Chapter 942: All come out

Quan Dongming's speech was very smart. He didn't say a word bad about Quan Nanzhai, and every word revealed the Quan family's contribution to this country.

What he emphasized was the Quan family, and his purpose was very clear. He was gaining points for the Quan family, and he was also gaining points for himself.

His focus is to let the people of country A know that there is a number one figure like him in the Quan family, and to make the people of country A recognize him so that he can successfully succeed as the next president.

As he spoke, Quan Dongming's eyes swept across the audience and found no objections in the crowd. He nodded with satisfaction: "Now, please invite our former president, Mr. Quan, to come out and say a few words to everyone."

As soon as Quan Dongming finished speaking, Quan Lizhang walked out of the side door with the support of Su Wanqin and a man.

Maybe it’s because Quan Nanzhai is really angry that he’s physically broken, maybe it’s because the weather is too cold, or maybe Quan Lizhang doesn’t want the people to know that he pretended to be sick and was unwilling to hand over the power stick to Quan Nanzhai with his own hands...

In short, Quan Lizhang seemed to be in poor spirits. He seemed unable to move freely without support when walking.

With the support of Su Wanqin and others, he walked for a while before arriving at the center of the podium and next to Quan Dongming.

As soon as he reached the center of the podium, Quan Lizhang covered his chest and coughed violently. The coughing lasted for a while before he stopped.

He opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Instead, he burst into tears. He wiped them away one after another and never stopped for a long time.

Quan Lizhang wiped away tears, and the reporters and others in the audience waited quietly. No one urged him, and some were even moved by him and silently wiped away tears.

After Quan Lizhang stepped down as president, he never appeared in public again. He was not even seen at the obligatory inauguration ceremony of the new president.

Externally, he has always claimed that he is in poor health.

Seeing him like this now, it was confirmed that he did not attend the inauguration ceremony of the new president because of his poor health. It was not that he was dissatisfied with Quan Nanzhai, his son.

Quan Lizhang had three sons. The eldest son died in an accident three years ago, the second son was expelled from Linhai City, and the third son also died in an accident... The pain of losing a son was so cruel to this old man in his sixties.

His situation made people sympathize with him, and coupled with his emotional performance, it is not surprising that many people who were kept in the dark would be moved by him.

It took a long time, maybe ten minutes, maybe half an hour, maybe even longer, before Quan Lizhang stopped crying.

He calmed down, cleared his throat, and said in his still loud voice: "The pain of losing a son makes my heart hurt like a knife."

He took a deep breath and paused for a long time before saying the second sentence: "But what makes me even more heartbroken is that we have lost a good national leader."

At such a moment, he was still thinking about the country and the people... After hearing Quan Lizhang's words, almost all the melon-eating people were moved.

Quan Nanzhai's eyes swept a wide circle, and while everyone was still immersed in sadness, he continued: "As the saying goes, a country cannot be without its owner for a day. Even if we can't let go of Quan Nanzhai, we can't. Not recognizing that he has left us. So the most important thing for us to do next is to elect a new president.”

He turned his eyes and looked at Quan Dongming beside him, and asked in a deep voice: "Dongming, if the country and the people entrust you with the important task of becoming the new president, can you continue to complete it for your dead brothers?" They have not fulfilled their great ideal of making country A strong and prosperous?”

Quan Dongming was startled, as if he did not expect Quan Lizhang to say this suddenly. When he reacted, he said hastily: "Sir, it's not that I don't want to take on the responsibility of making our country prosperous, but I'm worried The people will be worried that I will not be able to manage well at a young age. I would like to ask you to choose a successor who can convince everyone to take over the position of president and let him lead us to make our country more prosperous."

Quan Lizhang's question was good, and Quan Dongming's answer was also very beautiful. The two of them sang together perfectly.

In the audience, one of their people immediately spoke on behalf of the people: "Mr. Quan Dongming, you are from the Quan family. You have the excellent genes of the Quan family. You are also humble and respectful. And you are also a candidate with presidential education. You As a candidate to succeed the president, I think there is no one more suitable for the position of president than you."

Someone answered and said: "Yes, yes, you are also a person with presidential education, and you were running for president with the current president at the time. Just because of your humble and respectful character, you voluntarily withdrew from the presidential campaign and gave up the position of president to Your brother. Now that something has happened to your brother, it may be his last wish that you take over."

Another representative spoke: "Mr. Dongming, we believe in you and believe that you can lead us to make our country more prosperous."

The first person spoke, and then the second person spoke, one after another, all of them supporting Quan Dongming.

Very soon, not only the reporters present, but also the audience in front of the TV felt that Quan Dongming was a good person, and there was no problem in letting him take over as the next president.

The moment Quan Lizhang came out, Quan Nanzhai, who was watching all this in front of the TV, felt that the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees. Even though he was in a warm room, he felt cold from his feet to his head.

His cold, emotionless eyes were fixed on the gray-haired old man on the TV. He was looking at the old man steadily, as if he wanted to see through the old man.

Is this gray-haired old man his biological father?

Is he really his biological father?

If so, would he be so eager to help another person seek his position as president?


Quan Nanzhai sneered, he thought it was very funny.

Maybe that person had never treated him as his son, but at this time, he still had ridiculous thoughts in his heart.

I hope that person was not really involved in today's incident. I hope that person was just deceived and used.

How ridiculous.

As long as a scheming old fox doesn't scheme against others, who else can scheme against him? Who else could deceive and exploit him?

I'm afraid not.

Quan Nanzhai shook his head, covering up the trace of heartache left in his eyes. Soon his eyes became cold again, his eyes were broken and sinister.

"Lin Jiacheng!" Quan Nanzhai called for his secretary.

"Mr. President!" Lin Jiacheng pushed the door open and stood respectfully in front of Quan Nanzhai.

"What are you waiting for?" After saying that, Quan Nanzhai had already strode out. Lin Jiacheng was stunned for a moment and followed closely.

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