Chapter 930: Fake death?

Qin Yinze looks at Qin lelan.

Looking at her pretty face that was stained with anger.

She is really good-looking, and she is the kind of person who can be found in a crowd of thousands of people at a glance.

Especially when she smiles, her eyebrows are arched, and her eyes seem to contain a river of stars, as bright and beautiful as the rising sun in the morning.

All along, what he liked to see most was her smile.

Because he likes to see her smile, and she always has a straight face when facing him, he always likes to stand in the corner and watch her smile secretly.

In this life, she may not know that she is the little sun that he has been pursuing that can give him warmth.

Thinking of her, himself, and the future they would never have... Qin Yinze felt a trace of sourness in his heart.

One of the eight sufferings in life is not getting what you want!

After becoming the adopted son of the Qin family, he had a warm family, lived a rich life that everyone envied, went to the best university in the world, and took over part of Shengtian's work.

He has long been known as the eldest young master of the Qin family.

Because of his identity, wherever he goes, people are vying to fawn over him.

But no matter how noble his status was, no matter how many people fawned over him, all he wanted was her heart.

But, he couldn’t ask for it!

Can't ask for it!

He could only forcefully suppress his emotions and fantasies about her again and again.

"Qin Yinze, what are you shaking your head for? What do you know?" Because he is concerned about Quan Nanzhai's safety, Qin Yinze's every movement and expression can make Qin leran worried.

"What do I know? Do you want to know?" His thoughts were interrupted by her. He smiled and raised his brows slightly, which also softened his usually cold face.

"Come and listen." No matter whether the news is good or bad, Qin lelan needs to know that she can't deceive herself and only listen to good news.

It seemed that she really didn't know the news of Quan Nanzhai's death. Should he tell her?

Can she bear it after learning the news?

After thinking for a long time, Qin Yinze made a decision and told her.

Quan Nanzhai's accidental death can only be hidden from Qin leran for a while, but not for the rest of her life. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, so it's better to let her know.

Qin Yinze said: "Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise me..."

Qin lelan interrupted him: "just tell me. I'm not as fragile as you think."

Qin Yinze glanced at her a few more times and then said slowly: "Quan Nanzhai's plane crashed while flying back from Wushan. You should know this news."

Qin lelan nodded.

Seeing that she was so calm and composed, Qin Yinze was a little worried. He was wondering whether he should tell her the news he got later.

"Then what?" Qin lelan asked.

Now that half of the words have been said, let's tell her, he added: "There is news that Quan Nanzhai's body has been found where the helicopter crashed."

"Found his body?" Qin leran sneered coldly, "Have you seen his body with your own eyes? If you haven't seen it with your own eyes, then don't spread it."

Qin lelan has always been uneasy and uneasy, but when he heard the news, he felt surprisingly calm.

Even she didn't know why, she just believed that brother lie would be fine. Maybe brother lie was using fake death to lure the snake out of the hole.

Thinking of the possibility that Quan Nanzhai deliberately faked his death, Qin lelan was so excited that his body shook, and his heart beat much faster in an instant.

Could it be fake death?

Will brother lie use fake death to lure the snake out of the hole?

is it possible?

Qin lelan bit his lip and thought about it carefully.

The aircraft that Mr. President took was inspected over and over again by dedicated personnel. He must make sure that the aircraft was 100% safe before he would board the aircraft. There was nothing abnormal about the weather when he flew back and had an accident.

The possibility that Mr. President's plane suddenly malfunctioned was very small, but the possibility that Brother Lie would fake his own death to lure the snake out of its hole was very high.

Because he has been looking for the people behind the scenes, but has never been able to find those people. It is not impossible to use such a plan at such a critical moment.

It was not only for this reason that Qin leran made such a judgment, but she could also detect some clues from the conversation between Lin Jiacheng and her.

Because she was so excited before, she failed to notice in time that there was something different between Lin Jiacheng and her usual phone calls. Now that she calmed down and thought about it carefully, there was something very wrong with what Lin Jiacheng said.

Lin Jiacheng usually talks to her politely, and his attitude is no different from that of Mr. President, but today Lin Jiacheng's tone when he talked to her made it clear that he was deliberately irritating her.

Shen Lingxi also had a problem. After Shen Lingxi answered the phone, her tone of voice became strange. She must have known the truth from that time.

Both Lin Jiacheng and Shen Lingxi had problems. They were deliberately hiding it from her, but the thing they were hiding was not like the helicopter accident, but something else.

Also, the person who pretended to be brother lie called her to meet today. He was looking for her because he probably wanted to know from her whether something had really happened to brother lie.

Maybe this is the key to why brother lie faked his death to hide it from her!

Once she knows the truth that brother lie faked his death, he is likely to be discovered by the enemy, and brother lie's plan may come to nothing.

I see!

After figuring it out, Qin leran ignored Qin Yinze and immediately rushed out of the room to find Chang Li: "Chang Li, tell your people not to do anything and follow them secretly. Everyone they come into contact with must keep records."

Well, since brother lie wants to lure the snake out of the hole, she will help brother lie again. This time she must not let those people run away again.

Chang Li didn't understand: "Miss, why?"

In the past, he would not ask Qin lelan why. Whatever she asked him to do, he would just listen to her and get it done.

But today's situation was special and danger was around him. Chang Li had to be careful, so he asked questions before completing the order.

Qin leran said: "Don't ask so many questions. Just do as I tell you. Remember, you must not frighten the snake. If anyone gets pregnant, I will take responsibility for you."

"Yes." Chang Li was worried, but he didn't ask a second time. After receiving the order, he followed the master's instructions.

After giving these instructions, Qin lelan breathed a sigh of relief. When he turned around, he met two burning eyes again. Qin Yinze was standing behind her. He hadn't left yet.

She was so absorbed in thinking about things just now that she forgot about him. She didn't expect that he was still there and looking at her with such intense eyes.

"Thank you for the news you brought me. It's getting late. You should go back to bed first." If it weren't for him, she wouldn't have thought of brother lie's plans, and she was quite grateful to him in her heart.

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