Chapter 985: Goodbye!

Yaya turned her head and looked out the window: "Leave Linhai City and go back to my hometown. My hometown is in a remote mountainous area, and the children there still don't have access to a good education. I plan to go back to teach."

Qin lelan pursed his lips and asked tentatively: "Sister Yaya, are you leaving because of your brother? My brother..."

She knew that Qin Yinze might have feelings for her other than brother and sister, but she failed to stop Yaya from going to him. Now that Yaya is so sad, Qin leran can't tell what it feels like.

"No." Yaya shook her head, "Everyone wants to realize their own life value, and I am the same. Back then, so many people gave me money to go to school. Now that I have succeeded in my studies, I want to return to my hometown to serve the elders in my hometown. Folks, do what you can.”

In the past, Yaya had this idea. She fell in love with Qin Yinze but couldn't get a response from him. She just asked her to make a decision in advance.

Qin lelan was very sad: "Sister Yaya..."

"Leran, goodbye! Oh no, maybe we will never see each other again." Yaya shook her head and said bitterly.

It was rare for her to accidentally meet Shengtian's daughter and become friends with her. From now on, they would go back to their respective places, and it would be very difficult for them to meet again in the future.

Qin leran bit his lip and said, "Sister Yaya, take care of yourself!"

"Yeah." Yaya nodded, but she didn't dare to look back at Qin leran. Since ancient times, parting has broken people's hearts. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

After walking a few steps, Yaya suddenly stopped and turned around, opened her mouth, and finally uttered a few words: "Leran..."

"Sister Yaya, tell me." Qin lelan also has a lot to say to Yaya, but the separation is coming and he doesn't know where to start.

"It's nothing." Yaya smiled bitterly. After all, she didn't say what she wanted to say, so she turned around and continued walking out.

Qin Yinze has never seen her in his eyes. How could he mention her when he wakes up? She really thinks too much.

Women are always like this. They always have unrealistic ideas about a man who doesn't love them. They are so pitifully stupid.

"Sister Yaya!" Seeing Yaya walking farther and farther and about to disappear through the long corridor, Qin lelan caught up with her and gave her a big hug, "Sister Yaya, my contact information will not change. , give me a call anytime in the future when you miss me.”

After coming to country A, Qin leran didn't know many people. Yaya was definitely special and the most impressive one. She was strong and optimistic, which changed Qin leran's view of the world.

It doesn't matter where a person is born. What's important is to maintain a kind and progressive heart. No one dislikes such a person.

Qin leran wants to cherish Yaya's friend and her relationship. Even if we can't see each other often in the future, it is comforting to contact her occasionally and know that she is doing well.

"Well, okay!" Yaya smiled and waved goodbye to Qin lelan, but the moment she turned around, her face burst into tears, and her body was twitching from crying.

Bye now!

my friend!

Bye now!

The man who accidentally stole my heart.

If she had not met Qin lelan because of the disaster, she might not have met Qin Yinze, and she would not have lost her heart unknowingly.

Now, the lost heart can never be found again, but she never regrets, nor does she regret meeting Qin lelan, nor does she regret meeting Qin Yinze.

From now on, I just hope everyone is well!

Time passed day by day, and after the doctor's care, Qin Yinze's condition became much more stable.

Early that morning, Dr. Jesse led his team to Qin Yinze's ward. He ordered his men to move things in an orderly manner.

"Dr. Jesse, what are you doing?" Qin leran stayed by the bedside all night. He just went to the bathroom to wash his face. When he came out of the bathroom, there was a group of doctors moving things in the room.

"Transfer Aze back to New York." It was not Dr. Jesse who answered Qin lelan, but Qin Yue who entered the room later. He glanced at Qin leran and said, "Jesse, you should pay more attention. The flight time is long. There is no time for accidents.”


"Of course, come with mom." Jianran stepped forward and took Qin leran away. "We decided to take Aze back to New York for treatment. We didn't tell you in advance because we didn't want you to worry."

"Mom, I..."

"I know you can't let go of your brother lie. It doesn't matter, whether you go back with us or stay here, we all listen to you." Jianran spent a long time doing ideological work for Qin Yue, and Qin Yue changed a lot. The decision to take Qin leran away.

"Mom, my brother is unconscious because of me, do you think I will leave him alone?" They clearly wanted to force her to go back, but they also told her to let her make her own choice.

There seemed to be two roads in front of her, one to go and one to stay, but in fact there was only one road for her to take. She could not leave Qin Yinze who was injured for her.

"Of course, I'm sorry!" Jianran also knew that she wanted Qin leran to choose, but she had no way to insist on staying.

For the sake of her daughter, she nagged in front of Qin Yue every day, until Qin Yue ignored her, and finally made Qin Yue take a small step back.

This small step was obviously a retreat, but they all knew that Qin Yue had to take Qin lelan away, and they could discuss other matters with him. But on this matter, Qin Yue was not willing to retreat even a step.

In his words, his daughter is the treasure that the whole family holds in their hands and cherishes. He, Qin Yue, will definitely not care about a man who does not know how to cherish her.

"Sister..." The little cutie tugged at Qin leran's clothes and looked up at her, "I hope you can go back with us. I don't want you to stay in this place, and I don't want you to be hurt."

This place is not good. There is a big liar here. He cheated his sister away and injured his brother. He wants to take his sister home and never come here again.

"Well, sister, go back with you and go back to our home together." Qin lelan squatted down to comfort the little cutie, but tears flowed out of his eyes unknowingly.

"Sister, there are grandparents waiting for us at home. If you go back, they will be very happy, and I will be very happy too." The little cutie stretched out her round hand and thoughtfully wiped her sister's tears, "Sister, don't be sad. ! Brother will definitely get better."

"Yes, I will." Qin leran wiped her tears, but the tears became more and more. She was leaving, leaving this place where brother lie was, but she was so timid that she didn't even have the courage to say goodbye to him.

Brother Lie!


However, I can no longer be by your side.

You have to work hard to quickly get rid of those around you who want to harm you, secure your position as president as soon as possible, make your country strong, and let your citizens live a prosperous life.

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