My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 926 Brother lie is okay?

Chapter 926: Brother lie is okay?

More than ten years!

How long is it?

More than ten years!

What does it mean?

Qin leran didn't think much about these concepts.

All she knew was that when she was just a four-year-old little girl, there was a big boy who doted on her, protected her, and was the superhero in her heart.

In the past ten years, what she has thought about most is to grow up quickly. When she grows up and has the ability, she will go find the superhero who should belong to her but has left.

Before coming to country A, she only held a chain with a special totem that he gave her. It took her two or three years to find information about the totem, and she finally found some clues to find him.

Now, she finally found him, and the two of them had not lived a good life together for a few days. How could she let him abandon her again.


Absolutely not!

She would never let him leave her alone!

Even if she robbed him, she would snatch him back.

Qin lelan bit his lip hard and forced himself to calm down again.

If she couldn't get any more news from Beigong, she could only find another way. No matter how much it cost, she must go to brother lie's side.

Jingle Bell--

In the quiet night, a harsh phone ring suddenly rang. Qin lelan was frightened and answered the phone immediately.


She wished that the person making the call was Brother Lie, so she said the word "hello" very quietly, as if she was worried that if she spoke louder, she would scare Brother Lie and hang up the phone.

"Ran Ran……"

A low male voice came from the phone. It was low, nice and sexy, and it was Qin leran's most familiar voice.

He called her name, his voice was as gentle as water, as if he wanted to give her all the tenderness and love in the world.

"Brother Lie?"

Qin leran couldn't believe what his ears heard.

She quickly tugged on her ears and looked at her phone again and again to confirm that someone was talking to her and not that she was hallucinating again.

"Ran Ran!"

The person on the other end of the phone called her name again, and her voice was still so gentle that it made people feel happy and sweet bubbles rising in their hearts.

Is it really Brother Lie?

Is it really him?

Didn't she hear it wrong?

Qin leran was so nervous that he clenched his fists again and again. He was so nervous that he couldn't make a sound even if he tried to ask him several times.

After waiting for a long time, her emotions calmed down a little. She asked, "Brother Lie, is it really you?"

Qin leran asked so quietly, and the cautiousness in her tone made people feel sad. She cared so much about her brother lie.

"Silly girl, who else could I be?"

A man's deep and pleasant laughter came from the other end of the phone.

By the way, Qin lelan remembered that her brother lie usually liked to laugh at her like this. She was all too familiar with this kind of laughter.

However, Qin leran still couldn't believe it, and asked cautiously again: "Brother Lie? Are you really my brother Lie?"

She didn't dare to think about it, what if this was her hallucination again?

She thought she might go crazy.

"Silly girl, why are you talking nonsense today?" The person on the other end of the phone sighed and said, "Just because I didn't come back to have dinner with you today, you don't know me."

"It's really brother lie!"

Because only brother lie knew that she was waiting for him to come home to have dinner together tonight, and only brother lie would talk to her in such a nice voice.

In an instant, Qin leran seemed to have come to heaven from hell, and her world became brighter instantly.

A moment ago, she felt like she was in an ice cellar, so cold that she couldn't feel the warmth, but in an instant, she felt that the whole world was warm.

Brother lie is okay!

Brother lie was still talking to her on the phone nicely!

She really wanted to cheer, scream, and tell people all over the world!

She knew that her strong brother loved her so much, how could he leave her alone.

"Of course, I'm waiting for you in the parking lot downstairs. Come out and I'll take you to a place." The pleasant voice of "Brother Lie" came from the phone receiver again.

"Okay." Because the other party was brother lie, and because he was still immersed in the joy of regaining his lost body, Qin lelan didn't think about anything else.

She didn't think about why brother lie called her from an unknown number; she didn't think about it being midnight; nor did she think about how difficult and troublesome it would be to travel when the heavy snow was still continuing and the road was blocked by heavy snow outside...

She only knew that brother lie was waiting for her downstairs. She only knew that brother lie was waiting for her downstairs. As long as he asked her to go, she would go.

She turned back to the room, put on beautiful clothes, and then wrapped herself in a thick down jacket, wrapping herself tightly.

After changing her clothes and going out, Qin lelan was alert that something was wrong until the door was closed. She didn't have the time to think about what was wrong specifically, because her mind was all on brother lie.

She waited until the elevator went downstairs. Just after she got off the first floor, Chang Li came in: "Miss, it's so late, where are you going?"

"Chang Li, it's okay. You go back and have a rest. I'll go see my brother lie." Knowing that brother lie is still fine, Qin leran's whole person is happy. He raises his eyebrows and smiles unconsciously when he speaks, which makes Chang Li beside him I can feel that she is really happy and not pretending.

"Miss, it's very late now. Even if you want to see Mr. President, let's go tomorrow. Anyway, he is in Beigong and can't escape." Chang Li didn't know why Qin lelan suddenly became so relaxed and couldn't help but He stared at her beautiful face a few more times.

"He is waiting for me downstairs." Qin lelan said.

Upon hearing Qin leran's words, Chang Li reacted very quickly. He grabbed her wrist and quickly pressed every descending floor in the elevator with one hand.

Qin leran didn't know the situation: "Chang Li, what are you doing?"

Chang Li said: "Miss, there is a conspiracy!"

Soon, the elevator door stopped at the nearest building and opened. Chang Li dragged Qin lelan out of the elevator.

"Brother Lie is waiting for me in the parking lot downstairs. What conspiracy can there be?" Qin leran wanted to see Brother Lie right away. Her mood was so urgent that she was very strong and struggled to get rid of Chang Li. .

She turned around and wanted to go back to the elevator, but Chang Li pulled her again: "Miss, something really happened to Mr. President. How could he appear in the parking lot at this time? If you didn't hear wrong, it was definitely a conspiracy."


Chang Li's words made Qin lelan feel that his heart suddenly dropped and he fell to the ground and was shattered.

Something really happened to brother lie!

There was no way he was in the parking lot.

It's just that she didn't want to believe that something had really happened to brother lie, so she was confused by "his" voice, and she thought that the only person who could speak his voice was him.

She had studied dubbing in school before and knew that there were many strange talents in the dubbing industry. They could not only imitate human voices, but also the sounds of various animals.

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