Chapter 988: Mental torture

"What can I do to you?" Quan Nanzhai chuckled and looked at Quan Lizhang, "Unless you want what you did to be known to the world, then just keep your mouth shut. What? Don't even tell me."

Quan Lizhang was so angry that he stood up and said: "Quan Nanzhai, you are an unfilial son, you have no respect for your elders, you framed the blame, you will not die well, you will be despised by everyone in the world..."

Quan Nanzhai interrupted him: "Quan Lizhang, when you throw dirty water on me, please think about it. Is it because I don't want to honor you as a father, or because you are simply not worthy of being a father."

No matter how much blood is thicker than water, no matter how unbreakable the family relationship is, it cannot withstand countless betrayals and betrayals like Quan Lizhang's.

The father-son relationship between them had long been destroyed by Quan Lizhang's selfishness, but now he was able to shamelessly criticize Quan Nanzhai for being unfilial.

Unfilial son?

The father is disrespectful, does not treat his wife well, and even has murderous intentions towards his son. Such a man who has never fulfilled his father's duties for a day still has the nerve to scold his son for being unfilial.

I'm afraid, this is the funniest joke Quan Nanzhai has heard in these years, and he actually laughed softly: "Quan Lizhang, just spend the rest of your life here. Don't think you can get out." here."

Quan Lizhang was so angry that he yelled: "Quan Nanzhai, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't exist in this world. Even if you don't know how to be grateful, you still treat me like this."

Quan Nanzhai said: "If I could choose my own birth, I would never want a father like you."

Quan Lizhang was so angry that he beat his chest and cursed angrily with a black face: "Quan Nanzhai, you will definitely be punished by God if you treat me like this."

Quan Nanzhai replied calmly: "If I am punished by God for not being filial to you, I think it must be because God is blind. How can a blind God have the right to condemn others."

After saying that, Quan Nanzhai turned around gracefully and walked away with vigorous steps, leaving Quan Lizhang with an aloof and cold back.

"Quan Nanzhai..." Quan Lizhang wished he could chase that man back and drag him to die with him, but he didn't even have the strength to step out of the Nuan Pavilion.

His body was getting worse day by day. He couldn't live without a medicine or a person. He always thought that he had physical problems caused by being too tired in the past.

It wasn't until he met Su Wanqin in the closed court yesterday and when Su Wanqin resolutely handed over the evidence that he knew that he was not sick, but that vicious woman Su Wanqin had drugged his diet.

For thirty years, three whole years, he had always felt ashamed of her, keeping her by his side, and never hiding anything from her.

He never expected that he had guarded everyone but not the woman closest to him. In the end, it was Su Wanqin, the vicious woman like a snake and scorpion, who pushed him to a dead end and made it impossible for him to recover.

Now, not only was he forced to resign, he was also burdened with infamy, and he was no longer even qualified to enjoy his old age.

He hates Quan Nanzhai.

If he had known that Quan Nanzhai would be a big disaster in his life, he should have got rid of him when Quan Nanzhai was still in his mother's womb.

He hates Su Wanqin even more!

In this life, Quan Lizhang had never had a record of failure, but he failed only to the woman he trusted and trusted the most.

Not willing to give in!

He is not willing to give in!

But what can he do?

As Quan Nanzhai said, Quan Lizhang has long become a thorn in the people's side. Even if he can get out of here, there is no place for him in the world.

He was afraid that he would never be able to escape from this prison for the rest of his life, and could only wait for the call of death in this thermal pavilion.


Thinking of these things and the people who harmed him, Quan Lizhang felt a sudden surge of resentment rising from his stomach and rushing straight to his forehead.

Then, I heard him scream, and a mouthful of blood sprayed on the coffee table in front of him.

Looking at the scarlet blood and smelling the unpleasant smell of blood, Quan Lizhang vaguely seemed to see a woman.

The woman was wearing a long red dress with disheveled hair. She was originally smiling at him, but when she smiled, her smile became so weird.

In an instant, the woman's two eyeballs disappeared, and blood spurted out from her two eyeball-less eye sockets, forming a terrifying scene.

Quan Lizhang trembled in fright and his eyes widened in disbelief.

How can it be?

How could it be her!

Her death had nothing to do with him, so how could she come to him?

"No, no, no... your death has nothing to do with me. It's not me. I didn't do it. You go farther away and don't come to me." He wanted to avoid it as if he saw a poisonous snake and beast, but he couldn't. Walk towards the figure in front of you.

She was approaching him step by step, step by step, getting closer and closer to him, and finally stood lightly in front of him.

She laughed, her voice hollow: "Quan Lizhang, after I married you, I tried my best to plan for you and think of every escape route for you, but you actually killed me with that bitch Su Wanqin. Today I want you to take it. Life will come back."

The woman stretched out her hand and pinched Quan Lizhang's neck with her long-nailed hands. Quan Lizhang felt his throat tighten, and then he was strangled with such force that he couldn't breathe.

"It's not me, it's not me, it's not me..." He waved his hands and kept shouting, trying to push away the woman who was pinching him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch her.

"I didn't kill you. If you want to find her, go to Su Wanqin. Don't look for me. Don't look for me..." He said hoarsely.

In the Nuan Pavilion, Quan Lizhang was alone like crazy, pinching his neck with one hand and waving randomly with the other.

Outside Nuan Pavilion, Quan Nanzhai looked at everything in Nuan Pavilion expressionlessly. No matter how hard the people in Nuan Pavilion struggled, he remained indifferent.

"Sir, the medicine Su Wanqin gave him will not only cause physical discomfort over time, but also cause hallucinations. These days, Quan Lizhang gets sick from time to time." Lin Jiacheng, standing behind Quan Nanzhai, collected a handful of Report the received information to the master.

"Continue to observe, I must know the reason why he used a trick to kill his own sister." After leaving the words, Quan Nanzhai turned and left.

This time, he walked firmly without any hesitation.

In the Nuan Pavilion, Quan Lizhang, who had hallucinations, was still fighting and entangled with the characters he imagined. He might not be able to wake up from the nightmare of the past until his death.

New York.

It is still the bustling international metropolis.

There are constant traffic in this city, people from all over the world, and everyone is busy in every corner.

But in a beautiful place in New York, there is such a beautiful manor. It is as quiet as a paradise, and has never been affected by the noise of the outside world.

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