My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Xia Qi articles [1]

It was an era of mythology!

Gaia ’s monsters are rampant on this planet, demon, warcraft and even mythological gods are all manifested in this world. In this era, Alaya ’s consciousness is still hazy, civilization is just hypocrisy, and technology is nothing. This is an era of fantasy!

This era is extremely dreamy and imaginative for future generations, but for the people of that era, this is a dark world with no hope!

In fact, these things can be seen from the myths of the world.

Whether it is the deeds of God of Destruction or Destroyer in various myths, or the deeds of various gods who slavishly enslaved mankind, it shows that in the era of mythology, human life is really dark.

However, even in such a dark age, mankind still came stubbornly, breaking the shackles of the mythological era, breaking the mysterious monopoly, and shaking the whole world with the power of civilization!

Among them, the most terrifying thing is the Kyushu civilization from China!

That terrible civilization, which started from the emperor Fuxi, went through the foundations of the three emperors and the five emperors, opened the way from seven sins to others, and achieved the final throne, even on the land of steel, deducing the true myth of humanity!

And the real beginning of all this began with the arrogant king who broke the rules and reached the summit with himself!

———— From the book of the end

Qi was born on a night with thunderstorm weather, as if the heavens were irritated, the thunder and lightning continued all night!

In other times, this situation seems to be regarded as a vision of enlightenment and birth. After all, it is the son of the king, and some special visions are normal.

But in this era, people are not surprised, because such weather is too normal in this era-

More than a decade ago, something seemed to have changed between heaven and earth. The rain kept falling every day, and the floods had already flooded into disasters!

Qi had just been born and had his own consciousness. Although he had no memory, he was able to start exploring the world with his own eyes!

Of course, this situation is also normal in this era-

Probably because the creatures of the age are very powerful, although the environment is difficult, but the magic in the air, of course, the saying on the earth is Aura. This kind of life energy is enough, and the creatures are naturally powerful!

There are a lot of people who can live alive just after birth. It is said that Qi's father, King Ren, has a mature mind and outlook on life from birth. Compared with his father, Qi's situation seems unobtrusive.

However, Qi understands that he is different from others. Although others are specific, Qi does not understand!

But Qi didn't say what he thought--

Not only because no one will believe, but also because Qi is willing to ignore those mediocre people. In his eyes, apart from his mother, even the father who is known as the king of mankind, it is just worthy of him to remember, the rest People are even more worth mentioning! The original sin of arrogance was born in his mind when Qi was born!

Qi ’s mother is called Niao Jiao, and she was born to be very beautiful. Even the elderly would be attracted to her, but not many people dared to approach her, because she is not a human, but a man from the kingdom of demon god, Qingqiu Mountain Nine-tailed fox!

Demon gods are powerful creatures in this world. They call on the wind and the rain to dominate everything in the world, or get close to human beings to obtain incense beliefs, or slaughter human beings to obtain fresh blood, but without exception-

In their eyes, humans are just toys!

However, Qi's mother was willing to commit herself to a human being and even gave birth to it. This is extremely rare in the whole world.

Perhaps this is the magic of love!

Kai, who was just born, looked at her busy mother and thought so in her heart.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed!

Although in terms of the environment of this era, ten years is not long, if life is safe, there is no problem at all to live a few hundred years, but the problem is that this era is really dangerous, maybe you do n’t know which corner to run out of A monster swallowed life.

Therefore, the average human life expectancy in this era is actually less than 100 years old!

In ten years, Qi grew from a baby to a young and handsome boy, perhaps because of the relationship between the demon **** mother, Qi's silver hair, which is incompatible with the traditional black hair on the land of China, was subconsciously away from many people!

This point, Kai does not care at all!

In ten years, many things happened, such as Qi ’s father, the man who was called the king never came back once, and his mother could only wait hard every day. For example, there were fewer and fewer floods between heaven and earth, everywhere In praising the king ’s name, for example, Qi started his practice and reached a very high level.

The practice on the earth of China is to imitate those demon gods breathing and vomiting, absorbing the free aura between heaven and earth to transform themselves. Qi started to practice three years ago. In just three years, the practice has reached a level that is hard for ordinary people to reach.

When Qi was twelve years old, the flood waters finally retreated, and the sunlight returned to the earth, and Shenzhou rejoiced, and Qi's father, the king named Dayu, finally returned home.

On that day, the flow of people gathered from all directions crowded Qi's tribe into a sea of ​​people, and the king was wandering under the support of everyone and attracted everyone's attention!

Under such circumstances, Qi saw his father next to her mother and daughter Jiao, who was a middle-aged man with an unremarkable appearance. His face was very ordinary, and his khaki skin was not very outstanding!

However, as long as he is seen, no one is shocked, and there is only one feeling in his heart, that is, he is the center of the world, the whole world and the general momentum are behind him, and countless wills converge on him-

Every word, every step and every breath of the king touches the heart,

"I want to be like that, no, I want to be beyond others !!"

Standing in front of the flow of people, watching the radiant king wandering, the young man set the goal of his life. At this time, he does not know how he will stand in front of everything in the future and suppress it to become The most arrogant king!

ps: The fourth text is too late. Take the saved manuscript and pass it on first. This is the story of humanity. It will only be carried in the text. ..

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