My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 931 The people behind the scenes can’t sit still

Chapter 931: The person behind the scenes can’t sit still

"We're going back now." Qin Yinze took two steps, then stopped and looked back at her, "Of course..."

"Just tell me if you have something to say." He always looked at her with such complicated eyes, but he knew that she hated it most when he looked at her like this.

Qin Yinze really didn't know. He added, "My grandparents are old and my grandma is not in good health. Let's go back together to spend the Spring Festival with her."

"Qin Yinze, you underestimate me too much. My life was given to me by my parents. I will never joke with my life at any time." Qin Yinze said so vaguely, but Qin lelan Understand what he wants to express.

In any case, the two of them have lived together for more than ten years, and they have grown up from such young children. She still understands what he is thinking.

However, she thought he might not understand what was going on in her heart.

"Well, it's good that you understand these principles." Qin Yinze smiled, turned around, straightened his back, and walked away.

Maybe he really thinks too much. He should understand that Qin leran is not a girl who would make fun of her own life.

She can risk her own life for love, but she will never forget her loved ones.

Even if Quan Nanzhai disappears from this world, he thinks she will still live well and still be able to live her own wonderful life.

He is worrying blindly again!

He smiled bitterly. Over the years, he had become more and more interested in meddling in her affairs, and his emotions were increasingly affected by her.

Many times, he was thinking, knowing that there was no possibility for him and her, why not be more relaxed, stay away from her, and not bother with her affairs.

However, every time he made up his mind to stay away from her, something always happened around her that made him unable to let go.

He came to the Qin family and became the adopted son of the Qin family. The Qin family gave him everything, so he had the responsibility and obligation to protect the children of the Qin family.

This is what he told himself.

However, he didn't think so in his heart. He had thoughts about Qin lelan, and he fantasized that one day she might suddenly find that he was the right person.

How ridiculous!

When he went out, he closed the door. The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang. He took it out and saw the cell phone number displayed on the screen. He frowned involuntarily, but answered: "What's the matter?"

Watching Qin Yinze go out, watching him close the door and his figure completely disappear in front of her eyes, Qin lelan let out a breath gently.

She knows that Qin Yinze is worried about her and that she will do stupid things. He still doesn't understand her well enough. If he knew her, he would not think so.

Qin lelan understands Qin Yinze in this way because she is unwilling to admit or think about it. In fact, it is not that Qin Yinze does not care and understand her enough, but that he cares too much about her.

As the saying goes, caring leads to chaos.

Qin Yinze treats her like this.

Qin Xiaobao, who had long dragged Zhan Nianbei and Zhan Limo back to the room to rest, now poked half of his head out of the room, looked left and right, and looked again and again. After confirming that Qin leran was the only one in the living room, she walked out quietly: " Ranran, what did Aze say to you?"

"Little aunt, you haven't rested yet?" As a little aunt, why are they doing this secretly? People who don't know would think they are doing something shameful.

"I'm used to going to bed late." Qin Xiaobao said again, "Tell me, what did Aze just say to you, and why did you change your mind immediately?"

"He just asked me to go home for the Spring Festival. You should have heard it." Qin lelan knows this little aunt's character very well and knows that Qin Xiaobao likes to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

"You spoke so loudly in the living room, I must have heard it, but what did you say in the room? The soundproofing effect of the room was so good that I didn't hear it." Qin Xiaobao has always been thick-skinned and eavesdropped on other people's conversations. , and I didn’t feel there was anything wrong with it.

"He told me to go to bed early and not stay up late. He also said that women, especially those in their thirties, age quickly if they sleep too late. Good night, little aunt!" Qin leran didn't want to say too much, so he smiled at Qin Xiaobao, Turn around and walk towards the room.

"Qin lelan, you little heartless person, you actually called me old!" Qin Xiaobao's roar came from behind, making the room tremble twice.

"Little aunt, although my uncle is older than you, men age slower than women. You really have to pay attention." After that, Qin leran walked into the room and closed the door.

As soon as the door was closed, Qin Xiaobao could no longer hear what Qin Xiaobao said because of the good sound insulation. The surrounding area suddenly became quiet, so quiet that it was a little scary in the dark night.

Because it was late at night, the lights outside the windows were extinguished one by one, and the whole city and the entire Yuepan Bay became quiet.

"Brother Lie, please be busy with your business. Don't worry about me. Everything is fine here." Qin lelan murmured to the night sky.

How she hopes brother lie can hear her, so that he can do his thing in peace and mind. Can he hear it?

She said here that Quan Nanzhai was in Beigong, and of course he couldn't hear it, but the news that she asked Chang Li to change his strategic approach had reached Quan Nanzhai's ears in time.

Quan Nanzhai guessed that Qin leran, a smart little girl, should have thought of his plan, so she could be so calm.

"Of course, wait for me!" He said, also hoping that she could hear his words. If not, she could sense that he was thinking about her.

"Sir, there is new news!" Lin Jiacheng came to report hurriedly.

Lin Jiacheng looked extremely excited. For a person like him who is crawling around in the center of political power, it is rare to see him get emotional.

He usually follows Quan Nanzhai and has seen all kinds of strong winds and waves. It is a compulsory course for him to keep his emotions and anger calm when encountering something.

In the past, Lin Jiacheng had always done well, but today he was really too excited. He was so excited that he couldn't control his emotions, and he didn't really want to.

They had suffered from cowardice for so long, and they could soon find out those who had made them angry. How could he not be excited.

Quan Nanzhai ignored him and said in a rich voice: "Say."

He only said one brief word, but it was full of authority.

Lin Jiacheng calmed down, tried to suppress his excitement, and then said: "Someone has anonymously posted a message online, mentioning that you crashed when you returned from Wushan today."

"Very good!" Quan Nanzhai smiled coldly and said, "You should notify us immediately. Everything will proceed according to the original plan, and no mistakes can be made in any aspect."

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