Chapter 972: Why is it him?

Qin lelan doesn't know when this darkness will end. She can only wait, waiting for her destined hero to fall from the sky.

Hopefully her hero would come soon and rescue her from this prison of nothing but darkness.


The door was suddenly kicked open, and light shone in from the doorway, illuminating the dark room.

Qin lelan suddenly raised his head and said instinctively: "Brother lie..."

But the person who appeared in front of her was not the brother lie she had been looking forward to, but... She couldn't believe what she saw, and murmured: "Qin Yinze?"

How could it be him?

Why is he here?

While Qin leran's mind was still in chaos, Qin Yinze had already walked to her side in two steps, pulled her into his arms and held her tightly.

"Ran Ran……"

Qin Yinze called her name, his voice trembling with nervousness. You can imagine how worried he was about her safety.


He held her tightly and called her name again and again, as if he wanted to pour out all the emotions hidden in his heart.

"why you?"

Qin lelan raised her head slightly and looked at Qin Yinze, who was holding her tightly. Her voice was also trembling, and she had not yet come out of the inner demon that had trapped her since childhood.

Seeing her disappointed eyes, Qin Yinze felt as bitter as coptis in his heart, but he answered calmly: "I just got the news, so I came. It's just right, don't think too much about it."

Not only Qin Yue and Quan Nanzhai sent people to Qin leran, but Qin Yinze also sent people to protect her. They were just worried that she would find out, which made his people more cautious.

It was precisely because his people were hiding in the dark that Qin leran was accidentally discovered when the enemy avoided the sight of Chang Li and Quan Nanzhai's men.

It was precisely because his people were the first to discover that Qin leran was arrested, and he was the one who got the news the fastest, that he could rush to rescue her faster than Quan Nanzhai.

He has always regarded her life as more important than his own, and he has been working hard to protect her.

But she never saw his efforts, couldn't see him silently guarding her, always avoiding him like a snake and a scorpion.

"Thank you..." Qin leran just said the word "thank you". Qin Yinze pressed her into his arms again and said in a deep voice, "Everything is of my own free will. I don't need you to say thank you."

He didn't need her "thank you" because he was a bitch and couldn't ignore her. Because he wants her to live a good life, even if she cannot belong to him in this life.

Qin Yinze couldn't say many words to Qin lelan, so he could only press the emotions back into his chest again.

Let that fiery love for her be hidden deep in his heart forever...

"I..." Qin leran wanted to say something more, but Qin Yinze hugged him with greater strength. He said, "Don't say anything, I'll take you out of here first."

"Yeah." Qin leran nodded.

Even though she had been disappointed, even though her body had not regained its strength after being drained, she still followed Qin Yinze's wishes and left here first.

"Young Master Qin, my master invited Miss Qin but did not invite you. Do you think we are a place where you can come and leave as you please?"

As soon as the two of them turned around, they saw several strong men standing at the door. The strong men blocked the door and blocked their way. The person standing at the front of the group spoke.

Qin leran hadn't completely escaped from the darkness. He trembled with fright when he heard the unfamiliar voice, and instinctively hid in Qin Yinze's arms.

She looked scared like a helpless child. Qin Yinze saw the pain in his eyes and patted her back gently, saying softly: "But don't be afraid!"

But Qin Yinze's comfort didn't have much effect, because Qin lelan's body seemed to tremble even more in his arms.

damn it!

This group of rabble could actually frighten the painful baby bumps that they all hold in their hands, damn it!

What on earth did they do to her when he didn't come?

Qin Yinze patted Qin lelan's back gently, but his eyes when looking at the enemy were as cold and sharp as a sharp knife.

If looks could kill, Qin Yinze's eyes had already cut the group of strong men in front of him into pieces.

He gently raised his hand to cover Qin lelan's ears, stared coldly at the person who spoke in the middle, and said in a deep voice: "Since you know that we are the Qin family, then get away from me."

His voice was very cold, and as soon as it came out, it shocked several strong men who were ready to move. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, no one has the courage to take a step forward.

"You all get out of the way. I can forget about what happened today." Qin Yinze's eyes fell on the strong man in the middle and said again.

Qin Yinze just came from the meeting with no one around him. He had to deal with more than a dozen strong men in front of him. In a head-on confrontation, he couldn't get the upper hand.

"Young Master Qin, it's not like we don't know what you did. We caught your Qin family's baby, but you still ignore it."

As the male voice, neither loud nor low, sounded, the group of people blocking the door unanimously gave way, allowing the man to come to the front.

Qin Yinze has never seen this man in real life, but he has seen his photos, so he can be regarded as a person he is very familiar with.

That was Quan Shihan, the second son of the Quan family who was deprived of the right to inherit the presidency and expelled from Linhai City for committing an offense a few years ago.

Quan Shihan is Quan Nanzhai's half-brother. Why he was deprived of the right to inherit the president back then has something to do with Quan Nanzhai.

Then it becomes clear why he wanted to kidnap Qin lelan.

Just when Quan Shihan was staring at Qin Yinze closely, Qin Yinze also saw him clearly.

Quan Shihan was wearing a cheap down jacket, and the cuffs were badly worn and dirty. It seemed that Quan Shihan had not been living well in the past few years.

Being framed by Quan Nanzhai and not having a good life these years, Quan Shihan was so angry that he took action to provoke the Qin family that he knew he shouldn't provoke.

Quan Shihan must have wanted to take Qin leran hostage and threaten Quan Nanzhai, so as to get what he wanted from Quan Nanzhai.

But Quan Shihan's calculation was wrong. Qin leran was not Quan Nanzhai's at present. She was just a member of the Qin family, the daughter of Qin Yue, and the woman Qin Yinze wanted to protect.

Qin Yinze chuckled: "It turns out to be Mr. Quan."

Quan Shihan was stunned for a moment when his identity was revealed, but he quickly recovered. He sneered and said, "Master Qin, we are just inviting Miss Qin to sit here today. We will not hurt her. You Why come and join in the fun?”

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