Chapter 990: Collapse

"Brother, you must get well soon and help me deal with that boy Chang Li. You must deal with him and let him know that he can take medicine randomly, but he cannot talk nonsense."

"Brother Lie is the dignified president of country A. He has regular physical examinations. How could he die suddenly? It must be that boy Chang Li who bullied me and no one around me."

"Brother Lie told me that he would protect me for the rest of his life. He said that he would come to New York to visit my family during the Spring Festival. He also said that he would marry me when I grow up. He has not married me yet. How could you leave me alone?"

"He made so many promises to me, and he is a man of his word. He will never break his promise."

"I always knew that he loved me so much and wanted to give me all the good things in the world. How could he be willing to make me sad."

Qin leran kept talking, seemingly for Qin Yinze, but in fact she was talking for herself. She had to find a way to convince herself that Quan Nanzhai would be fine.

But as she spoke, the protective wall she had set up for herself suddenly collapsed, and tears rolled down her eyes uncontrollably.

She is scared!

I was so scared that I panicked.

She has already lost brother lie once before. Will God do it again?

She doesn't want it!

She doesn't want it!

"Brother, did you hear me? If you heard me, just answer me. Even if you don't say anything, it will scare me. Do you know that I am also afraid of losing you?"

Qin lelan stayed by the hospital bed and talked a lot, but Qin Yinze still had his eyes closed on the hospital bed, showing no signs of waking up.

Finally, the volcano that had accumulated in Qin lelan's chest erupted: "Qin Yinze, why don't you respond to me? Do you plan to sleep like this for the rest of your life?"

"The doctor said that your physical condition is very good, but you have been unwilling to wake up for so long. How much do you hate me?"

"If you hate me, wake up and scold me and hit me. You can do whatever you want. Do you think you can punish me by lying like this?"

"Let me tell you, I'm not sad at all. I wish you would never wake up, so that no one would bother with my business."

Qin Yinze, who was injured for her, did not wake up. Qin lelan received the news of brother lie's death again, and her pretended to be strong could no longer hold on.

She needed a mouth, an outlet to vent her depression, otherwise she thought she would explode and go crazy.

"Why? Why are you all so cruel? You like to see me in pain, don't you?" She yelled, yelling like crazy, "You all say you want to protect me, but you all bully me..."

"You all bully me!" She cried and held Qin Yinze's hand tightly. "Brother, I was wrong before. Don't sleep anymore, please wake up quickly, okay? I beg you, wake up quickly bring it on."

The person on the bed still didn't answer her, but his other hand that wasn't held by him and his brow moved slightly.

It's just that Qin lelan was immersed in sadness and didn't notice it.

It wasn't until she was tired of crying and crawled beside his hospital bed sobbing that he slowly opened his eyes, opened his sexy lips, and silently shouted two words: "Ranran..."

There were two people standing outside the ward, a tall man and a woman. Of course, they were Qin Yue and Jian Ran.

Hearing Qin leran's cry from the ward, Qin Yue clenched his fists, but the expression on his face was indifferent and calm, as if the people inside did not affect him at all.

Jian Ran bit her lip hard to control herself from rushing into the room and holding her daughter in her arms. After trying to calm down her emotions, she turned to look at Qin Yue beside her: "Qin Yue, what else do you want?"

"She is not saying that she is already an adult, so let her bear the burden she should bear like an adult. We want her to know that there is no one in this world who can rely on her for the rest of her life except herself."

Qin Yue was originally much taller than Jian Ran, but now he stood up straight again and raised his head coldly when he spoke. Jian Ran could not see his expression.

Qin Yue seemed aloof, but in fact he didn't want Jianran to see the distress for Qin leran in his eyes. He had raised the child who was about to collapse in the ward, so how could he be willing to make her sad.

Jian Ran said: "Quan Nanzhai is fine."

Qin Yue said: "Girls, don't rely too much on men. Who knows whether that man will change his heart or whether he can rely on him for a lifetime?"

Jian Ran doesn't understand this man. He knows everything. Why is he so stubborn about Quan Nanzhai?

Jian Ran was really anxious, so anxious that she got into a fight with him: "I understand, you want me to rely on myself and not to rely too much on you."

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows: "We are talking about children now, why do you involve us again?" This woman Jian Ran really likes to talk nonsense more and more. The key point is that he still has nothing to do with her.

Jian Ran said confidently: "Before I married you, I was also a girl. Besides, who knows if you will change your mind in the future, and who knows if you can let me rely on you for the rest of my life?"

"You..." Qin Yue was speechless. This woman Jian Ran actually blocked him with what he just said.

Jian Ran was angry again, but her reason was still there, and after being married to Qin Yue for so many years, they really couldn't quarrel, so she analyzed it rationally with him.

"Qin Yue, you are reluctant to let go of Ran Ran, and you are worried about the wrong person she entrusted to you. I can understand your feelings, but why can't you take a closer look at Quan Nanzhai? Don't be biased and get to know him again."

Jian Ran's voice was gentle and gentle, like the spring breeze in March, which made Qin Yue feel much better. He sighed and held her in his arms: "I really don't believe that boy."

Jian Ran asked: "Why don't you believe it?"

Qin Yue replied: "Do you need a reason if you don't believe me?"

Jian Ran was confused again: "Don't you need a reason if you don't trust someone?"

Qin Yue: "There is no reason."

No reason!

His answer turned out to be no reason!

Jian Ran shook her head: "Forget it, I won't discuss Quan Nanzhai's matter with you in the future. You can't figure it out, and it's useless no matter how much I tell you."

Qin Yue is a really stubborn man. This is the only thing that Jian Ran can't do anything about in so many years.

Jian Ran took two steps forward and was about to enter the ward, but Qin Yue pulled her back: "Jian Ran, are you angry with me?"

Well, knowing that she might be angry, this was a sign of his progress. Jian Ran was very satisfied and smiled at him: "I'm not angry with you."

Qin Yue: "Then why don't you discuss it with me?"

President Qin, please!

If she continued to discuss it with him, she might be angry with him.

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