My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 965 There is still a tough battle to fight

Chapter 965: There is still a tough battle to fight

After some tossing, Qin Xiaobao and Zhan Nianbei finally returned home.

It was Zhan Limo who opened the door for them. The little guy imagined that his father must still be angry with his mother before opening the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the door opened, what I saw was a picture of mom and dad holding hands, a scene of unwavering love.

Seeing them, the little ones were stunned!

He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. He raised his little hand and rubbed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he saw that they were still holding hands with their fingers intertwined.

He felt that maybe the way he opened it was wrong, so he repeated the action just now, closed his eyes and opened them again, and the picture he saw was still the same.

Dad is holding mom, and mom is holding dad, as loving as they are.

This warm and touching painting style was completely beyond his expectation!

His mother said so many unpleasant things. If it were him, he would have been angry for a week, but his father would have been angry for less than half an hour.

It seems that he has to re-examine his father - wife slave! A real wife slave!

He just hoped that he would never inherit his father's gene.


He didn't want to say anything anymore, he hid his surprise and put on the bright smile that a child should have: "Mom, you brought dad back!"

"Bad boy, do you hope that I can't get your dad back?" Qin Xiaobao stepped forward, held the little guy in his arms and rubbed him, "Where are my sister and Mr. Quan?"

"Sister took Mr. Quan to visit her bedroom!" As for what else they would do in the bedroom, he was still young and didn't understand.

"Go and ask them to come out. Your dad still has something to talk to Mr. Quan." Qin Xiaobao pushed the little guy out of his arms and asked him to run errands.

"Okay!" Zhan Li was relieved at the end. He turned around and ran a few steps before suddenly turning back and saying, "Mom, you just said that dad just deserves a beating. Did you beat him?"

Qin Xiaobao: "Smelly boy, don't talk nonsense. When did I say this?"

This brat deserves a beating!

Qin Xiaobao swore that the next time Zhan Nianbei wanted to deal with him, she would never stop him.

Look, Zhan Nianbei's face turned dark again because of this little kid talking nonsense.

She had just spent so much effort to coax Zhan Nianbei back, but Zhan Nianbei ignored her again because of the brat's words.

She wanted to drag the brat back and give him a beating, but the little guy had already gone to the room to call for help. She could only look at Zhan Nianbei and smile shamelessly: "Commander Zhan, you are a thoughtful person. Don't be fooled." The brat is confused. He just likes to talk nonsense, you know that."

"Qin Xiaobao, don't think that I don't know who you are. I'm warning you, don't talk to me within twenty-four hours from tonight to tomorrow night, otherwise I will throw you out of the fucking window." Throw it away. After saying that, Zhan Nianbei took a long step and entered the study in a few steps.

A dumbfounded Qin Xiaobao was left in the huge living room, messy in the wind.

I heard her roar for a while: "Zhan Limo, you little bastard, did I owe you and my son in my previous life?"

Dong Dong——

The study door rang three times rhythmically, and Zhan Nianbei said without raising his head: "Please come in!"

He knew that Qin Xiaobao didn't have the guts to come in, and the person knocking on the door this time must be Quan Nanzhai, so when the door opened, he also stood up.

Although he is the elder in the Qin family, Quan Nanzhai is the supreme president in Country A.

Before the identities of Quan Nanzhai and Qin leran were confirmed, Zhan Nianbei still treated Quan Nanzhai as the president of country A and should not neglect the president too much.

"Commander Zhan!" Without his female family members, Quan Nanzhai also had a business-like attitude when facing Zhan Nianbei, and his politeness was unfamiliar.

"President Quan, please sit down." Zhan Nianbei pointed to the single sofa beside him and asked Quan Nanzhai to sit down before he sat down on the other single sofa.

"Commander Zhan, you are a sensible person, let's open the skylight and speak frankly." Quan Nanzhai sat upright and said straight to the point, "I got some information about the things you want to check, and there is a high probability that I knew it back then. The truth of the incident, but there are still some shortcomings.”

"Who is it?" Zhan Nianbei did not ask what information was missing, but directly asked him what he wanted to know. Only by finding out the person behind the scenes could Qin Xiaobao's biological parents be cleared, this was his purpose.

"Our guesses were all correct, he did it." It was such an unspeakable thing, but Quan Nanzhai had to say it, because when Quan Lizhang followed others to frame him, their father-son relationship had already been severed. Those sins were caused by Quan Lizhang, and they should be repaid by Quan Lizhang.

"It's really him." Although he had already expected that Quan Lizhang was the real culprit behind the spy incident, Zhan Nianbei was still a little surprised.

Similarly, Zhan Nianbei also couldn't understand that the daughter married off by the Quan family could not threaten Quan Lizhang's status. Why did Quan Lizhang push his sister and brother-in-law out?

Is it possible that Quan Lizhang pushed his sister and brother-in-law out to conceal the identity of the real spy?

Quan Nanzhai didn't answer again. Even if Quan Lizhang never regarded him as a son, Quan Lizhang was still his father. It was the most basic rest for a son not to speak ill of his father.

Zhan Nianbei added: "The main purpose of my coming to country A this time is to investigate what happened back then. Now that the matter has been clarified, I will prepare to return to Jiangbei."

"I'll have someone send you the information later..." At this point, Quan Nanzhai suddenly stopped talking, "Commander Zhan, I have something to trouble you with. Is it convenient for you?"

Zhan Nianbei said: "Mr. Quan, please speak!"

Quan Nanzhai said: "It's time to close the net I cast, but the net will not be so easy to close. There will definitely be a tough battle to be fought. During this period, it may not be safe. I would like to ask You send Ranran back to New York."

It's not that Quan Nanzhai doesn't want Qin lelan to be by his side, but that he must deal with this battle with all his strength.

He was worried that he might not be able to take Qin leran into consideration when he was busy with other things. If the enemy used her as a breakthrough point to attack him...

Quan Nanzhai is not willing to see Qin lelan suffer the slightest harm.

Zhan Nianbei said worriedly: "I am willing to send her home, but have you ever asked her if she is willing to go back? She is very persistent in her feelings for you, so persistent that she can be considered stubborn. Maybe she won't listen to what any of us say? "

"I know. I will communicate with her about this matter." Quan Nanzhai said again, but his voice was a little darker.

He thought that the Spring Festival would be celebrated in just over a month, and then Quan Nanzhai would take the initiative to go to New York to visit the elders of the Qin family, so that he could meet his Ranran.

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