Chapter 920: Jealous Qin Yue

"Well, it is indeed an exciting thing." Jian Ran's soft voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone to Qin lelan's ears, "congratulations to our baby for finally being able to work next to his sweetheart."

Her voice was gentle, and she didn't sound surprised at all. It seemed like she had expected her baby girl to do that.

"Mom, but I still have some worries." Her mother has always supported herself. Qin leran knows that it is difficult to explain to her father.

It was she who took the initiative to ask to work next to brother lie. If her father misunderstood that it was brother lie who asked her to endure hardships and hardships, she would be in big trouble.

"Of course, don't worry and go work next to your brother lie. Your father still has me here." Of course Jian Ran knew what her daughter was worried about.

"Thank you, mom!" Qin lelan said sweetly.

Every time she couldn't handle her father, her mother would come out to help. As long as her mother helped, there would never be a time when she couldn't handle her father.

Qin lelan was happy when he heard this. The man lying next to Jianran turned dark when he heard it. He approached Jianran very dissatisfied and took a bite on her neck.

"Hiss—" Jian Ran hissed in pain and turned around to glare at him. How could this man act so randomly at this time?

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Qin leran asked worriedly when he heard Jianran's gasp.

"Maybe she was bitten by an insect." Jian Ran couldn't say it was Qin Yue who bit her, so she had to find an excuse at random.

Who knew that as soon as this excuse came out, that cold and smelly man Qin Yue took her into his arms, held her in his arms and bit her again.

Jian Ran: "..."

She held in her breath to keep from screaming.

But she was not a little sheep who was still being bullied by Qin Yue. She raised her hand and hit Qin Yue hard with her elbow.

She bumped into Qin Yue. Not only did Qin Yue feel no pain, he actually had a slight smile on his face. He held her in his arms and bit her again.

Jian Ran warned him with her eyes: "I'm still on the phone with my daughter, don't mess around."

But Qin Yue was really stubborn when he was stubborn, and he was overbearingly stubborn. Instead of letting go of Jian Ran, he reached out and dug into her clothes.

Jian Ran quickly grabbed his hand, and suddenly heard Qin leran calling her in a soft voice: "Mom..."

"Well, honey, I'm listening, you said..." Jian Ran stuttered a little because she was worried that her daughter would hear something.

Thinking that her embarrassment was all caused by Qin Yue, Jian Ran turned her head and glared at him fiercely, but Qin Yue leaned over and kissed her again.

Jian Ran: "..."

Really, only animals and men are difficult to raise!

Qin leran's soft and sweet voice came again: "Mom, actually I just want to ask you, what do you think of brother lie?"

Qin lelan knows that his father has a bad impression of brother lie, but he doesn't know what his mother thinks of brother lie.

Although her mother did not object to her being with brother lie, she did not directly say that she liked brother lie.

Because his desire to marry brother lie is getting stronger and stronger, Qin leran also hopes that his sweetheart can be recognized by his family, so he asks such a question.

"Lie?" Jian Ran's impression of Lie has always been very good, even before.

Now that she has less contact with him, Jian Ran doesn't know him very well, but she believes that a boy who once protected her daughter with his own life is someone she can trust for life.

"Mom, don't you like him?" Because his father no longer likes brother lie, Qin leran is very concerned about what his mother thinks of brother lie.

After all, no matter how good she thinks brother lie is, she still hopes that his goodness will be recognized by her parents.

"How could I not like him?" Jian Ran comforted him softly, thought for a while, and then said, "Lie left a deep impression on me. When I first saw him, I felt that this boy was not simple."

As Jian Ran was talking, she suddenly received a sharp look. She looked up and met Qin Yue's jealous gaze.

This man, she was talking to her daughter about her future son-in-law. Could it be that he was so stingy that he was jealous?

Jian Ran rolled her eyes at him and then looked away. She really didn't want to deal with this jealous man.

Qin lelan on the other end of the phone is still asking: "Mom, do you just think brother lie is not simple? Don't you have any other opinions?"

Jian Ran added: "Later, he stayed with you, pampered you, and even protected you with his life... At that time, I was thinking that when my daughter grows up in the future, it would be great to find such a boy who loves her and takes care of her. How nice.”

Mother said she wanted Brother Lie to be her son-in-law, which means she had a very good impression of Brother Lie.

Qin leran said in surprise: "Mom, do you really think so?"

"Yes." Jian Ran nodded, "Because he was injured and disappeared, I felt sad and regretful for many years. Fortunately, I didn't give up and found him."

"Mom, I love you!" Qin leran could not wait to shout long live to his mother.

Her mother is more considerate of her, and the men she likes are the same as her. Unlike her father, who is picky and picky, she always feels that brother lie is not good here and there is not good there.

"Baby, I love you too! By the way, there is also your father, he loves you very much too!" Jian Ran said gently.

Qin leran said again: "Mom, I won't disturb your sleep. We will talk another day."

Listening to her daughter's joyful voice, Jian Ran was in a good mood: "Goodbye, baby!"

She hung up the phone, and Qin Yue's low, sexy and dissatisfied voice immediately sounded in her ears: "Is your first impression of that boy Quan Nanzhai really that profound?"

"Why am I so impressed with him?" Jian Ran asked back.

"What else happened?" Qin Yue's face was gloomy and he looked very unhappy.

"It's not bright yet, I want to sleep for a while." Jian Ran turned away and didn't want to pay attention to him, and she didn't know what he was having a bad temper about.

She thought Qin Yue was going to quarrel with her, so she moved a little to the side, trying to distance herself from him, but Qin Yue made no movement.

Jian Ran couldn't help but look back at him again, and saw that he had closed his eyes. It seemed that everything was fine.

She then closed her eyes and slept peacefully. When she was about to fall asleep, her body was suddenly pulled into Qin Yue's arms again. His deep voice sounded in her ears: "Why didn't you remember me back then?"

"Why don't you remember you?" Jian Ran rubbed her eyes and thought for a moment. He might be talking about what happened after he found her. She hurriedly explained, "Because I lost my memory back then."

"Have you lost your memory?" Qin Yue's face turned even darker.

I remember that when they first met, she not only scolded him but also spat on him, making him remember her firmly, but she had no impression of him at all.

She actually had the nerve to say that she had lost her memory at this time!

Qin Yue really wanted to squeeze this woman to death!

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