My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 984 The reason why you can’t enter his heart

Chapter 984: The reason why you can’t enter his heart

Perhaps Qin Yinze's unwillingness to wake up was not due to physical reasons, but just because he didn't want to see her.

It must be!

She used to find him annoying and really hurt his heart, but now he didn't want to meddle in her business anymore, so he simply fell asleep so that he could be out of sight and out of mind.

Dong Dong——

A sudden knock on the door interrupted Qin leran's thoughts. She immediately stabilized her mood and said, "come in."

Chang Li pushed the door open and said, "Miss, there is a girl who calls herself Yaya who wants to see you."

"Sister Yaya?" Qin lelan was a little confused about how Yaya got the news, but nodded, "Please entertain her for a while, I'll go right away."

"Yes." Chang Li stepped back politely.

As soon as Chang Li left, Qin lelan helped Qin Yinze pull the quilt: "Brother, I'm going to see my friends, it's not that I won't accompany you. You rest, I'll be back in a while."

She got up and left, walked a few steps and suddenly turned back. She really hoped that when she turned back, she could see Qin Yinze opening his eyes and looking at her, just like before.


Qin leran shook his head in disappointment. What was she thinking?

How could he be awake and pretend not to be awake? He has never been a child that makes parents worry.

Qin leran saw Yaya as soon as he came out of the ward. When he saw her, Yaya immediately ran towards her: "Leran, I..."

Seeing Yaya's worried look, Qin leran knew that Yaya was not here to see her but to see Qin Yinze.

She said: "Sister Yaya, you are here to see my brother."

Yaya never minces words when doing things. When Qin leran said her purpose, she admitted generously: "Yes. I heard that he was injured. Let me come and take a look." After a pause, Yaya said again, "Le "Can I go in and talk to him alone?"

Yaya asked sincerely, and it could be seen from her look that she was worried about Qin Yinze from the bottom of her heart. Qin leran had no reason to stop: "Sister Yaya, he hasn't woken up yet, and he may not be able to respond to you. But You can try, maybe he can hear you."

The doctor explained that asking family members to talk to the injured more often and using family and friendship to awaken his will to survive may help him wake up faster.

The whole family has worked hard, but it has no effect. If someone else talks to Qin Yinze, they may get different results.

"Leran, thank you!" After saying thank you, Yaya opened the door of the ward. She stepped into the room with one foot and looked back, "Leran, don't worry, I'll just tell him a few words." In a word, it will come out soon."

"Well." Qin leran nodded, "Sister Yaya, don't worry about talking to him. I'll be waiting for you outside."

Yaya then entered the ward.

As soon as she stepped into the ward, Yaya was shocked by the layout of the room. This ward was not a ward, it was clearly a warmly decorated suite.

At a glance, you can see the layout of the two rooms inside and outside. There is all the furniture inside, and the decoration is extremely exquisite. It is simply more advanced than a six-star hotel.

If it weren't for the smell of injections in the room, Yaya would have thought she was in the wrong place.

Yaya sighed, the Qin family is indeed one of the richest families in the world, even the ward they live in is different from ordinary families.

She walked a few more steps and came from the living room to the inner room. There was a hospital bed in the room, and Qin Yinze was lying quietly on the hospital bed.

He just lay there quietly, his face pale and lifeless. He was not the decisive and courageous man she had seen in the past at work.

"..." Yaya opened her mouth and wanted to call him, but was so disturbed by the sudden heartache that she couldn't say a single word.

A few months ago, after a chance encounter in the disaster area, she couldn't forget this man. Later, she came to work by his side in order to catch up with him.

He is a workaholic and often works until midnight or three nights, but no matter how late he works, when I see him the next day, he is always full of energy and not tired at all.

Many times, Yaya would think, is this man made of iron?

Why does he never know how tired he is?

Why did he never smile?

She couldn't think of the answer before, but now she knew it, why he was so desperate, and why he was so powerful but could never see his smile.

She stood beside his hospital bed and looked intently at Qin Yinze, who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face. As she watched, tears fell silently from the corners of her eyes: "Qin Yinze, is it worth it?"

she asked him.

Although he didn't answer, she knew that if he could answer, it would be a yes - it was worth it!

Just like her, just because she glanced at him accidentally, she couldn't forget him.

Love is often so incredible.

Love is love, no reason at all.

After staring at him for a long time, Yaya took out a memory card from her pocket, took a deep breath and said: "The person you like doesn't like you, no matter how hard you try, she will never look back at you. This kind of It feels bad, I understand how you feel."

There is a person hidden in his heart, a person whom he clearly loves but cannot love. Yaya can understand this feeling deeply.

Because she is the same, obviously in love, but unable to love.

"I accidentally discovered this memory card when I was helping you clean up the office. Don't worry, I won't show it to a third person. I will give it to you when you wake up."

It was from this memory card that Yaya knew why this man never wanted to look at her.

Because there was a person hidden in his heart, a woman he fell in love with but could not boldly love.

"Mr. Qin!" Yaya closed her eyes and pushed back the tears shining in her eyes. Then she opened her eyes and looked at the winter sunshine shining on him from the window.

Under the sunshine, he was so quiet, as quiet as if he could leave this world at any time with this sunshine.

After a long pause, Yaya said again: "Mr. Qin, even if you don't like me, I still hope you can get your own happiness."

She will hide her love for him quietly in a corner of her heart and will not mention it to anyone for the rest of her life.

However, occasionally I think that I once liked someone like that, and that green feeling should still be very beautiful.

Yaya came out of the ward and saw Qin leran as soon as she went out. She was anxious and worried: "Sister Yaya..."

"I've finished what I want to say to him." Yaya forced a smile and said bitterly, "Leran, I'm leaving."

Qin leran asked her: "Sister Yaya, where are you going?"

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