Chapter 961: Keep your word

"Little aunt, uncle and grandpa left in anger, are you really not going to have a look?" Qin Xiaobao asked this embarrassing question, and Qin lelan stepped forward to change the topic for Quan Nanzhai.

She was always like this, in order to prevent her family from embarrassing him, and in order to prevent him from being a little wronged, she stood up in front of him.

Quan Nanzhai's heart warmed, and he couldn't help but hold her hand harder and smiled gently at her: "Of course, don't worry."

Qin lelan is just worried: "brother lie, I..."

He reached out and pressed Qin leran's lips with his thumb to stop her from continuing. Then he looked at Qin Xiaobao and said with a smile: "The position of president of country A is important to me, but it is not as important as Qin leran to me." One percent.”

He got the position of President of Country A after going through all kinds of hardships, and it can be said to be the most proud work of his life and career.

Many people can't reach his height after working hard for several lifetimes, so many people think that this position is the last thing they can lose in this life.

But for him, this position is still so unworthy of mention compared with Qin leran.

Because only he knows that as long as Qin leran is by his side, no one and nothing can defeat him... As long as he does not fall, the position of one president is nothing, he can get it if he has two or three.

Qin Xiaobao was very satisfied with Quan Nanzhai's answer, but she was not the type of person who would surrender after hearing a few nice words.

She looked at Quan Nanzhai for a while, and then said: "Everyone can say nice things, but 70 to 80 percent of people can say it but can't do it. I don't know what kind of person Mr. Quan belongs to. ?”

Qin leran was anxious again: "little aunt, please don't embarrass brother lie anymore. I know him, but..."

Qin leran wanted to explain for Quan Nanzhai, but Quan Nanzhai squeezed her hand and took over the words: "Don't worry, Mrs. Zhan, I will work hard."

Qin Xiaobao glanced at Qin lelan, warned her to shut up, and said, "Mr. Quan, I don't care if you are a man of your word. I just hope that you can do what you say on this matter and take good care of Ranran in our family. "

Quan Nanzhai nodded: "I will."

Qin Xiaobao added: "You should also understand that today I am just testing you on behalf of my brother and sister-in-law. If you want to be recognized by everyone in the Qin family, you must continue to work hard. Of course, hard work is not just a show, but a real love for us." Of course.”

Quan Nanzhai continued to nod.

Of course he knows that Qin Xiaobao's level is the best one to pass. The real difficulty lies with Qin Yue. Only after passing Qin Yue's level can he possibly win the beauty back.

"Well, then you two continue eating, and I'll go see that old man Zhan in our family who is having a bad temper." Qin Xiaobao put down his chopsticks, got up and left. After taking two steps, he thought of something. Looking back, "You bastard, don't you Come with me to find your dad?"

Zhan Limo shook his head: "Mom, I'm not full yet, and I want to eat more. You can just go find Dad alone."

He's not stupid, so why would he follow his father to join in the fun when his father is angry with his mother? When his father has nowhere to vent his anger and gets angry at his little butt, he will die miserably.

Hearing that Zhan Li was not full yet, Qin Xiaobao turned around and went out to find Zhan Nianbei without calling him.

Looking at her disappearing back, Zhan Limo shook his head and sighed: "Ami Doufu, I hope my mother can come back alive and well."

"Xiao Limo, you are very happy to think that your mother will be tortured by your father, right?" Zhan Limo's shrewd eyes never escaped Qin lelan's eyes.

"How could it be? I'm worried about my gentle, beautiful and generous mother!" Although he is a little proud in his heart, he must not say it out loud. If his mother finds out, his little butt will be beaten again. Swelling.

"We don't have anyone else here, so what if you just tell the truth? You have been oppressed and bullied by your mother all year round. If you can't resist and complain, maybe you will feel better." Qin lelan is good at tempting.

"Qin leran, you are right. I am bullied every day at home and I am the most pitiful one in our family, but I still love my mother very much." Even if I beat him to death, he would not say that he really wanted his father to take care of his mother. , and asked his mother to restrain herself and not be so arrogant in the future.

Qin leran squeezed Zhan Limo's pink little face hard: "Xiao Limo, you just called me sister, why do you call me Qin leran again?"

Zhan Limo said: "I just remembered that according to my father's generation, you are a generation younger than me, so you should call me cousin!"

This is the consequence of the chaotic relationship between their family members. Qin lelan is also speechless and unable to refute this little guy.

"Xiao Limo, you really deserve a beating!" Qin leran smiled at him. If his eloquence could not take advantage, he would use other methods to solve the problem. "Wait, I will find a way to let you stay with the little cutie during the Spring Festival this year." Yue, let him teach Xiao how to love your sister."

"I don't want it." If you let him stay with that little guy who doesn't like to talk for a month, he will go crazy. He will definitely go crazy.

"Humph..." Qin leran hummed proudly.

"Sister, you are the best sister!" As the saying goes, a man can bend and stretch. Although he is young, he can also bend and stretch.

As long as he is not allowed to be alone with that cutie of the Qin family, let alone call him sister Qin lelan, he is also willing to let him kneel and call her sister.

At the end of the war, he was so unwilling to be with Qin Yinjian, a little boy who didn't like to talk and acted aloof all day long!

"That's about the same." Qin leran touched his head, and received a blank look from him. After all, not everyone can touch a boy's head casually, especially girls.

Quan Nanzhai and the Qin family's official meal was spent in noisy situations, but instead of feeling neglected, he felt that everyone regarded him as one of their own.

Even the little guy Zhan Limo had a slightly better attitude towards him. He squeezed to his side and opened his arms to him: "Brother Quan, can you hug me?"

"Of course!" Quan Nanzhai dreams of being liked by children. It feels very warm and can warm his heart.

"Brother Quan, will you really deceive your sister in the future?" Zhan Limo leaned into his ear and whispered, "Although she always bullies me, I don't like her sometimes, but if we see her more often in the future, I will still be sad if I don’t have her.”

"I won't cheat her away." Quan Nanzhai smiled softly and said, "If she can marry me another day, it won't be that I took her away, but that there will be one more person who loves her as much as you all."

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