Chapter 918: Be his translator

Although she usually wishes that Qin Yinze would completely disappear from her world, and wishes that he would not appear in front of her again and hinder her, Qin leran's heart still trembled when he thought that something might have happened to him.

If Qin Yinze couldn't be contacted on the phone, she had to go to find someone.

Qin Yinze, whom Qin leran knew, lived next door to her. She hurriedly came to his door and knocked on his door.

Bang bang bang——

She was so anxious that she slammed the door with her hand, forgetting that the doorbell even existed.

After knocking for a long time, no one answered in the room. Qin lelan panicked. Did something really happen to Qin Yinze?

"Qin Yinze, are you at home? If you are at home, open the door for me. Don't hide at home and pretend to be dead!" Qin lelan was so anxious that she kicked the door with her feet. She used a lot of force. The door was not kicked open, but her My toes hurt from being kicked.

"Hiss—" She let out a long gasp and slammed the door again, "You bastard, if you don't say anything, I'm going to find someone to knock on the door or call the police."

"You're worried about me!"

Just when Qin lelan was so anxious that he wanted to blow up the door, a soft male voice came from behind him. It was not difficult to hear that the speaker was slightly happy.

Hearing the sound, Qin lelan suddenly turned around and saw Qin Yinze completely appearing at the elevator entrance. When the big stone in her heart fell to the ground, her anger rose: "Qin Yinze, why didn't you answer my call?"

Qin Yinze looked at her, her red lips opening and closing, and lightly repeated what he had just said: "You are worried about me."

"Worried about you?" Qin leran glared at him fiercely, turned and left, "I'm worried about you. I'm worried that you will die here, and I have to move."

What she said was ugly, and her tone was like eating dynamite, but Qin Yinze couldn't get angry at all, and he couldn't feel comfortable in his whole body: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

He knew that she would not call him easily. She must have asked him for help when she called him, so he deliberately did not answer the call from her.

However, now that he saw that she was so worried about his safety just now, he didn't care about a little girl like her.

Just because she was worried about Qin Yinze's safety, Qin lelan forgot her original intention of calling him. After he reminded her, she remembered: "You, you know about this snow disaster, right?"

"Yes." Qin Yinze nodded and looked at her with burning eyes. As he guessed, she asked him to help.

The moment she called, he knew she was looking for him to do something. However, when he heard her mention the snow disaster, Qin Yinze still couldn't help but feel sour.

After all, what was he thinking?

Could it be that he was holding on to the slightest expectation and fantasizing that she was just calling to care about him, not looking for him to do anything?


He felt so stupid.

So stupid that you still have unrealistic illusions even though you know it.

Qin Yinze's eyes fell directly on Qin leran, which made her feel a little uncomfortable. She looked away and said, "I want you to donate materials and money."

The fantasy that Qin Yinze held in his heart was completely broken. He sneered: "Qin leran, do you think our Qin family is doing charity?"

Qin lelan knew that Qin Yinze would not readily help. She glared at him: "Grandpa, grandma, parents do charity every year and donate money and materials to many remote areas. Why can't they come to me?"

"They can do charity because they make the money, and what about you?" Qin Yinze smiled, "My Miss Qin, what have you done for the Qin family?"

Qin leran: "..."

She and Qin Yinze really had a conflict, but she was worried about something happening to him just now. If something happened to him, she would definitely applaud him.

Qin Yinze added: "Although you haven't done anything for the Qin family, you are still the eldest daughter of the Qin family, and your father loves you so much. He would have donated money and materials in your name long ago. If nothing happened, If so, you can check it out online, you should be on the headlines again.”

Qin leran: "..."

Whatever she just thought of, her father had already done it for her, and it was like this every time.

Qin leran immediately turned on his mobile phone and opened some websites, Weibo and so on. Sure enough, he saw that the headlines were all about her - [Longjian's most beautiful face, "Little Jealousy Tan", transformed into a snow angel to send warmth]

Under the title of this article, Qin lelan's donation of materials and materials was explained in detail, and then the previous things in Longjian were explained.

If the news about the most beautiful face in the Longjian disaster area made the people of country A know Qin leran, then today's snow disaster to send warmth has made the people of country A deeply remember Qin leran's beautiful face.

The comments from netizens were almost the same as last time, and they were all full of praise and praise. The degree of exaggeration is so exaggerated that Qin lelan is so praised that this person should only exist in heaven, and absolutely does not exist in the world.

Seeing netizens praising herself, Qin lelan was slightly worried. Now that these marketing accounts are praising her so highly, will this group of people step on her together one day?

After all, things must turn against each other. This kind of thing happens often. If it happens to her, it is not impossible.

"Alas -" Qin leran sighed. She really didn't know whether these things would be good or bad for her future as brother lie's presidential wife.

After praising Qin leran, naturally many netizens couldn't sit still, and everyone began to search for this girl's information.

Strangely enough, no matter how hard they searched, they could not find any personal information about this girl, as if she was an angel sent by God to save them.

Similarly, Lin Jiacheng did not miss the news. Soon he called: "Miss Qin, I want to discuss something with you."

Qin leran avoided Qin Yinze's eyes, turned around and entered the house, closing the door: "Mr. Lin, I don't want to discuss the matter I have decided."

Lin Jiacheng added: "I have seen the news on the Internet. Miss Qin, you really want to help Mr. President and contribute to him."

Qin leran asked: "What then?"

Lin Jiacheng said again: "Mr. President's secretarial team is full of people."

Qin lelan's voice sank, and his eyes showed displeasure: "If you can't block it, you can block it. I have to go to his side to do things."

Lin Jiacheng thought that this girl looked as cute and gentle as his master, but she was very domineering at heart. He quickly added: "But Mr. President also needs an English translator. I think Miss Qin should be qualified for this task."

Qin lelan has lived in New York since she was a child. English is her second mother tongue. In addition, she has language talent and is a famous academic in school. There is no problem in asking her to be an English translator.

She smiled heartily: "Well, I'll be his translator. But you can't tell him in advance."

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