My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 964: Shameless reaches new heights

Chapter 964: Shameless reaches new heights

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

How could this woman be so...

He thought about it for a long time before he found some adjectives to describe Qin Xiaobao - he was really not like a woman, he was wild and bold. Is there anything in the world that she wouldn't dare to do?

He had never seen anything that she didn't dare to do. She dared to step on the knife mountain, she dared to step into the frying pan, and she dared to break through the gates of hell.

Qin Xiaobao rubbed against Zhan Nianbei again: "Zhan Nianbei, you must be happy when I kiss you."

Zhan Nianbei stretched out his hand to push her and refused her to approach him: "Qin Xiaobao, this is in the elevator. Pay attention to the occasion."

"Ouch..." Qin Xiaobao snorted coldly and snarled at him, "Zhan Nianbei, we are all so familiar with each other. We have been honest with each other countless times. You are transparent in front of me. Why are you pretending to me? What innocence."

Zhan Nianbei glared at her: "I have never had any other woman except you in my life. I am pure and innocent, so why do I need to dress up?"

"Pfft..." Qin Xiaobao laughed and looked Zhan Nianbei up and down, "Are you proud that I am the only woman in your life?"

Zhan Nianbei said proudly: "At least prove my innocence!"

Qin Xiaobao tried very hard to hold back his laughter, paused, and then said: "Zhan Nianbei, you are too old and have long passed the age of innocence. Stop pretending to be young in front of the little sister. I won't eat you, little sister. This set."

The corners of Zhan Nianbei's mouth twitched: "Qin Xiaobao!"

Qin Xiaobao said again: "Am I wrong?"

Zhan Nianbei glared at her and didn't want to talk to this woman anymore. If she said one more word, he might trample her to death.

During the quarrel, Qin Xiaobao once again gained the upper hand. She was in a good mood and suddenly threw herself into Zhan Nianbei's arms and hugged him tightly: "Zhan Nianbei, kiss me."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

Qin Xiaobao refused to give up and rubbed against him, and then took the initiative to move forward to kiss him. This time, before he could touch his lips, Qin Xiaobao was pushed away by Zhan Nianbei.

Zhan Nianbei gave her a cold look: "Qin Xiaobao, that matter hasn't passed yet. I'm still angry with you. Don't push yourself too far."

Qin Xiaobao reached out and pinched him, and said seriously: "Zhan Nianbei, let me tell you, those old bachelors who can't get wives now are because they are too stingy. How can you marry such a beautiful and virtuous wife like me? Your blessing, don’t be born in the midst of blessings and not know your blessings.”

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

He had long known that Qin Xiaobao was thick-skinned, but he didn't expect it to be so thick-skinned. The walls of the elevator were probably not as thick-skinned as hers.

Ding dong——

Just as Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei were arguing and arguing, the elevator dinged and opened when it reached the destination building.

Zhan Nianbei didn't want to pay attention to Qin Xiaobao, and he was about to go out with one long step. Qin Xiaobao moved faster, hugged him, quickly pressed the elevator door button, and then pressed a random number key.

Zhan Nianbei was angry: "Qin Xiaobao, what do you want to do?"

Qin Xiaobao chuckled: "Zhan Nianbei, let me tell you, if you don't forgive me today, we will spend time in this elevator."

Zhan Nianbei: "..."

Qin Xiaobao ignored his livid face and kept pestering him anyway: "Zhan Nianbei, we have been married for several years. Have you noticed that I have more advantages?"

Zhan Nianbei really couldn't stand Qin Xiaobao's shamelessness, so he had to raise his hands and surrender: "Qin Xiaobao, stop talking, I forgive you."

"Have you forgiven me?" Qin Xiaobao smiled, "But your expression doesn't look like you have forgiven me. If you smile for me, I think it looks good, even if you forgive me."

This woman who goes beyond the limits!

Zhan Nianbei couldn't bear it anymore, so he grabbed her waist, pushed her back, made her lean against the elevator, and kissed her forcefully.

After working hard for so long, the big fish finally took the bait. Qin Xiaobao felt so proud that he wanted to buy firecrackers to celebrate.

However, just as these feelings of pride had risen, and before they could spread to every nerve of Qin Xiaobao, the elevator door opened with another ding-dong sound.

There were several people standing at the door of the elevator, some old and some young. Seeing the scene in the elevator, someone said disdainfully: "The world is really going downhill."

What is a declining world?

Qin Xiaobao expressed dissatisfaction!

How come her husband kisses her and the world is in decline?

Qin Xiaobao struggled instinctively and wanted to find someone to explain things clearly, but Zhan Nianbei, a man who refused to let go, couldn't let her go.

This is the difference between women's and men's bodies. Men are born stronger than women. If they fight, they will really take advantage of them.

"Woo..." Qin Xiaobao was gagged by Zhan Nianbei and could only whimper like a baby crying. He was really bullied.

"You're just a few steps away from home, and you're still having sex in the elevator. How horny and unbearable are you?" The voices of others talking seemed to ring in my ears.

Qin Xiaobao not only wanted to curse people, but also wanted to hit them. She struggled hard, but the old man Zhan Nianbei kissed her so hard that she was so dizzy that she couldn't exert any strength at all.


Everyone's eyes were fixed on the two of them. Zhan Nianbei slowly let go of her and walked towards the elevator with his arms around her under everyone's gaze: "I borrowed it."

He hugged Qin Xiaobao and got out of the elevator. Before the elevator door was closed, he added, "Honey, are you satisfied this time?"

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

Depend on!

This man was so awesome. He was clearly telling his fellow passengers that it was she who asked him to do this, not him who took the initiative.

Qin Xiaobao raised his foot and stepped hard on Zhan Nianbei's foot in retaliation. However, Zhan Nianbei gave her a faint smile: "Okay, stop making trouble, we are going back, Ranran and the guests are still there Wait for us."

Qin Xiaobao: "..."

She was laughed at by others, and he was very happy, really happy.

Because when he held her, he couldn't hold back his laughter until his chest was shaking.

Qin Xiaobao said he was very angry, but he couldn't find a reason to be angry because he didn't understand what he was saying or doing.

Zhan Nianbei pinched her lips that were red from his kiss: "It's only two floors up. Let's take the stairs up. It's good to exercise as we get older."

"You just knew you were older? Why didn't you feel that you were older when you kissed me so hard just now?" Hmm, you villain, you are so pretentious.

"I'm not here to satisfy your needs!" He said, his lips raised slightly, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

Looking at his smiling face, Qin Xiaobao slowly realized that his Zhan Nianbei was actually an old fox.

Every time the couple quarreled, she seemed to win, but in fact, he was the winner in the end and she was the loser!

However, since we are husband and wife, we have to live a lifetime. When we quarrel in life, what does it matter who loses and who wins?

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