My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 919 Discuss Countermeasures

Chapter 919: Discuss Countermeasures

The snow continues.

The impact of snow disasters is getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, the most severely affected area was the Wushan area. Dozens of households and hundreds of people in several villages at the foot of Wushan Mountain were buried.

After receiving the news, the relevant departments immediately arranged paratroopers to go to the rescue. Mr. President also rushed to the disaster area to express condolences to the rescue workers and the trapped people.

The national central news channel broadcasts the rescue work in the disaster area at all times, so that people across the country can know the progress of the rescue work in the disaster area at the first time.

However, compared to the wind and snow outside, compared to the soldiers who went to the disaster area to rescue and their president, there is a group of people who live a very comfortable life.

On a snowy day, the most pleasant thing is to find a tavern with friends, drink soju, eat barbecue, and chat.

A small tavern with an inconspicuous appearance, but a particularly comfortable and warm interior. Only one table of guests were entertained today, and a small sign indicating that it was full was hung on the door.

There were only two guests at one table, and the first and second floors were full of empty seats. I don’t know why the tavern owner didn’t entertain other guests.

The two guests were sitting by the window on the second floor of the tavern. Looking out the window, they could just enjoy the white snow scene.

But their attention was not on the snowy scene outside the window, but on the TV on the wall. The TV happened to be tuned to the Central News Channel, which was showing the President visiting the disaster area.

Quan Nanzhai held a big loudspeaker and shouted to the victims and rescue workers: "No matter how much material and financial resources we use, we will do our best to rescue every one of our trapped people."

"Humph, this bastard has done a great job!" Guest A, one of the two guests in the tavern, picked up the TV remote control and turned off the TV.

Guest B, who was sitting opposite guest A, picked up the jug and added a glass of wine to him, and smiled calmly: "Quan Nanzhai is willing to put on a show to fool the crowd, then let him act. Why are you so anxious with him? "

Guest A showed dissatisfaction: "Seeing that Quan Nanzhai's popularity is getting higher and higher day by day, more and more people support him day by day, and his position is becoming more and more secure day by day. You can still sit there." live."

Guest B filled up Guest A's wine, then slowly added another glass for himself, still saying calmly: "Some things are not his. Even if he snatches them away, they cannot become his."

Guest A looked at Guest B's indifferent expression and murmured again: "Are you really not a little anxious in your heart?"

Guest B did not answer Guest A's words. He held the wine glass and smelled the aroma of the soju: "Well, it's really good wine! There are so many taverns, and yours is the most fragrant."

The more indifferent Guest B seemed to be, the more anxious Guest A became: "I'm talking to you about business, what are you talking about about wine? You want to drink, but there is no wine anywhere."

Guest B raised his glass and took a sip of the wine, and then said: "It's snowing so heavily today. Is it easy for me to go out? Just have a few drinks with me."

One insisted on talking about the so-called business, but the other was silent and unwilling to mention the so-called business. The atmosphere was somewhat deadlocked for a while.

After waiting for a long time, I watched Guest B pour a glass of wine into his stomach. Guest A was actually the owner of this tavern. He glared at the person in front of him and became slightly angry: "What are you planning on?"

Guest B said: "The snow is still falling, and it looks like it will get heavier and heavier. Today, several villages under the foggy mountains were buried. Who knows whether more places will be buried tomorrow."

The shop owner was so anxious that he poured a glass of wine into his mouth and said, "What does the snow have to do with what I want to tell you?"

Guest B smiled and said slowly: "As long as the snow doesn't stop, the disaster will continue. One disaster point and two disaster points can be taken care of... If the disaster area becomes wider and wider, the government may not be able to take care of it..." ”

The words were so obvious that the shop owner finally understood. He smiled inwardly and laughed loudly: "As long as the government fails to rescue in time, the people will complain. At that time, some people will naturally push Quan Nanzhai to step down."

Guest B sipped his wine, with a cold and determined smile between his eyebrows, but he did not continue to answer the shop owner's words.

The shop owner added: "It seems that the two of us should raise our glasses and have a toast. I hope the heavy snow will not stop for a few more days."

"Well, let's have a drink." Guest B squinted his eyes slightly, with an extremely disdainful light flashing in his eyes.

In his opinion, asking God for more snow for a few days is just the idea of ​​some useless people. He said it casually, and this stupid person actually believed it.

He really didn't understand. That person was so smart and had been strategizing behind the scenes for so many years. How could he use such subordinates?

However, he is just using people's money to do things for others. He has no control over what kind of subordinates that person wants to use, nor does he want to.

It's just that it's really hard to talk to such a stupid person every time.

Because he got Lin Jiacheng's reply, Qin leran could soon go to Quan Nanzhai to be a translator.

Thinking of being able to go to work and get off work with brother lie every day in the future, Qin lelan felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

She was so excited that she rolled on the sofa a few times and ran around the sofa a few times, looking like a little lunatic who had lost her mind.

While excited, Qin lelan thought of her family in New York, but it was afternoon here and midnight there, so it was not easy to call them and disturb them.

She endured it, but couldn't help it anymore. She picked up her cell phone and dialed her mother's cell phone. She thought her mother would turn off her phone, but who knew that her mother was connected just as she called.

My mother's gentle and somewhat sleepy voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone: "Baby, why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"Mom, I'm sorry, I woke you up." Qin leran spit out his playful tongue, "I'm just too excited and want to find someone to share the joy."

"Baby, it's okay." Jian Ran's voice became gentler, "Tomorrow is the weekend, I can sleep a little longer. If you have anything, just tell me."

"Mom, you are so kind!" Qin lelan can't wait to get into his father's arms and act like a baby.

In this life, the happiest thing for her is to have such a good father and mother and such a good family.

Both their mothers doted on her like a baby, so she had never experienced brother lie's feeling that her father didn't love her and her mother didn't care.

"Silly boy, you are my and your father's baby!" Jian Ran chuckled, "Tell me, what kind of good things do you want to share with me?"

"Hehe..." Qin leran giggled, "Mom, I can go to work next to brother lie."

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