Chapter 973: Brother...

"Don't talk so much nonsense. I just want to know whether you will let him go or not?" No matter what he does, Qin Yinze has learned one of Qin Yue's strengths, which is to fight quickly.

Talk about the things that can be discussed, and do what you can about the things that cannot be discussed without delay.

However, one thing is very clear. As long as he is here today, no one can touch Qin leran's hair.

Quan Shihan scratched the dirty hair on his head that was like a hemp rope, shook his legs and said: "Master Qin, don't get excited. I have already said that I just invited Miss Qin to come for a cup of tea. There is no intention." Malice.”

Qin Yinze glanced at him coldly: "Let your people get away!"

Quan Shihan suddenly laughed: "Master Qin, are you telling a joke?"

Qin Yinze said nothing.

Quan Shihan said again: "You are here, how can my people let you go? If you leave, can we still survive?"

Although the Qin family will not bully others, anyone who dares to offend them will definitely not get good results.

Qin Yinze subconsciously hugged Qin lelan tightly in his arms, gently closed his eyes, glanced at the people in front of him again, and roughly remembered the appearance and figure of this group of people.

Quan Shihan laughed: "Then stay with your sister."

After speaking, he waved his hand, and the strong men surrounding him rushed towards Qin Yinze without any worries.

These people are actually a group of gangsters who fight and commit all kinds of evil. Qin Yinze's momentum can shock them for a while, but as long as their master orders them, they can all rush out and fight.

Several big men swarmed up. Qin Yinze raised his long legs and kicked one person, one after another, because he wanted to protect Qin leran. Under the fierce attack of a group of people, it didn't take long for him to gradually be at a disadvantage. .

The situation was very dangerous, but Qin Yinze responded calmly and calmly. He knew that he could not continue like this.

He took Qin leran and stepped back a few steps, letting her stand in the corner: "ran, listen, don't be afraid, I will take you out of here in a while."

"I..." Qin lelan was still afraid and wanted to catch Qin Yinze, but her reason made her quietly take back her hand. At this time, she couldn't help. She was helping if she didn't hold him back.

"Of course, don't be afraid!" Seeing her pale face, Qin Yinze felt distressed and the anger in his heart was rising rapidly.

Today, he must let those people come out alive and lying down.

Feeling that the people behind him were about to attack, Qin Yinze turned around, punched quickly, and hit the left eye of the strong man at the front hard with one punch.

Qin Yinze's punch was hard and heavy. The man was hit, his body shook twice, and then he fell to the ground with a bang.

Seeing that the comrade who was attacking at the front was knocked down, the people who came after him were stunned. After being stunned, they started to attack like madmen.

The opponent's attacks are getting fiercer and fiercer. Without Qin lelan's restraint, Qin Yinze's attack power is also rising rapidly. When the enemy rushes up to one person, he knocks down one person, and when a pair of enemies rush up to him, he knocks down a pair.

For a long time, no one could break through him and get within ten steps of Qin leran.

But instead of giving up, the group of people became more and more fierce. A group of more than 20 strong men fell down one after another. The small room was crowded with people, and wailing sounds could be heard everywhere. The scene was extremely chaotic.

"Of course..." After cleaning up the group of people, Qin Yinze looked back at Qin leran in the corner. He slightly curled his lips and gave her a slight smile to reassure her.

More than a dozen vicious men were knocked down, but there was still one person standing on the other side, and the only one was Quan Shihan, who had been watching with cold eyes.

Seeing that his men were defeated and that Qin Yinze was about to win, Quan Shihan smiled and used his trump card.

He slowly raised the small pistol in his hand and gently pulled the gun valve. With a gunshot, the bullet penetrated the abdomen of Qin Yinze, who was like a god of war just now.


There was a gunshot, and the bullet flew quickly towards Qin lelan in the corner. In that moment, Qin Yinze's brain almost didn't think, and his body instinctively moved to the right. He used his body to block the fatal bullet for Qin leran. bullet.

The bullet passed through the abdomen and blood spurted out...

The gunshot woke up the chaotic Qin leran. Her eyes widened suddenly. Seeing that Qin Yinze was about to fall next to her, she rushed over and caught his fallen body: "Brother..."

In the most dangerous moments, people's first reaction is always the most real. Qin leran's blurt "brother" actually indirectly shows that she recognizes Qin Yinze as her brother.

In her heart, Qin Yinze is her brother, always has been, but because of something he did, she hated him and was unwilling to be nice to him anymore.

"Brother, don't be afraid, hold on!" She supported him, but because their sizes and weights were so different, and because Qin Yinze had lost all his strength, all his weight was on her, making her It was too much to bear, but she gritted her teeth and held on, slowly helping him lie down on the ground.

"Brother... don't be afraid, it will be okay, it will be okay..." Qin leran bit his lip and tore off his shirt, quickly blocked his wound and stopped the bleeding, "You have to hold on! You must hold on live!"

"Young Master Qin, Miss Qin, I just want to invite you to have a cup of tea. Are you going to make such a fuss with me?" He played with the pistol in his hand and continued, "Your fist skills are fast and good. , but will it be as fast as my bullets?”

He turned the gun and pointed it at Qin lelan's head: "Master Qin, what do you think will happen if I blow this girl's head off with one shot?"

"Quan..." Qin Yinze was talking, but the voice was too low. Quan Shihan couldn't hear clearly, so he couldn't help but get closer. "Master Qin, what do you want to say? Say it louder. Your arrogance just now was Was it eaten by a dog?"

However, the moment Quan Shihan approached Qin Yinze, Qin Yinze suddenly sat up. He gritted his teeth and used his last strength to punch Quan Shihan on the head, causing him to faint.

"Brother..." Because he exerted force, the wound bleed faster and soon dyed his white shirt red. Qin leran was so worried that he almost cried.

"Of course..." Qin Yinze smiled weakly and tried his best to reach out and touch her delicate face, "Thank you for being willing to call me brother."

Although he didn't want to be her brother, he felt it was enough to hear her calling him brother with deep emotion from the bottom of her heart.

After protecting her for more than ten years, he could see that she was worried about him.

Enough, really enough, he told himself.

The Qin family had raised him for more than ten years and given him the best life and the best of everything. It was only right that he repay them in this way.

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