My Infinite Life

Vol 13 Chapter 2: Xia Qi articles [2]

"I'm hesitating, do you want to kill you!"

In the early morning of the second day of Wang Gui's hometown, Wang took his only son, Kai, to the top of a towering mountain and watched the sunrise. The first sentence was full of murderous words.

If ordinary people were treated like this by their fathers, they would probably be in a state of hesitation, but Kai did n’t care at all, his eyes did n’t change, and he asked softly, "Why?"

"Because, I'm afraid!"

With his back turned to the front, Wang faced the rising sun, made a gesture of embracing with both hands, and sighed, "I'm afraid that because of my momentary thoughts, the great cause of China will be damaged. To the sage! "

Si Wenming, this is Wang's real name!

When he heard Wang say his name, Qi understood that the man in front of him really had a murderous opportunity, and the more sincere his feelings, the more he would use his real name. Therefore, that killing is the real killing opportunity--

Kai believes that as long as he is willing, I am afraid that a thought can take his own life!

"Your eyes are full of arrogance. I can't see anyone in your eyes except for raising your mother!"

The man who was the king said softly, "If it were like this, it would be fine, but you are my son. Similarly, your eyes are full of the will to control everything!"

"The arrogant, son of Wang who is trying to control everything, you will be an unstable factor in the future!"

Turning around, Wang's ordinary and ordinary face said one word at a time in the most serious manner. At this time, Qi understood that his life was only between days and nights.

Although he does not know what is going on, Kai is not afraid of death, as if to himself, death is not the end, but a new beginning.

But if he could, Qi still didn't want to die, so he spoke.

"Although I don't know what the so-called great cause is, at this stage, I am starting a new era of humanity!"


As soon as Qi's words fell, Wang stopped the locking of his own motivation, not only because of the other party's words, but also because, after hearing this sentence, the pervasive humane will of the state in Wang shook his body, and in an instant, Wang foresaw the future——

Although incomplete and inadequate information, Wang understands one thing, his son seems to be the real king who opens the future, but is such an arrogant king really okay?

Wang didn't understand, so he asked, "What new era?"

"The floods have receded, the crisis has unraveled, life will be better and better, and more and more people will be there, but as time goes by, people's hearts will also become more and more dissatisfied with the status quo.

"The current system cannot restrain the growing hearts of the people!"

Qi spoke slowly, and at the same time the disgust in his tone made Wang understand why his son would be arrogant to everyone, because he had already seen clearly the so-called popular heart.

At this time, Wang also understood-- The meaning of his son ’s words means that the current system can only adapt to the current stage.

After the disaster of the flood, in the years to come, such a huge disaster will not happen in a short time, people's lives will change, and by then, everything will change.

"It turns out that I understand!"

In an instant, the humane will from the whole body made Wang understand his future path, "It turns out that I, like the sages, are people who want to pave the way for the future!"

When I heard the word "Xianxian" from Wang's ears, my heart was full of doubts. It seemed that there was someone who had seen through the time and space and laid down a long-term situation, and he was in the situation.

This feeling made him feel a bit complicated and uncomfortable, but at the same time admire each other.

"My father, your grandfather, died the day I was born!"

Somehow, after understanding his own way, Wang turned around and continued to face the morning sun, whispering, although facing away from himself, Qi understood that this was what he said to himself.

"Did you know that he didn't die from the punishment of ineffective water control, but died in the hands of a demon passing by, for only one reason, his father had special soil like the rest of the soil to cast spells."

"A high-level human race, because of possessing special items, was killed by the passing demon god. In this kind of thing, we dare not even avenge revenge. We must also let him carry the sewage. What a sorrow!"

"The owner of this land is not us, but the demon gods from the mountains and rivers. They control everything. Even if the human being is strong, it is just a plaything in their hands."

"So, a guy has made a plan to suppress those demon gods!"

At this moment, Qi suddenly spoke, listening to the king's words, and I don't know why, a sentence came out of his heart, and then subconsciously, he spoke.

Because of Qi ’s sudden insertion, Wang paused and could n’t help sighing: “You ’re really smart, yes, the person who made this plan is Fu Xi, our first co-owner of the Divine Race, the first king!”

"Master Fu Xi witnessed Heavenly Dao with amazing qualifications and pioneered the first method, but because he couldn't bear the strongest backlash from the first method, he could only set a draft plan and hope in the future."

"Master Shennong traveled across the land of Shenzhou in the name of tasting baicao for the purpose of planning, found the dragon veins of Kyushu, and set the context of the plan."

"The two friends, Lord Xuanyuan and Chiyou Bing, planned to fight each other, and even killed their friends in tears, only to gather people's hearts in the war and gather the humane of Kyushu.

"The next four co-owners, in order to plan, face the demon god, all kinds of forbearance, one by one, secretly forged a tool of repression. Today, all conditions have been mature.

"This flood is actually the final test of our plan, but we have survived it!"

"Originally, I was still thinking, who is going to be the real finisher of the plan, and now there is no suitable person in the human race, but it seems that I am thinking too much"

"Right, this plan is called-Dingzhen Kyushu !!!"

After saying so many things in one breath, even Wang is a little gasping, but the same, it seems to put down the burden in his heart, just like this, Wang Xiao walked away

For a long time, Qi suddenly smiled and laughed happily. The eyes of the silver-haired boy seemed to penetrate the time and saw a determined man standing on the gossip, smiling at himself.

"It seems that your plan is not long-term enough, then, let me help you improve it a little bit more!" ..

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