My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 939 The biggest mistake in life

Chapter 939: The biggest mistake in life

After listening to the woman's words, the people in the room became even more silent, but unlike before, everyone's eyes were burning with fire.

It's the kind of fire that wants to eat its enemies alive.

Even if there is an abyss ahead, they cannot retreat. They have only one purpose, which is to destroy the enemy.

Seeing the state of everyone, the woman's cold eyes had a slight fluctuation. She was still satisfied with their performance.

She turned her eyes and looked at the leading man in the crowd: "Dong Ming, tell me, from the moment our plan started, is there any second way you can take?"

Hearing the woman mention his name, the man shook his fist and said, "We have blocked the way back. There is no way out except moving forward. And I no longer want to live with this identity."

The woman glanced at everyone again, her voice gentle but with unquestionable courage: "Then tell me, do you have any other options?"

Everyone was silent again. After the silence, they said in unison: "We will follow you to do things. We will do whatever you ask us to do."

"I'm just a woman, and I don't think about many things as thoughtfully as you do." After the woman suppressed a group of people with her momentum, she changed her previous forcefulness and said, "If you think there is nothing wrong with my suggestions, then we will follow them. Plan and act.”

Everyone said excitedly: "Yes, we unanimously agree to act as planned. Quan Nanzhai is not dead, so let's find a way to let him die. No one can block our way."

The woman did not pick up the topic again, but mentioned another person: "After Quan Nanzhai came to see my husband last time, his physical condition was very bad. I don't know what happened?"

She sighed, raised her slender hand and gently wiped the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes: "It's getting late, I have to go back and prepare lunch for him. Maybe it's because he's old and in poor health, except for the food I cooked. , He won’t eat what others cook.”

After hearing what the woman said, someone was so angry that he slapped the table hard and said angrily: "Do you need to say anything? It must be that unfilial Quan Nanzhai who made the old gentleman sick."

The woman wiped her tears again and said nothing.

The man became angrier and angrier as he spoke, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes: "That bitch Quan Nanzhai never paid attention to his father and brother. In order to sit on the position of president, he could kill his two brothers, and now he wants to It is not impossible to secure the position of president and make his biological father angry to death. "

"It's okay for you to say this in front of me. You must not say it in front of the old gentleman. He has always taken care of the relationship between father and son and cannot bear to do anything to his son, so we should not cause any more trouble for him. These things, we Just take care of it for him." The woman's voice was gentle, but every word she spoke was like a poisonous arrow coated with honey, and the arrows could kill people invisibly.

Seeing the hatred for Quan Nanzhai in everyone's eyes, she concealed the viciousness in her heart well and nodded to everyone: "I won't disturb you and get ready for business."

She walked away simply, but there were angry voices behind her: "Miss Su is kind-hearted and always considers the old man, but if we don't speak clearly, are we going to keep the old man in the dark for the rest of his life?"

Hearing those words coming from behind, Su Wanqin's lips curled up slightly, unable to hide the pride and joy in her heart. She just liked those stupid people.

She is a weak woman, but it is a great joy in life to be able to make that group of men and women, old and young, big and small, listen to her.

It has been decades, a full thirty years. Over the years, she has been working hard and swallowing her anger. For what reason?

She would not be stupid enough to spend her whole life for a boy who didn't love her but only loved power. She was just waiting for an opportunity.

No no no!

She is not waiting for opportunities, she is creating opportunities.

Now that her opportunities were ripe, she got them moving.

Today, after today, she will get back everything she has given, all the pain and fatigue she has suffered.

She wanted that man to know that apart from her birth, she was not as good as that woman, and she was countless times better than that woman in other aspects.

Not only is she better than that woman, but the son she gave birth to is definitely better than that woman's son. She will let her son end the continuation of that woman's bloodline.

"Quan Lizhang!" She called the name silently, feeling so happy that she wanted to shout loudly, but she didn't do that.

Even if victory is right in front of her, even if everything is under her control, she still will not expose herself. She has always been an extremely stable person.

She couldn't shout out, but her heart was screaming: "Quan Lizhang, you will soon know that when you abandoned me for that woman, it was the wrong choice in your life."

Shen Lingxi spoke on behalf of the president. Many people were watching in front of the TV, and Quan Nanzhai was no exception.

Wearing a neat handmade suit, he stood upright under the huge TV screen in the office, staring unblinkingly at the first person who appeared on the TV screen.

Except for the men he sent himself, everyone present at the press conference may be enemies, so he will not let go of any suspicious person.

After looking at everyone, Quan Nanzhai already knew something in his heart, and then he looked at Shen Lingxi with his cold eyes.

Quan Nanzhai nodded appreciatively as he calmly answered questions raised by interested people and responded to every emergency situation.

The Shen family is also a family of power. Shen Lingxi has learned something under the influence of the old man of the Shen family over the years.

Normally, staying in the Shen family would not give Shen Lingxi the opportunity to use what she had learned. But now it was time for her to play, and her performance far exceeded Quan Nanzhai's expectations.

Quan Nanzhai recognized the person who asked the question. When he first took office, this person ran errands very fast.

For a long time after that, that man worked very hard and was never held back. He never expected that he would be an undercover agent sent by the enemy to lurk around him.

To be honest, if it hadn't been for the trick of luring the snake out of the hole to lure these people out, Quan Nanzhai would never have thought that this person would also be an undercover agent.

As the saying goes, people's hearts are separated from each other, and others can never see clearly what they are thinking. Now that I think about it, this is indeed the truth.

After Shen Lingxi finished speaking, she left under the escort of everyone. When the TV screen turned, it was Lin's parents speaking again, talking about nothing more than Mr. President's situation.

Even if the enemy won't believe it, they always have to put on a good show, so that they can confuse the enemy and make them show their fox tail as soon as possible.

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