My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 957 Visiting as a Guest (2)

Chapter 957: Visiting as a Guest (2)

Seeing Qin lelan wanting to hit someone, Qin Xiaobao immediately stood up and pulled Zhan Limo behind him, smiled and said, "Of course, since President Quan is here, let him come up quickly."

When it came to Quan Nanzhai, Qin leran was in a good mood and immediately put aside what Zhan Li said about her being stingy. She turned and left: "I'll call him up right now."

Zhan Nianbei stopped her: "Of course, wait, I have two more words to say to you."

Qin lelan stopped and looked back: "Uncle, what do you want to say to me?"

Zhan Nianbei walked to her side, raised his hand and rubbed her head: "Of course, your parents are not with you. Qin Xiaobao and I are your elders. If anything happens, remember to tell us. Don't hide it. heart."

"Uncle, I know." Qin leran really didn't treat Zhan Nianbei and his wife as outsiders. After all, the relationship between their two families can be said to be close to each other.

Zhan Nianbei patted her on the shoulder and said, "Okay, go ahead. Bring your sweetheart up, and we will have a formal dinner with him."

"Thank you, uncle. I'll ask him to come up right now. Please wait a little longer." Qin Ranran nodded, turned around and ran away.

She knew that her uncle and aunt would take the initiative to call her and ask her to ask brother lie to come to the house for dinner. It was not their idea, it must be their family who asked them to come.

Their family always loved her silently and never put any pressure on her.

Watching Qin lelan leave, Zhan Nianbei turned to look at Qin Xiaobao, who had a weird look on his face: "I'm telling you, don't make any mistakes."

Qin Xiaobao glanced at him and hummed: "Humph, I just want to test that boy Quan Nanzhai, can you handle it?"

Zhan Nianbei said: "After all, that kid is a relative who is related to you and cares about you. Shouldn't your right approach be to help him?"

Qin Xiaobao rolled his eyes: "Relatives? How can people from the Quan family be my relatives? My only relatives are the Qin family."

Why did Zhan Nianbei come to Haishi without hiding it from Qin Xiaobao? Qin Xiaobao also knew what he wanted to investigate.

Regarding the death of her parents, it became a knot in Qin Xiaobao's heart at that time, but in the end she chose to keep the matter sealed.

Because he knew that his parents and Zhan Nianbei's father were each responsible for their own country. No matter what they did, there was no right or wrong in principle.

Now, this matter has been revealed again, breaking the seal buried deep in Qin Xiaobao's heart, and making her think of the sad past again.

Especially when Zhan Nianbei was investigating this matter, Qin Xiaobao judged from the information obtained by Zhan Nianbei that the matter that year was probably done intentionally by Quan Lizhang in order to get rid of his biological sister and relatives. brother-in-law.

As for the purpose, Qin Xiaobao doesn't know.

She was even less clear about the grudge between her parents and Quan Lizhang back then, and she couldn't guess what Quan Lizhang was thinking back then.

An uncle he had never seen before, a possible murderer of his parents, such a terrible person, Qin Xiaobao never intended to treat him as a relative in his life.

"When that incident happened, Quan Lizhang had not yet married Yao, and Quan Nanzhai had not yet been born. It can be said that he knew nothing about the incident, let alone participated in it. He was innocent. Zhan Nianbei added, fearing that Qin Xiaobao would do something stupid.

Qin Xiaobao glared at him again and said, "Zhan Nianbei, what are you thinking about? Am I such an ignorant person?"

Of course she knew that the matter had nothing to do with Quan Nanzhai, and she never thought about getting angry with Quan Nanzhai because of that matter. Otherwise, why would she cook and prepare such a sumptuous dinner herself?

"Mom, you are!" Zhan Limo said this again without hesitation, which made Qin Xiaobao want to throw this silly son out of the window, "Zhan Limo, are you my biological child? You must It must be an enemy sent by God to torture me.”

This brat is so annoying. If he had known that Zhan Nianbei would give him a hard slap and Qin leran scold him, he would have known that only his mother would be better in the world.

"Mom, my dad said you were sent by God to torture him." As soon as Zhan Nianbei said these words, he successfully provoked Zhan Nianbei. Zhan Nianbei frowned and picked up the little guy, "You bastard." , If I don’t take good care of you today, I’ll call you dad instead.”

"Mom, help! Dad is serious this time!" Zhan Limo scratched and kicked him, but because he was only a child under eight years old, he was really short and tall compared to Zhan Nianbei. Xiao, you can't touch Zhan Nianbei no matter what.

Qin Xiaobao felt sorry for her son, but thinking that this little guy was always trying to undermine her, she thought it would be better to let him suffer a little, so as not to bully her in the future.

"Mom, if you don't save me, who will help you test your future brother-in-law later?" At such a tense and critical moment, Zhan Limo used his trump card.

Qin Xiaobao immediately raised his hands and surrendered: "Zhan Nianbei, please spare him this time. Next time... next time you deal with him, I will never meddle in his own business."

Zhan Nianbei glared at her: "Qin Xiaobao, do you want me to call your son daddy?"

Qin Xiaobao laughed along with him: "Commander Zhan, how dare we not dare? Besides, we didn't even hear what you just said. Don't be like this."

Zhan Lim nodded vigorously: "Dad, did you say anything just now?"

Well, the little guy is the smartest. He knows how to give in when the time is right, and he also knows how to pretend he didn’t hear the words he shouldn’t remember.

Qin Xiaobao said with a smile: "Commander Zhan, I have specially prepared some dishes that you like to eat for you today. As an adult, you don't care about the faults of the villains, so you can have our son."

At the end of the war, he cooperated with his mother, his little head nodding like a wavy drum: "Dad, I'm still a little kid under eight years old."

Zhan Nianbei's heart had already been moved by the mother and son's words. His eyes were filled with smiles early on, but he still said with a straight face: "You brat, where did you learn such a thing?" word?"

Zhan Limo said seriously: "When those people in the military region met me in private, they all said that I was a young girl and asked me if I had a girlfriend? They also said that I was much prettier than you. Don't ever find someone who looks like me in the future. Such a sassy girlfriend.”

Qin Xiaobao immediately yelled: "Who said that? Tell me his name? You dare to bite the tongue behind Beihou, Zhan Nianbei, you must take care of such subordinates."

Zhan Nianbei let go of Zhan Limo and pinched his smooth little face: "Boy, you said something nice tonight."

Qin Xiaobao said angrily: "Zhan Nianbei, what do you mean? You can tolerate them saying I'm barbaric, but can you tolerate them saying you're not good-looking?"

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