My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 938 Kill him if he’s not dead yet

Chapter 938: Kill him if he’s not dead

Does this person really care about the safety of Mr. President?

Or is he an undercover agent of the enemy, sent to lead the charge?

There was no time for Shen Lingxi to think too much. The man spoke again, and his words were sharp: "Ms. Shen, this question is not asked by me alone. I think people across the country want to know whether Mr. President is okay?"

His words sounded like he was concerned about Mr. President's situation, but the urgency in his expression and tone gave Shen Lingxi another feeling.

Shen Lingxi finally understood that this person wanted to know the situation of Mr. President, not because he was concerned, but because he was eager to find out the situation of Mr. President.

This person is most likely an undercover agent sent by the enemy to Beigong.

Thinking that he was the accomplice who killed more than a dozen people in the Long family, Shen Lingxi's original nervousness was replaced by anger. She wished she could arrest this man immediately and ask him to reveal the person behind the scenes.

However, she is not so impulsive. She is a rational woman. She knows that this moment is very critical. She cannot ruin the important matter between Long Yi and Quan Nanzhai and can only pretend to know nothing.

She looked at the man, smiled politely, and still spoke gently: "Mr. President was injured and is not in a good condition now, but with so many people who support him across the country waiting for him, he will definitely Will wake up."

This was their prearranged rhetoric. Letting Shen Lingxi stand up and say this can play two roles. One is to appease the people, and the other is to make the enemy more convinced that the president was indeed killed.

Previously, news spread on the Internet that Mr. President was killed, but at this moment, Mr. President’s fiancée said that he was only seriously injured.

Although he was seriously injured, it was still possible to be cured. The citizens who heard the news in front of the TV quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as people want to live a stable life, no one wants the country's leaders to change so frequently. From the bottom of their hearts, everyone hopes that Mr. President will get better.

However, there is also a group of people who also stay in front of the TV, but they do not hope that Mr. President will get better.

This is a spacious, bright and magnificently decorated building that is almost comparable to the North Palace.

If they didn't know that this was not the North Palace, people who came to Country A for the first time would mistakenly think it was the North Palace when they saw its existence.

Such a building that is comparable to the Beigong is located to the north of the Central Sanatorium in the north of the city. It is also a government building, but its nature is different from the Beigong. The Beigong is the administrative center, and this is just a sanatorium.

There were several people sitting in the room, including men and women, old and young. After listening to Shen Lingxi's words, they all fell silent.

On the TV, Shen Lingxi continued to speak on behalf of Mr. President: "Mr. President has explained that while his injury has not recovered, all departments only need to do their job well. Everything must be left to him. Secretary-General Lin Jiacheng can pass on the work to him and others. I hope everyone will not disturb his recuperation. After all, only by letting Mr. President get well soon can he work better."

"I think this is a delaying tactic by Beigong's people." A young man among the group of people sitting there spoke first.

His voice was particularly steady and calm. Just when everyone's eyes were on him, he continued: "Before those troublesome guys in Beigong have not found a suitable candidate for president, they must first Concealing the news of Quan Nanzhai's death until a new presidential candidate is elected and a way to deal with this emergency is announced, and then announced to the public that the president died due to ineffective rescue efforts, this will not only temporarily appease the people, but also reassure the public. We retreat."

As soon as the man's words came out, the rest of the people nodded in agreement, but some people had different opinions. The man looked left and right, and slowly asked: "Is it possible that Quan Nanzhai is really just seriously injured?"

Another person answered: "The helicopter Quan Nanzhai was on was tampered with by our people, and our people saw the plane crash in the valley with their own eyes. In such a harsh environment, Quan Nanzhai did not die unless he could Grow a pair of wings and fly."

Another person answered: "And in our monitoring all night last night, everyone and every message confirmed that Quan Nanzhai was indeed killed."

The man who spoke first tapped the leather sofa with his slender fingertips, and took back the right to speak: "After Quan Nanzhai's accident, the girl from the Qin family called him twice, and the people who answered the phone both times were... It was Quan Nanzhai’s lackey Lin Jiacheng. The first time, Lin Jiacheng didn’t tell her anything. The second time, Lin Jiacheng said something happened to Quan Nanzhai.”

Having said this, the man closed his mouth, scanned everyone present with his shrewd eyes, and then asked: "What do you think?"

Someone then said: "Quan Nanzhai wants to lure us out, so there is nothing wrong with hiding it from the little girl of the Qin family."

Someone else said impassionedly: "Why don't we catch that girl from the Qin family? As long as we catch her, if Quan Nanzhai is not dead, I don't believe he can endure it."

"Capture her?" The man curled his lips and sneered, "After you failed to capture someone last time, Qin Yue asked his men to guard that girl 24 hours a day. Zhan Nianbei was also there last night. Capture her, I Let's see how you catch him? Quan Nanzhai is already too difficult for us to deal with, so you still want to allocate part of your strength to deal with Qin Yue? "

Dealing with Quan Nanzhai has already taken them too much energy, and they simply cannot spare more energy to deal with Qin Yue, who owns Shengtian's huge business empire.

Several people were silent once again. You looked at me and I looked at you. For a while, some of them didn't know what to do.

They don't know whether Quan Nanzhai is still alive, and they can't use Qin leran, the only one who can make Quan Nanzhai show up, which puts them on a dead end.

"So what if Quan Nanzhai is not dead?" Just when everyone was silent, a very gentle but not difficult to hear a stern female voice came.

Hearing the woman's voice, but before seeing her, the people sitting in the room all stood up, and a group of people said in unison: "You are here."

People in the room, whether they are younger than the woman or older than the woman, all use the honorific "you" when addressing her.

She walked over in a few steps and stood in front of the crowd. She glanced around and quickly saw everyone's expressions. She said gently and gently: "Even if Quan Nanzhai is not dead, he is seriously injured and is about to die." People. We have come this far, can we still let Quan Nanzhai come back to deal with us? "

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