My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 940 He is still the same person as before

Chapter 940: He is still the same person as before

Time passed quickly by the minute. Just after Shen Lingxi spoke on behalf of Mr. President, and everything seemed calm for the time being, someone stood up and spoke.

This person was none other than Su Zheng, the leader of Beigong's official news release. He stood in front of the camera and said with tears in his eyes: "Here I want to announce a piece of bad news to all the people."

As soon as his words came out, the flash lights kept clicking, and he became the focus of everyone's attention. Everyone was silent, waiting for what he would say next.

After whetting the audience's appetite, Su Zheng slowly said: "Yesterday, a disaster was discovered in Wushan, and many villages were buried under heavy snow. Our president, who serves the country and the people, rushed to the disaster area as soon as possible to express condolences to the people in the disaster area."

Su Zheng did not say a bad word about Quan Nanzhai, but praised Quan Nanzhai to death. After the praise, he broke down in tears.

After a while, he calmed down: "On his way back from visiting the people in the disaster area, that is, around 4:20 p.m., the helicopter the President was riding encountered a strong turbulence before it even flew out of the foggy mountains. , unfortunately the plane crashed, and the president and three people on board were killed at the same time.”

After saying that, Su Zheng, who had always been the spokesperson of Beigong, burst into tears. The cry sounded even more miserable than when her own mother died, and people couldn't help but be moved.

"Nan Zhai, it seems that there are some acting masters in your North Palace. If we hadn't found out his details, I think I would have been conquered by his wonderful performance." Long. Wing stared at the huge TV screen and said this sentence in a leisurely manner.

"What do you think about giving them the best performance award of the year another day?" At this moment, Quan Nanzhai still had the intention to joke with Long Yi.

Quan Nanzhai always had a slight smile on his lips, his expression was calm and calm, everything was so calm and composed.

He didn't panic because everything was going according to his plan today. If one more person jumped out to cause trouble, he would be able to get rid of one more enemy.

To completely eliminate the enemy does not mean to eliminate a few people behind him. This time he wants to uproot the enemy's lair and not leave a single scourge behind.

He was smiling, but upon closer inspection, there was a chilling coldness deep in his eyes that could chill people to the core.

Even though Long Yi saw it, he couldn't help but tremble. He quickly hugged Shen Lingxi and patted her back comfortingly: "Don't worry, everything is over."

"Nan Zhai, I'm not worried about our affairs. I'm just worried about Leran..." Thinking of the helplessness in Qin lelan's tone when she called yesterday, Shen Lingxi blamed herself and felt guilty. That girl regarded her as her sister. He looked at her, but she didn't help her at all.

Because she has been there, she knows how painful it is to lose a loved one, and she is afraid that Qin lelan, who is kept in the dark, will collapse.

"She's fine." When it comes to Qin lelan, Quan Nanzhai is no less worried than Shen Lingxi, but he hides his worries in his heart and others can't see it.

He turned back, glanced at Long Yi, and then looked at Shen Lingxi: "You have worked hard today. Next, you have a good rest and don't think too much."

"Why are you talking so much?" Even if Quan Nanzhai said a few more words of concern to Shen Lingxi, it would arouse Long Yi's dissatisfaction. He held Shen Lingxi possessively, "She is my woman, I care about her affairs. Just let me do it and you mind your own business.”

Men, although they seem to be rich, are actually very stingy most of the time, especially when it comes to the woman in his heart. Even if others look at her even more, he will be jealous.

Shen Lingxi tugged at the corner of his clothes and asked him to speak more politely. Who knew that it would arouse Long Yi's dissatisfaction: "Shen Lingxi, what are you talking about? Do you think what I said is wrong? Or do you think that multiple men care about you? Do you seem more valuable?"

Shen Lingxi was speechless.

She once again affirmed that she must have been blind when she fell in love with the man Long Yi and believed in him with all her heart.

Otherwise, if I beat her to death, she would not fall in love with such a petty man with a big temper, jealousy, and full of shortcomings.

"Shen Lingxi, what's that look in your eyes? I don't even dislike you, why do you dislike me?" Long Yi roared even louder.

Shen Lingxi covered her ears with her hands, turned around and left. If she stayed with him any longer, she felt that she might become a shrew, so she had better give in to him.

"Shen Lingxi, why don't you leave..." As soon as Shen Lingxi left, Long Yi immediately chased after her and held her in his arms again, "I tell you Shen Lingxi, you will never escape my grasp in this life."

"Who wants to escape from your grasp?" Although sometimes she felt that this man was overbearing and unreasonable, more often than not, Shen Lingxi saw his goodness.

This man is not perfect and has countless shortcomings, but she just likes him and is willing to accept all his advantages and disadvantages.

She knows that she is not a perfect woman, and there are no perfect people in this world. There is no question of whether two people are worthy of each other, only whether they are suitable or not.

Listening to the fading voices of the two of them, the coldness in Quan Nanzhai's eyes disappeared, and a real smile appeared on his face.

Once upon a time, he had a brief period of carefree days.

That was the time when they were with Long Yi, rolling around in the army together. At that time, Long Yi was so playful.

In the past year, the Long family was wiped out, and Long Yi's life and death were unknown. He once thought that Long Yi was dead and died in the fire.

Later, when he saw Long Yi return, his face changed, and Long Yi's temper became gloomy and weird, he thought Long Yi would never come back.

He thought that Long Yi would never be able to change back to the old Long Yi, but he never expected that in such a short period of time, the old Long Yi would come back.

In the final analysis, all this is the power of love.


When he thought of this word, Quan Nanzhai could not help but think of a person's shadow. That person was undoubtedly Qin lelan.

Qin leran!

Sometimes she is willful and coquettish, sometimes she is sensible and considerate, sometimes mature, sometimes cute. He can see different aspects of her in her.

No matter who she was, he wanted to hold her in his arms and love her well.

He didn't know when he had other thoughts about her. He only knew that that little girl could affect every nerve in him.

"Mr. President, the big fish has appeared!"

While Quan Nanzhai was thinking a little, Lin Jiacheng hurriedly came to report.

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