My Husband, Warm The Bed (CEO's Mistaken Wife)

Chapter 989 Hearing the Bad News

Chapter 989: Hearing the bad news

It has been half a month since the Qin family returned to New York.

Half a month has gone by so fast, as if in the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is only a week away.

At this time in previous years, the entire Qin family would return to Jiangbei to celebrate traditional festivals with relatives and friends in China.

But this year, in order to treat Qin Yinze, no one in the Qin family mentioned returning to Jiangbei for the Spring Festival. Even Qin Xiaobao, who was in Jiangbei, came to New York with Zhan Limo.

On this day, Qin lelan still got up early as he had in the past half month and came to the hospital early to take care of Qin Yinze: "Brother, I'm here."

She would say this every time she stepped into the ward. No matter whether Qin Yinze could hear it or not, she assumed that he was awake and he could hear it.

Qin lelan put down his backpack, took out yesterday's flowers from the vase, and put the new flowers into the vase: "brother, what I prepared for you today are red carnations again."

The flower language of red carnations is health and longevity, and it also means family affection. Therefore, this kind of flower is what Qin lelan prepares the most these days.

She is extremely eager in her heart that Qin Yinze can feel the love for him from the whole family, hoping that their love can awaken him.

Strangely enough, Qin Yinze's physical condition is obviously very good. The doctor said that he is gradually approaching normal physical condition, but he still shows no sign of waking up.

"Brother, I heard that Shengtian gave out a year-end bonus yesterday. Excellent leaders receive houses, cars, shares, etc. I quietly inquired about you, and I was shocked when I heard about your achievements. Father All the shares of the branch you run have been transferred to your name, which is a testament to your achievements for the company this year. "

"Of course, I understand my father's intentions. He doesn't want you to be idle. He transferred the branch's shares to your name in the hope that you would get well soon and share some of his work. You are bedridden these days. , My father is very busy. Before he knows it, you have become his most powerful right-hand man."

"Brother, the little cutie's teacher sent home a message two days ago. The cutie once again completed the next grade ahead of schedule. It seems that the little guy will have to skip a grade next semester. We are all used to the cutie skipping a grade. What’s even more outrageous is that a girl has already sent him flowers, saying that she wants to pursue him. He is not yet nine years old, and he is already attracted by girls. Why do you think our Qin family’s children are so good? "

These days, Qin leran talks to Qin Yinze about such trivial matters every day, especially when he mentions the little cutie, his tone is really proud.

There is such a cute, sensible, smart, and smart brother who is very popular with little girls. As a sister, Qin lelan feels proud from the bottom of her heart.

If she had known earlier that her younger brother was so cute, cute, sensible, and gentle and considerate from time to time, she would have asked her parents to give her two more younger brothers to play with.

She talked a lot, but never got a response from Qin Yinze. She was disappointed again and again, but never gave up: "Brother, if you find me annoying, then wake up and tell me, otherwise I will stay with you every day." Noisy around you."

That's it, people, she wasn't happy when he stayed by her side and meddleed in things. Now that he was lying on the hospital bed unable to speak, she was looking forward to him getting up and taking care of her.

"Miss..." Chang Li, who has always been very sensible, suddenly burst in, and his eyes falling on Qin leran revealed his anxiety.

"What's wrong?" Chang Li has always been calm. His abnormality gave Qin leran a bad premonition, but she was timid and did not dare to think about the bad side.

"You haven't seen the news yet?" Chang Li was worried that she wouldn't be able to bear the blow after seeing the news, so she would rush in regardless of her identity.

"What news?" Qin leran's heart suddenly rose, and she subconsciously glanced at the mobile phone on the bedside table.

"Miss, President Quan Nanzhai died suddenly three days ago." Chang Li didn't know how to lie and told the news honestly.

"You may have heard a fake news." Perhaps the news was too shocking and terrifying, and Qin lelan couldn't believe it in her heart, so she would rather believe that it was a fake news.

"This news was officially issued by the Beigong of Country A. President Quan Nanzhai's spokesman Lin Jiacheng also came forward to confirm the matter. And the next presidential candidate has also been elected, and it is said that he will take office soon. I think They are not trying to lure anyone out this time, this news should be true," Chang Li said cautiously.

"Chang Li, just do what you should do. Don't be alarmist. Don't talk nonsense here." Qin leran still remembered the last incident of Quan Nanzhai's fake death, so she regarded the news as the story of "The Wolf Is Coming".


"Chang Li, aren't my words clear enough?" Qin lelan smiled at him, "Go and do your business. Let's talk about love or go shopping, just don't disturb me."

Qin lelan's reaction was too calm, so calm that it was a bit scary. Chang Li rarely listened to her order and stood still.

"Chang Li, I want to chat with my brother. Don't get in the way here." Qin lelan waved his hand impatiently, a little annoyed.

Chang Li never dared to overstep his identity. After thinking for a long time, he followed Qin leran's order and exited the room. However, he guarded the door in case something happened inside and he could stop it in time.

Last time, Qin leran was taken away, and Chang Li blamed himself so much. He would not make the same mistake a second time, and he would have no chance to make it a second time.

After the last incident, Qin Yue wanted to remove Chang Li from Qin leran because Chang Li did not protect Qin leran well. Qin leran interceded and kept Chang Li, so now Chang Li is 100% loyal to this little master. of allegiance.

After Chang Li left, Qin leran still chatted with Qin Yinze like a normal person: "Brother, that boy Chang Li has learned bad things. He doesn't know where he got the courage to spread false news to deceive me."

In fact, whether it is fake news or not, Qin leran can see the news as long as she turns on her phone, but she does not have the courage to face the bad news.

Qin leran knows Chang Li's personality very well. Chang Li is a very honest person. He will never lie to others, let alone her.

It was because it was so clear that she didn't dare to pick up her phone to read the news.

Qin lelan thought that as long as she didn't look at her phone and couldn't see the news, the bad news she didn't want to hear wouldn't have happened.

She understood that this was very cowardly behavior.

However, at this moment, she would rather be a coward and live in self-deception.

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