My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 927 Let’s see who is playing with whom?

Chapter 927: Let’s see who plays who?

Something really happened to brother lie!

Qin leran can be sure.

It's just that she still has some illusions, hoping that the person calling her is her brother lie.

Chang Li dragged Qin leran through the emergency passage upstairs and said as he walked: "Miss, you stay at home first, and I'll go see the situation."

Qin leran pulled Chang Li backhand: "Chang Li, I know the person who called me is probably an imposter, but I still want to see her."

Who would pretend to be brother lie when his life or death is unknown?

The answer is obvious, that is brother lie's enemy.

Apart from work matters these days, Brother Lie's most important thing is to find out those who are hiding behind the scenes to oppose him.

Now that the opportunity has come, Qin leran wants to seize the man behind the scenes for brother lie, so that brother lie can secure his position as president in the future.

"No! No! The situation is unknown now. I don't know if I can control this danger. You stay at home and can't go anywhere." Suddenly, Chang Li seemed to be a different person, his voice was extremely stern. .

Qin leran looked up at him and saw that his eyes were full of worry. The worry was too real and could not be pretended.

"I know." Qin leran said.

At this moment, she calmed down a lot. She understood that besides brother lie, there were many people who cared about her and were reluctant to let her suffer a little injustice.

After calming down, Qin lelan's brain gradually returned to normal movement. She knew that going to meet the person pretending to be brother lie without sufficient preparation was simply self-defeating.

She can't go!

She had to find a way to go down and meet those people, but also to prevent them from attacking her.

Underground Parking Lot.

The parking lot is full of cars, and all of them are high-end luxury cars. You can indirectly know that there are rich people living in Yuepan Bay.

Normally, after the car is parked, the car owner will get out of the car, and few people will stay in the car. However, today there were several cars in the parking lot with people sitting in them.

The car they were in was kept secret very well. They could see clearly from the car, but they could not be seen from the outside.

Some of them were concentrating on observing the vehicle entrances and exits of the parking lot, and some were concentrating on observing the entrances and exits of the elevators in the community.

Due to heavy snow and road closures, they have been here for a long time, and no vehicles or people can be seen coming or going.

There was a black business car parked very close to the elevator entrance. There were three men sitting in the car, a driver, a man in a black suit and sunglasses, and a man in a jacket who looked very relaxed. man.

The man's slender white fingertips tapped rhythmically on the leather seat, while his deep and complex eyes stared intently at the elevator entrance.

It looked like he was waiting for someone.

After he made the call, he kept looking in the direction of the elevator entrance and didn't look back for a long time.

As time passed by, the rhythm of his finger playing became faster and faster. It could be seen that his heart was not as calm as it seemed on the surface.

Although his facial expression did not change at all, the movement of his fingers betrayed him. He should be anxious.

After waiting for a while, he still didn't see the person he was waiting for. He finally frowned slightly in displeasure and raised his wrist to check the time.

A full ten minutes passed after hanging up the phone. Logically speaking, the girl should have arrived, but he did not see her shadow.

His black eyes narrowed, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes. Did that person discover something?

Or, as they expected, Quan Nanzhai was fine at all?

Just as he was thinking, the door to the elevator entrance suddenly opened, and a pretty figure stood at the door, looking back and forth, as if looking for someone.

When the man saw her appearing, he raised the corners of his lips and smiled with satisfaction. He took out his mobile phone and dialed the number he just called again...

However, before his finger touched the green button to make a call, a luxury off-road vehicle suddenly drove in from the vehicle entrance. The car drove straight towards them at a very fast speed.

The man stopped dialing the phone immediately and sat calmly in the car. The car swung beautifully and stopped in the parking space next to them.

The driver's door opened first, and a tall middle-aged man came out of the car, followed by a young woman and a child from behind.

The man recognized them. They were a family of three. The man was Zhan Nianbei, the powerful commander of the Jiangbei Military Region, the woman was his wife Qin Xiaobao, and the brat Zhan Limo.

Why did their family of three suddenly appear here?

Could it be...

"Uncle, little aunt, Xiao Limo, why are you here?"

Seeing their family of three appear, the little girl Qin lelan was very surprised. It didn't look like she knew they were coming in advance.

Qin Xiaobao stepped forward and hugged her wrist, then tapped the bridge of her nose and said, "Because your parents know that we are in Linhai City and know that it has been snowing heavily for a few days, they are afraid that you will be lonely, so they asked us to come and stay with you for a few days." sky."

Qin Xiaobao turned around and pointed at the two large bags of items that Zhan Nianbei had just taken out from the back seat of the car: "It's the most fun to make hot pot in the ice and snow. I specially asked your uncle to prepare hot pot ingredients. We will go home and make hot pot later. ”

"But..." Qin lelan scratched his head and smiled apologetically, "brother lie made an appointment with me. He wants to take me to a good place."

"Brother Lie?" Qin Xiaobao said dissatisfied, "So you were waiting for him. I thought you knew we were coming and came here to wait for us."

Qin leran said nothing, but her expression showed that she was waiting for brother lie.

Qin Xiaobao turned around and looked around, and said, "There is no ghost here except us. Did he lie to you?"

"No. He won't lie to me." Qin lelan took out the mobile phone in his pocket. "He may not have arrived yet. I'll call him and ask him."

Seeing Qin leran making a call, the man immediately turned off his phone and stared at Qin leran without blinking.

When she couldn't get through the call, the curve of her lips slowly faded, and her eyes dimmed a little: "Brother Lie has turned off his phone, and I can't contact him."

Qin Xiaobao dragged Qin leran away: "with such heavy snow, we have to live in another building to get here. You ask him to come from Beigong, unless he flies in a helicopter. But think about it, he is alone The President will definitely not be so high-profile because of a woman, he still has to take into account his presidential image. "

Watching Qin leran being dragged back by Qin Xiaobao, the man sitting next to him in the car asked in a low voice: "Master, our purpose is to take away this little girl, are we going to let her go like this?"

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