My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 943 As long as Quan Nanzhai dies, you will be my minister after all.

Chapter 943: Unless Quan Nanzhai dies, you will be my minister after all.

In front of many cameras, Quan Lizhang continued to speak: "I would like to thank every citizen for their perseverance in the country at such a critical moment. It is because of you that our country can be prosperous and strong."

Quan Lizhang bowed deeply, not only to the people present but also to the people in front of the television... In short, when you put on a show, you have to do your best.

He saluted, and of course the people would return the salute, and a long time passed between the coming and going.

At this time, a man hurried over and handed a report into Quan Lizhang's hands: "Sir, this is the data of the people's real-name voting on the Internet to support Mr. Quan Dongming as president."

Quan Lizhang opened the data table. When he saw the data in the data table, he nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Quan Dongming beside him: "Dongming, not only every representative present hopes that you can succeed as president." According to the online real-name voting statistics just collected, 80% of the people support you. The people have such high expectations for you, so what reason do you have to refuse?”

Quan Dongming looked embarrassed, clenched his fists, and said hesitantly: "Uncle, it's not that I don't want to, but that I..."

Among the people's delegation in the audience, someone immediately took the lead in shouting: "Mr. Dongming, you must be the president. Please don't refuse."

They had rehearsed all these plays in advance. When one person started to boo, others naturally responded in order to create the illusion that Quan Dongming's successor as president was unanimously elected by the people of the country.

Quan Lizhang also said it just now. As the saying goes, a country cannot be left without a master for a day. Quan Nanzhai was killed. The top priority is to elect a new president to stabilize the overall situation.

Once something happened to Quan Nanzhai, Quan Dongming became the most senior among the juniors of the Quan family, and the one most likely to succeed the president on the presidential candidate list.

It may be the best time in history to recommend Quan Dongming at this time. Neither Quan Lizhang nor Su Wanqin beside him, nor Quan Dongming himself, are willing to miss this opportunity.

The crowd cheered and shouted: "Mr. Dongming, you must be the president. I ask you to stand up and take charge of the overall situation. Don't refuse."

Everyone shouted in unison, the sound was loud and loud.

Just when these voices were loud, Quan Lizhang leaned into Quan Dongming's ear and whispered: "Dongming, no one can stop you from taking the position of president now. Boy, work hard, the future of the world will be It's yours."

Quan Dongming smiled and nodded: "My uncle, don't worry, this world is mine, and it is yours."

Quan Lizhang expressed satisfaction with what Quan Dongming said, but he still couldn't help but feel regretful: "Oh, if only my son could be half as filial as you."

Thinking of his son, Quan Lizhang felt somewhat sad and regretful.

Especially at a very old age, his three sons are dead and gone, but he is more afraid of losing power than losing his son.

Therefore, on the balance between power and family affection, Quan Lizhang's heart was biased towards power, and he automatically gave up family affection.

He added: "When you sit in that position, what you want at that time, let alone that little girl from the Qin family, even if you want a hundred, a thousand little girls like that, what's the difficulty? "

"The little girl from the Qin family? Uncle, do you think I want the little girl from the Qin family?" Quan Dongming chuckled lightly. Quan Lizhang really thought that he had fallen in love with the little girl from the Qin family.

In his heart, power is more important than anything else. What does Qin leran's little yellow-haired girl mean?

Quan Dongming admitted that the little girl from the Qin family was very good, with a good figure and good looks. She had as many conditions as a beauty, or even more.

But just because she is outstanding and beautiful, does he have to like her?

Maybe he likes her, but he likes her not because she is excellent and beautiful, but because she is the woman Quan Nanzhai likes.

As long as it belongs to Quan Nanzhai, he wants it all and wants to snatch it all back, just like Quan Nanzhai's mother who robbed everything that should belong to his mother.

Or maybe, he wanted to get that little girl just because there was the huge Shengtian Group and the business wizard Qin Yue behind her.

After he takes the position of president of country A, if he can still get that little girl and the support of Shengtian Qinyue, he will not worry about making country A rich and prosperous.

Everyone was still shouting, and even the audience in front of the TV started shouting too. People across the country were looking forward to this moment, hoping that Quan Dongming would nod in agreement.

Finally, Quan Dongming slowly raised his hand and waved, signaling everyone to be quiet. When the scene was so quiet that the sound of breathing became noise, Quan Dongming opened his thin lips and spoke: "Since everyone has so much confidence in me , so what reason do I have to refuse? As long as my people need me, I will do my best to serve the people in the future.”

Su Wanqin, who was standing next to Quan Lizhang, looked at Quan Dongming quietly. As she watched, the corners of her lips raised slightly and she smiled softly.

She had endured it for thirty years and plotted, and today everything was finally done, allowing her to take a good breath.

That dead woman and her dead son could no longer stop the mother and son from moving forward.


Thinking of the dead woman, Su Wanqin felt so happy and relieved of her hatred. When that woman entered the Quan family, she looked down upon her so much.

But what happens in the end?

In the end, that dead woman's bones were probably rotten, but she was still alive and well, watching her son ascend to the highest position of power in country A.


Su Wanqin silently called that person, the son who had been sent to someone else's home to raise since he was born. He had lived for more than twenty years but had never acted coquettishly in her arms.

Back then, if that woman hadn't robbed everything that belonged to her, how could she have lived with such no name and status for thirty years.

Not only did she have no name or identity, she was even separated from her. When they met before, Quan Dongming didn't even know that she was his biological mother.

From now on, she finally didn't have to wait any longer. She could finally recognize her son, and finally be able to call her mother in an upright manner.

"Who gave you the courage to spread rumors and disturb people's hearts?"

Suddenly, a cold and familiar voice came, forcing Su Wanqin, who was in a dream, back to reality.

She looked back and saw the thorn in her side, Quan Nanzhai, walking slowly and elegantly.

"Quan Nanzhai?"

Many mouths at the scene shouted these three words at the same time, and everyone stared at the tall figure walking towards them with wide eyes.

Is it really Quan Nanzhai?

Why didn't he die?

What is going on?

Many people at the scene had a big question mark on their faces at the same time.

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