanzhai, so he said Such irresponsible words.

After hearing this, Quan Nanzhai's face turned dark: "the rescue team can go by helicopter, why can't I? My life is my life, but their life is not life? "

Lin Jiacheng was also in a hurry. Regardless of his identity, he refuted Quan Nanzhai: "you are our president. They can have something to do, but you can't. "

Quan Nanzhai said: "What the citizens of country A need is a good president who can think about them, work for their welfare, and improve their lives, not a president who is greedy for life and afraid of death. "

When Quan Nanzhai went to the disaster-stricken area, he didn't help the rescue, but he went to do something exciting, so the chances of the trapped people being rescued would be greatly increased.

"Yes. I'll make arrangements now." Lin Jiacheng was speechless, so he obediently accepted the order.

Not long after Quan Nanzhai took office, there was an earthquake in Longjian. At that time, some people deliberately spread rumors, saying that the new president was not blessed by the previous president, and his position was not orthodox. This was a warning from heaven.

Now, Quan Nanzhai has only been in office for three or four months, and there has been a severe snowstorm that has never happened in country A since the founding of the People's Republic of China, which caused disasters in most provinces and cities and had a huge impact.

I am afraid that some people will spread superstitious rumors behind his back that his presidency is not authentic, manipulate the ignorant people who eat melons, and let the people come out to make trouble.

A person's strength is small and weak, but one adds one, ten adds ten, and slowly adds up, and the rumors spread slowly, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Having learned from the previous experience, this time Quan Nanzhai must stop those people's mouths before those rumors come out, so that they have nothing to say.

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