My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 929 If he dies, you will die too?

Chapter 929: If he dies, you will die too?

Qin Yue's low and sexy voice came to Qin lelan's ears from the mobile phone receiver again: "Of course, we believe you!"

Qin Yue only said these few words to Qin lelan and didn't say anything else, which was very consistent with his usual style of being cold and talkative.

But a few words are enough for Qin lelan. They believe in her, which is not to give her the greatest encouragement.

She smiled: "Thank you, Dad!"

Qin Yue: "Yeah."

Even in front of his daughter, the aloof Mr. Qin still maintains his style of cherishing words like gold.

"Brother, we are responsible for the matter here. Please stay with your sister-in-law." Qin Xiaobao grabbed the phone and said something. She hung up the phone before Qin Yue could speak.

In front of Qin Yue, Qin Xiaobao is still very courageous. She feels that now that she has the protection of Zhan Nianbei, even the Tathagata Buddha will not be afraid.

If Qin Yue really dares to bully her, she will definitely drag Zhan Nianbei out and let Zhan Nianbei use his identity as uncle to suppress him, even though this identity cannot suppress Qin Yue at all.

Well, people are like this in many cases. After the scar is healed, they forget about the pain. When doing things, they just rely on their mood. They always forget about the consequences.

Qin Xiaobao will always forget how badly this man who she once called Brother Wooden has treated her!

She returned the phone to Zhan Nianbei and pushed Qin leran back to the room: "It's not too early now. Let's go back to the room and rest. We can wait until dawn tomorrow to discuss everything."

Just when Qin Xiaobao pushed Qin leran back to the room, everyone belatedly discovered a person standing at the door of the room, a tall and strong man wearing a suit.

He stood steadily at the door and looked at them. It seemed that he had been standing there for a long time, but no one noticed him.

"Aze, when did you come? Why didn't you say anything when you came?" The person who asked the question was Qin Xiaobao, who was responsible for enlivening the atmosphere.

But Qin Yinze didn't even look at Qin Xiaobao. His eyes fell firmly on Qin leran, as if he wanted to look into the depths of her heart.

Qin Yinze didn't answer or look at her. Qin Xiaobao was a little unhappy: "Aze, what are you doing? If you have anything to say, just come in and say it. It's scary standing there."

"Little aunt, I have something to talk to Ranran alone." Qin Yinze spoke to Qin Xiaobao, but the person looking at him was Qin leran.

"I'm sorry! I'm sleepy and want to go to bed early." Qin leran's attitude towards Qin Yinze has been like this since she was a child. She would try not to say another word to him if she could not talk to him.

It's been like this since I was a kid, and it's never changed.

Qin Yinze ignored Qin leran's refusal, came to Qin leran's side in a few steps, and dragged Qin leran into her room in full view of the public.

He kicked the door shut, threw Qin lelan on her comfortable and warm big bed, stood in front of the bed and looked down at her lying on the bed.

Qin leran sat up and shouted angrily: "Qin Yinze, what do you want to do?"

Qin Yinze didn't answer her. His eyes fell on her face. He looked at her as if he were looking at a woman he had never seen before.

The look in his eyes...

Qin leran didn't know how to describe the way Qin Yinze looked at her. He only knew that when he looked at her, she felt uncomfortable all over and even breathless.

She didn't know what was going on, but no matter how he looked at her before, she would always stare back at him without fear.

But today, when he looked at her, for the first time, Qin lelan was so nervous that she couldn't speak. This was something she had never experienced before.

After a long while, Qin Yinze finally looked away from her face and looked at the window on one side, and said softly: "Quan Nanzhai is dead, will you die with him?"

"Qin Yinze, what are you talking about?" Qin leran shouted back excitedly, how could anything happen to her brother lie? He would never be fine.

Brother lie has not done what he promised her, and he will never break his promise. She believes in him more than she believes in herself.

"Ranran, tell me, can you?" Qin Yinze asked again, determined to hear the answer he wanted to hear from her mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Qin lelan didn't want to pay attention to him. She really didn't want to pay attention to him and wanted him to disappear from her eyes immediately.

"Of course, you don't know how, right?" Qin Yinze suddenly stepped forward, pulled Qin lelan into his arms, ignored her struggle, and held her tightly, "Of course, you not only have the right to Nan Zhai , you still have your parents and your little cutie, you have many, many relatives, you will never do anything stupid, right?"

He was shaking, scared, panicking...

When he was ten years old, he saw his parents being hit and killed by a car. He was not afraid at all, but at this moment, his tall body was trembling slightly with fear.

"Qin Yinze, what are you talking about? I'm fine, why should I die." Qin lelan pushed him hard and escaped from his arms.

"I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't know why I came to you." Suddenly her hands were empty, Qin Yinze smiled, her smile was a little bitter, but she was relieved that she would not seek death. He felt at ease.

He knew clearly in his heart that even if there was no such person as Quan Nanzhai in the world, Qin lelan still couldn't belong to him.

Because more than ten years ago, from the moment he was led to the Qin family and he called Qin Yue daddy, he had a brand new identity.

——The adopted son of the Qin family and the elder brother of Qin lelan!

These things circled in his mind every day and tortured him every day, but he couldn't change anything. He could only watch the girl run into the arms of other men.

Yes, why is he here looking for her?

It's just another humiliation!

He smiled bitterly, shook his head, and turned to leave, but Qin leran suddenly jumped up and blocked his way: "Qin Yinze, did you get any news?"

"Didn't you get the news?" Qin Yinze smiled, staggered him and continued to walk out. After taking two steps, Qin lelan blocked his way again.

She stared at him angrily, as if looking at an enemy: "Qin Yinze, since you are here, please speak clearly. Don't be so arrogant."

Weird and strange?

After he got the news that Quan Nanzhai had died, he rushed to see her immediately, just to confirm with his own eyes whether she was safe.

Want to know if she is okay.

But she said he was eccentric.

However, she can't be entirely blamed.

It was he who couldn't control himself when he looked at her. He always said some inexplicable words to attract her attention, and always did some strange things to make her eyes see him.

Unexpectedly, it backfired.

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