My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 958 Visiting as a Guest (3)

Chapter 958: Visiting as a Guest (3)

In fact, what Qin Xiaobao can't bear the most is that Zhan Nianbei still nods in agreement when others say she is savage. Even if she is hopelessly savage, she cannot help but talk about her behind her back.

Zhan Nianbei said unhurriedly: "It's true when they say you're barbaric, and it's true when they say my son is more handsome than me. And besides me, who else in the world can create a son more handsome than me."

Qin Xiaobao: "How shameless!"

Zhan Nianbei: "You didn't bring it to me."

What else Qin Xiaobao wanted to say, the doorbell rang with a ding-dong sound. It seemed that Qin lelan came with her sweetheart, so she pressed the doorbell politely this time.

She gave Zhan Nianbei a warning look, which probably meant that she would settle the score with Zhan Nianbei another day, and then she put on a smile and opened the door.

The door opened, and it was not Qin lelan and Quan Nanzhai but Qin Yinze who stood outside the door. Qin Xiaobao was a little surprised: "Aze, why is it you?"

Qin Yinze said: "I heard from grandma that my aunt and uncle invited the Qin family's future son-in-law to have dinner at Yuepanwan. As the eldest son of Qin, I also came to take a look."

"Ranran went down to pick someone up. He hasn't come up yet. Come in and sit down first." Qin Xiaobao stepped aside and let Qin Yinze enter the room.

"Uncle." Seeing Zhan Nianbei, Qin Yinze called out politely.

"Sit down." Zhan Nianbei responded, because they were both grown men and had nothing to say to each other. When the two of them faced each other awkwardly, Zhan Nianbei rushed towards Qin Yinze like he was leaving.

He ran to Qin Yinze's side and shouted in a rare soft voice that only a child could have: "Brother, you are here."

"Yes." Qin Yinze nodded and picked up the little guy's body as he rushed over. "Xiao Limo, you seem to have grown taller again."

"But he is still far behind the eldest brother." Zhan Limo and Qin Yinjian are similar in age, but Qin Yinze is more than ten years older than their two brothers. In the eyes of their two little boys, their eldest brother That's their hero.

"Because Li Mo is still young, when you grow up in a few years, you will definitely be taller than your eldest brother." Qin Yinze rubbed his head and said with a smile.

"No, I don't want to be taller than my eldest brother!" Zhan Limo mouthed, rarely showing the cuteness and innocence of a child.

"Why?" Qin Yinze asked.

"I want my eldest brother to be my eldest brother all the time. I don't want to be taller than my eldest brother, and I don't want my eldest brother to call me eldest brother." From the perspective of Zhan Limo's young age, if he grows taller in the future, he may become the eldest brother. Big brother, he doesn’t want that.

"No matter how tall or big you are, your eldest brother is your eldest brother. This will never change." Qin Yinze said with some humor.

In the Qin family, everyone except Qin leran treats him as a family member, especially the two little guys Zhan Limo and Qin Yinjian. They call him big brother. From their eyes, he can see their feelings for him. His adoration.

These two little guys really liked him as an older brother. Similarly, he also felt his own importance from the two little guys.

"Really?" Zhan Limo asked, tilting his head.

"Of course it's true! Has brother ever deceived you?" Qin Yinze said.

At the end of the war, he thought about it seriously. He really didn't expect Qin Yinze to lie to him, so he shook his head hard: "Brother didn't lie to me."

Ding dong——

The doorbell rang again.

"This time Ranran should have brought Quan Nanzhai up." Qin Xiaobao went to open the door again. This time it was indeed the VIPs they had been waiting for for a long time, but not only Qin leran and Quan Nanzhai, but also several men carrying gifts followed behind them.

"Little aunt, this is Quan Nanzhai, my boyfriend. Brother Lie, this is my little aunt. I think you must still remember her, because it is hard for people to forget a beautiful lady like her." Qin lelan said big Fang Fang introduced that she had officially positioned herself as Quan Nanzhai's girlfriend, and she did not forget to praise her little aunt.

Qin Xiaobao has a savage personality, but he likes to hear nice things. He always praises her when nothing happens, and he can talk about everything.

Qin leran knew this about Qin Xiaobao, so he pleased her aunt in advance to prevent her aunt from deliberately embarrassing brother lie.

"Hello!" Quan Nanzhai knows about Qin Xiaobao's life experience. Let's call him cousin. He has no intention of recognizing the Quan family, but he is embarrassed to follow Qin lelan and call him aunt, so he can only say hello in such an awkward manner. .

"I just asked you to come over for a casual meal. It's fine if you come. Why bring so many gifts?" Qin Xiaobao gave way and said cheerfully, "Bring them all in and put them away. Since the gifts have been brought, I can't It’s not for your president to move back.”

Qin Xiaobao is a very down-to-earth person. The gift from Quan Nanzhai is definitely not bad. If he sells it some other day, he can make a lot of money. Of course she likes it.

Several subordinates put the gifts into the room and exited one after another, making no noise at all.

After those people exited, Qin Xiaobao scanned the gifts one by one and said with a smile: "These gifts are not cheap. If you don't mind, Mr. President, please have someone send me the shopping list another day."

"Qin Xiaobao." Zhan Nianbei coughed lightly, interrupting Qin Xiaobao's money-obsessed man, "Of course, please invite someone to come in and sit down first. What will it look like standing at the door?"

Qin leran introduced again: "Uncle, this is my boyfriend Quan Nanzhai. Brother Lie, this is my uncle, you should have seen him."

"Yeah." The two men nodded at the same time, thinking that not only had they met, but they also had a cooperative relationship, but Qin leran didn't know it.

Qin leran and Quan Nanzhai entered the house together and saw someone else in the living room. Qin leran instinctively became defensive: "Qin Yinze, why are you here again?"

Qin Yinze looked back, glanced at Qin leran, and then fell on Quan Nanzhai: "I heard from grandma that my aunt is inviting me to dinner. Let me come and take a look."

If it hadn't been for the call from Qin's grandma asking him to help his sister see people, he really wouldn't have known that Quan Nanzhai would be here today.

When he just received a call from the Qin family's grandma, Qin Yinze once thought that his elders were deliberately making things difficult for him, but finally thought that his grandma was not that kind of person.

Over the years, grandma has treated him no differently from the other two children of the Qin family. Grandma just asked him, as the eldest brother, to look after his sister and had no other intention.

"After reading it, you should go back first." Perhaps the gap between the two people was too deep. Qin leran felt uncomfortable when he saw him, and was always worried that he would do something.

"Okay." Qin Yinze withdrew his gaze and glanced down at Zhan Limo. "Xiao Limo, the eldest brother is leaving first. We will meet again another day."

"Brother, why don't you stay and have dinner with us?" Xiao Li didn't understand. Everyone was there during the dinner before, so why did everyone leave first today?

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