My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 960 Stirring a hornet’s nest

Chapter 960: Stirring a hornet's nest


At the end of Zhan Li, he stretched out his little hand and tugged on Qin Xiaobao's clothes as a kind reminder.

Qin Xiaobao looked down at him and slapped his hand away: "You brat, you have nothing to do with me here. You can eat what you need to eat and drink what you need to drink. Don't be too troublesome."

At the end of the war, he winked at her and said, "Mom, dad..."

"Your dad is probably full, leave him alone, you eat yours..." Qin Xiaobao put a piece of meat into Zhan Limo's bowl, trying to block the brat's mouth.

She was busy with business, helping the daughter of the Qin family test her boyfriend, and had nothing to do with anything else.

"Alas..." Zhan Lim sighed and shook his head helplessly, how could he have such a slow mother.

Even at a young age, he knew that his father always relied on his mother for everything and could spoil her to the point of being lawless. But when it came to the issue of whether her mother should marry her father, his father was There will definitely be no regression.

Vaguely, Zhan Limo seemed to see how badly his mother would be abused by his father...


He shook his head helplessly again. He was probably a child picked up by his mother. Otherwise, how could a child as smart and cute as him have such a "silly" mother.

Suddenly he disliked her. He should stay away from her when we go out together in the future. He must not let others know that he is her son.

Look, his dull mother didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and she was still saying shamelessly: "Of course, you must remember these words that my aunt told you, otherwise you will meet a better man in the future. I will regret it until my intestines turn green."

Qin lelan took a sip of the soup, blinked and asked, "little aunt, you have been married to your uncle for so many years, have you ever regretted it?"

What Qin Xiaobao wants to do, Qin leran knows clearly. She is not a character who waits to be killed. She will definitely strike back when the other party is unprepared.

Qin leran asked with a smile and a soft voice. In Qin Xiaobao's view, Qin leran was still a cute child, and he lowered his guard against Qin leran.

Qin Xiaobao patted his chest and sighed: "Of course, if you ask my little aunt if she has ever regretted it, she will tell you that there has never been a day in these years that I have not regretted it."

Qin leran's eyes widened after hearing this, with an expression of "I sympathize with you": "Little aunt, do you mean to say that you have regretted marrying your uncle every day these years?"

Little aunt, if you dare to admit it, I will sympathize with you today.

Unexpectedly, Qin Xiaobao, who has always been smart, didn't know if she wanted to break up the Qin lelan couple too much today, so she really dared to nod.

"Yeah." Qin Xiaobao nodded and admitted, tears suddenly filled his eyes, and the play became more and more realistic, "Of course, you must take your little aunt and me as an example, and you must think carefully before getting married. Woman, once Once you get married, a man will feel that you are devalued and will no longer pity you. My husband dislikes me every day, and even my son dislikes me. They always target me together. I am living in dire straits every day. Sometimes I wish I could just get divorced. If I were given another chance to choose, I would never marry this bastard man Zhan Nianbei."

Qin Xiaobao has won various trophies for Best Actress in recent years, and his acting skills have been perfected.

After her emotional performance, anyone would feel that she has been living with regret all these years, and marrying Zhan Nianbei was the biggest mistake of her life.

Qin lelan gave her little aunt a thumbs up in her heart: "little aunt, you are a real hero! Ranran admires you!"


This time it was no longer the sound of bowls and chopsticks being put down, but the sound of the door slamming.

Zhan Nianbei, whose face became increasingly ugly, was so angry that he slammed the door and left.

Zhan Nianbei would have thrown Qin Xiaobao out of the window if it weren't for the fact that Nan Zhai was there and didn't want to be humiliated outside the country.

"Mom, dad left in anger!" At the end of Zhan Li, he tugged on Qin Xiaobao's clothes again, thinking that if she chased him out to apologize at this time, there was still room for things to turn around. After all, his dad couldn't bear to see him. Mom is sad.

"Your dad took the wrong medicine today. Don't worry about him. Eat more meat and grow taller." Qin Xiaobao put another piece of meat into Zhan Limo's bowl and blocked his mouth again.

At the end of the war: "..."

It seems that he is going to stay with his sister for a few days until the war period at home is over.

Qin Xiaobao also smiled at Quan Nanzhai, "Mr. Quan, my man is a little crazy sometimes. He is definitely not targeting you, so don't mind."

"I know!" Quan Nanzhai nodded with a bright smile in his eyes. In fact, this kind of lifestyle is more like a family.

Get angry when you need to be angry, argue when you need to quarrel, get angry when you want to lose your temper...

Unlike his family, even when they sit at the same table to eat, everyone has their own thoughts. They must think several times before saying something, for fear of saying the wrong thing.

A real home is so gentle and sweet, it has occasional quarrels, and it tries to think of ways to take care of its children.

Rather than being like his family, the first thing to consider about who to marry is the family background of the other person.

No, the candidate they can marry must be selected from which families. Marriage is a link between power and interests.

Qin Xiaobao asked again: "Mr. Quan, what do you think is good about our family?"

"How is she good?" Quan Nanzhai moved his left hand, took Qin lelan's hand into his palm, and looked down at her slightly, "In my heart, she is good everywhere."

"As the president of country A, you shoulder the fate of the entire country. To secure this position, you must work hard. Do you think you can spend a lot of time loving her like an ordinary husband?" After all, Qin Xiaobao What worries me is that Nanzhai, who has been promoted to power, ignores Qin lelan for work.

These problems are all very real problems, and they are also the source of conflicts between husband and wife after they have been together for a long time.

Marriage is not like love. Love can be impulsive and willful, but marriage requires precipitation and hard work by two people.

It is not that there are no good men in this world, there are many good men, but they may not belong to you.

If you can't meet the best man, then train your man well.

For example, their Zhan Nianbei used to be a military gangster who looked like a 250-year-old. He never understood her or felt sorry for her.

Over the years, after her training, that bastard Zhan Nianbei has changed a lot. He is no longer a big bastard, but a good husband and father.

Although Zhan Nianbei's gentleness and thoughtfulness are still far from her wooden brother, he has made great progress.

Besides, there are still many days to come, and she still has a lot of time to train Zhan Nianbei into a top-notch husband.

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