My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 970 Negotiation Conditions

Chapter 970: Negotiating Conditions

Lin Jiacheng said: "Sir, I just asked Su Wanqin to hand over the information to me, but Su Wanqin is very stubborn. She demanded to see you before handing over the information."

As a qualified and excellent secretary, she must think of things that the leader may think of in advance, but Su Wanqin was unwilling to hand over the information, and Lin Jiacheng had nothing to do with her.

"Ask her to go to the reception room, I'll be there later." Quan Nanzhai has the key figure Quan Dongming in hand, and Quan Nanzhai is not worried about what other tricks Su Wanqin can play.

What's more, Quan Nanzhai is thinking about all the surprises Qin lelan said at this moment. He can't wait to finish his work and go to her in an instant.


All work must be done step by step, and you cannot become fat in one breath.

After reading the mountains of documents, Quan Nanzhai listened to another meeting report, and then ended his day's work.

It was already time to get off work at 5pm, and Su Wanqin had been waiting for Quan Nanzhai in the reception room for more than two hours.

"Mr. President, do you want to see Su Wanqin?" Lin Jiacheng reminded him dutifully when he saw Mr. President putting on his suit jacket and getting ready to leave after get off work.

"Su Wanqin?" Quan Nanzhai was stunned for a moment, then remembered that Su Wanqin was still waiting for him, "Don't worry, let her wait a little longer."

Lin Jiacheng: "Yes."

As soon as Lin Jiacheng left, Quan Nanzhai immediately took out his mobile phone and called Qin leran. After the call was put through, the call was quickly connected. He heard her pleasant voice: "Brother Lie, are you done?"

"Well, I'm done with my work, but I still have some personal matters to deal with. But don't worry, I will arrive at the appointment location on time at six o'clock." Quan Nanzhai originally planned to rush there in advance so as to give Qin lelan a surprise, but now Delayed by Su Wanqin's matter.

"Brother Lie, I'm not in a hurry, as long as you come over tonight." Qin leran's voice sounded very happy, and Quan Nanzhai on the other end of the phone could feel that she was beaming when she spoke.

"Okay." Quan Nanzhai was infected by Qin lelan's emotions, and his voice couldn't help but rise a little higher. It was not difficult to hear that he was also laughing.

"Brother Lie..."


"Brother Lie..." She called his name but hesitated.

"Of course, what do you want to say to me?" Quan Nanzhai waited patiently for her, but Qin leran on the other end of the phone did not speak.

"Ranran?" Quan Nanzhai called her again.

"Brother Lie..." Qin leran paused again, and after a few seconds he spoke again, "Forget it, I'd better not say it on the phone. When you come to the date, I'll tell you in front of you."

"You girl!" She aroused his curiosity, but she didn't say that she was deliberately trying to distract him from other things.

"Brother Lie, go and do things quickly. We'll see you later." After that, Qin leran hung up the phone, leaving Quan Nanzhai thinking about what this little girl wanted to say to him.

Reception room.

Su Wanqin looked at the clock on the wall, and the time slipped away minute by minute, but Quan Nanzhai still delayed coming as she was waiting. She knew that he was deliberately making things difficult for her.

Quan Nanzhai holds Quan Dongming's life and death in his hands. He has the capital to pull him over. She can't care about him, nor can she care about the current situation.

The best thing Su Wanqin has done in her life is "tolerance". She has endured it for more than thirty years, and she can also endure it for these two hours.

After waiting in the reception room for more than two hours, she just sat on the sofa without moving a step, her expression indifferent and inhumane.

Neither Quan Lizhang nor Yao Shi was her opponent. Only Quan Nanzhai was not so easy to deal with. He actually tried to trick her and made her lose everything.

To say that Su Wanqin hates Quan Nanzhai is an understatement. She hates Quan Nanzhai to the core and wishes she could crush Quan Nanzhai to his ashes.

But... is it still possible?

Just when Su Wanqin was thinking about the countless possibilities, finally, there was a sound at the door, which was the sound of people walking.

Su Wanqin looked up immediately and saw the noble and elegant Quan Nanzhai approaching, supported by a group of bodyguards.

Seeing the elegant way Quan Nanzhai walked, Su Wanqin gritted her teeth in jealousy.

Quan Nanzhai and Quan Dongming are both Quan Lizhang's sons. Why does Quan Nanzhai seem to have a more noble temperament than Quan Dongming?



Is it because Quan Nanzhai was born to that useless woman from the Yao family?

"Ms. Su, our Mr. President is here." Su Wanqin looked at Quan Nanzhai without saying anything, and naturally Lin Jiacheng, who was beside Quan Nanzhai, broke the silence.

Su Wanqin suppressed her strong jealousy and said straight to the point: "Quan Nanzhai, I can give you what you want. My purpose is also very clear, I want Quan Dongming to be safe."

Quan Nanzhai stood upright. Because the height difference between him and Su Wanqin was so big, Su Wanqin might not be able to see his expression clearly even if she raised her head.

After listening to Su Wanqin's words, Quan Nanzhai didn't say anything, because if he said another word to this woman, he felt that his mouth would be dirty.

It was Lin Jiacheng who spoke for him again: "Ms. Su, whether it is the Long family matter or the spy matter, it is in the past, and the damage has been done. Even if the case is overturned, they will not be able to survive. But Quan Dong Ming is different, he is still alive."

What Lin Jiacheng wants to express with these words is very clear. Quan Dongming is still a living person, and anything is possible for a living person.

However, the dead people have long been turned into a pile of bones. Even if they are avenged for their blood and hatred, they will not be able to come back alive.

Su Wanqin clenched her fist: "Mr. Quan, if you think this is not enough, then I can send you an additional message."

Lin Jiacheng was right. Quan Dongming was still alive. If she wanted to save Quan Dongming, she could only swallow her anger. There was no other way.

Because she was stupid enough to expose her weakness in front of Quan Nanzhai...

Lin Jiacheng glanced at Quan Nanzhai quietly and saw that his master still had no intention of speaking, so he continued to act as the spokesperson: "Ms. Su, if you are really sincere, hand over all the information in your hand and agree to be a stain on us. Witness. Once everything is done, Master Dong Ming’s life will be saved.”

"Quan Nanzhai, don't push yourself too far!" It was Lin Jiacheng who said it, but it must have been Quan Nanzhai's intention. The person Su Wanqin wanted to scold was naturally Quan Nanzhai.

"Ms. Su, we can't only get the evidence from you. If you are unwilling to cooperate, then please leave." Lin Jiacheng added.

"Quan Nanzhai, you are cruel!" This was the only chance to save Quan Dongming. How could Su Wanqin leave? She could only swallow her anger, "Okay, I agree to all your conditions."

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