Chapter 971: Eternal Darkness

Lin Jiacheng said: "Ms. Su, thank you for your willingness to cooperate with us! Then please follow me now, and we will prepare the materials and record the confession."

Su Wanqin was unwilling to leave and looked directly at Quan Nanzhai, hoping that Quan Nanzhai could give her an answer personally so that she could feel relieved.


Quan Nanzhai didn't even look at her. He turned around and walked away gracefully. From the beginning to the end, she didn't wait for Quan Nanzhai to say a word.

Looking at Quan Nanzhai's retreating back, Su Wanqin clenched her fists tightly, and she didn't feel any pain even when her nails dug into her palms.

Quan Nanzhai!

Su Wanqin squeezed out these three words silently through her teeth.

He waited carefully. If this revenge was not avenged, she, Su Wanqin, would definitely kill herself.

Star Hotel.

In order to give Brother Lie an unforgettable birthday, Qin lelan started making preparations as early as half a month ago after his uncle and grandfather's family returned to Jiangbei.

She booked a luxurious suite as a place to celebrate brother lie's birthday, and she also ordered a thirty-story giant cake to mark that brother lie was thirty years old.

In addition to these, Qin leran also found a professional band and spent half a month personally compiling a song for brother lie... Anyway, she used all the ideas she could think of to celebrate brother lie's birthday.

She checked the information and found that brother lie had never had a good birthday before. She thought he might not even remember his own birthday.

Every year when she celebrates her birthday, her family members rush home to celebrate her birthday no matter where they are. Every year they receive birthday gifts without mercy.

Compared with brother lie, she simply grew up in a honey jar.

But it doesn't matter, she didn't participate in brother lie's previous life, and she will never be absent from brother lie's future life.

Qin lelan secretly made a decision that she would work hard to live a good life in the future, so that brother lie would also become a man soaked in honey jars.

The time was still half an hour before six o'clock, which meant that she had to wait half an hour before she could see brother lie. Although it was only half an hour, she felt that the time was so long.

She hoped that brother lie would come soon and tell him in person what she wanted to say to him on the phone just now, letting him know that he would never be alone again.

Dong Dong——

She was thinking of brother lie when a knock on the door suddenly rang.

Could it be that brother lie came early?

Thinking that it might be Brother Lie, Qin lelan jumped up from the chair and rushed to open the door. However, when the door opened, a male *** member stood at the door.

Qin leran's bright smile fell instantly, he looked listlessly at the waiter in front of him, and asked him what happened with his eyes.

The waiter said: "Are you Miss Qin?"

Qin leran nodded: "what's the matter with you?"

The man pointed to the dining car beside him and said politely: "The amount of money you spent at our hotel is too high. It has exceeded the price of our gifts. I came here to give you a gift."

"Oh... Then come in and find a place to put it." Qin lelan has never been short of money, and he doesn't care about giving gifts.

The main reason was that she thought the person coming was Brother Lie just now. When she opened the door and saw that it was not her, her heart froze, so what else could she think about the gift.

She turned around and sat back on the chair, continuing to sit blankly thinking about her brother lie, and not paying attention to what the waiter was doing next to her.

"Hate it! Why don't you give me a gift if you have nothing to do? It makes me happy in vain." Qin leran murmured, holding his head.

Nothing to give a gift?

Thinking of these keywords, something suddenly flashed in Qin lelan's mind, but the strangeness came and went so fast that she couldn't catch anything.

I don't know if it's because brother lie didn't come, or if he couldn't remember the strange thing that just flashed in his mind. Qin lelan suddenly felt a little irritable in his heart.

If she had known she was so upset, she shouldn't have kicked Zhong Kun out. It would have been better to let him stay and chat with her to tease him.

"Waiter, put your things down and go out." Qin leran said.

This is a private room with a dedicated waiter, but Qin lelan doesn't want them to flash around in front of her eyes and ruin the atmosphere. She'd better wait for brother lie alone.

The waiter didn't respond, and the weird feeling flashed through Qin leran's mind again, this time very quickly, but Qin leran grasped the key.

"Not good!" She screamed secretly.

This waiter walked with a firm and powerful step, like someone who has been practicing martial arts for many years. It was completely different from other waiters.

Thinking that the waiter might be a bad person, Qin leran looked back quickly, but she smelled a strange fragrance the moment she looked back.

Before she could smell what the fragrance was, she only saw the man smiling coldly at her. Soon her brain sank and she lost all consciousness.

Black, endless black, so black that there is no trace of light, so black that it feels like the world has collapsed.

"No! Don't! Don't! Brother Lie, save me!"

Qin leran wanted to shout, but he couldn't make any sound. He could only raise his hands and hug his head tightly and curl up into a ball, as helpless as a baby.

Darkness is a nightmare that she can never get rid of in her life. It is the source of her inner demons, and she has never been able to get out of this inner demon.

Qin leran holds her head tightly with her hands and curls up in the dark corner. The horrific memories of the past attack her like a tide.

The kidnapper's comments could be heard in her ears. Those voices had clearly passed for more than ten years, but they seemed to be ringing in her ears now.

Someone scolded: "Qin Yue cares about this child. As long as this child is in our hands, we are not afraid that Qin Yue will not regress."

Someone answered: "If you cripple one of her legs, even if Qin Yue rescues her, then even this injury will make Qin Yue regret it for the rest of his life."

Others said: "The people above us obviously let their words go. They did not want to deal with this child, but because this child is Qin Yue's daughter. If she is crippled, Qin Yue will regret it for the rest of his life, so we have won."

The discussion of crippling her became louder and louder.

Qin leran has not been able to think clearly about these sounds over the years, but at this moment, the memory of being kidnapped echoes so clearly in her ears.

"Brother Lie..."

That year, when she was most frightened and helpless, brother lie descended from the sky like a superman and rescued her from the darkness alone.

This time, she fell into darkness again. Can brother lie arrive in time and be her hero like before?

She thought that brother lie would definitely come and save her, but the fear in her heart did not diminish at all.

As long as the darkness is still there, her fear will never be eliminated.

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