My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 125: Qian Qian appeared

Several people bound around the corner of the wall suddenly changed their face when they heard the long door.

If they were caught, it was already bad luck, and now I was asked about this matter, which made them extremely helpless 1

You know that they have prepared for so long, and now they have succeeded, but this guy suddenly wants to ask about this matter, so if he wants to dig in, does it mean that their plan will fail again?

Nothing, just some valuable gold and silver treasures! "The big man said nervously.

"Yeah! It's something valuable. We only hijack the caravan because we don't have money ..."

At the same time, Dou Linan also joined the lying team. He also knew that if the plan and everything they had done were leaked, then such a long-term effort would be in vain. This is not what they want to see.

Nagato has seen that they are lying. This kind of lying trick is too bad, as long as it is a person with a brain.

"I will now give you a chance to tell what you have stolen. I can promise to wait for your friends to come back. I can let one of you go!" Nagato said with a smile.

"Of course, this opportunity belongs only to the one who told me the fastest!"

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of several people suddenly changed. They were indeed people belonging to the same organization.

But just as Nagato said, with his current skills, it would be a breeze to deal with them.

Then, as he said, each of them is human, and they are also afraid of death.

So when Nagato said this, all four of them already knew that this guy was not only powerful, but also very savvy in mind and means!

"Don't ask questions, they won't say anything even if you ask!" Just then, a woman came out of the aisle. The woman was dressed in white and had a good-looking appearance. It wasn't the woman who ate with him last night Is it?

Nagato smiled and said, "You're finally willing to come out, I thought you always wanted to be a tortoise!"

In fact, Nagato felt the woman's return just after they came in and asked them to clean up.

It's just that he didn't break it. Now that he asked the secret, he just wanted to know what the treasure they obtained was stolen!

At this time, the woman could not help but walked out after all, which was enough to show that they valued the treasure, and even said that the woman valued the treasure very much.

"It seems that I have always looked away. I can't think of a person from the countryside that is so powerful. I don't think you are like what you said, you just came from a country?" The woman said lightly. At this moment she didn't seem to be afraid of the long door.

Nagato did not deny it at this time, just smiled slightly, and said, "I did come from the countryside, but there are some things I can't tell you clearly. Since you pit me before, I think you should I also understand in my heart, am I here to find your purpose? "

The other party is a woman, but Nagato also knows that if he cares too much about her, he has indeed lost some masculinity, but it is completely impossible to let him silently back. It ’s like, you are a cock, but the goddess talks every day, but she does n’t invite you to dinner, or invites you to watch a movie, she just wants you to be a spare tire, I am afraid that as long as no man can accept this kind of setting?

Qianqian smiled and said, "I think you will come, it must be because we have seen the wrong eye, so since you are all here, do you simply want to come to me?"

"I think when you pit me from the beginning, you don't care who I am, right?"

Nagato is completely gone, just kind, and the smile on his face is gradually disappearing, "Since I am here, then I will look at what the treasure you stole is!"

Want to treat me as a pick-up man, that's not that simple!

Nagato really has no memory, even he can be said to be blank.

But he has a temper, it seems that if you are a very powerful person, if you have no temper at all, then you must be, not a successful person!

Qianqian didn't even expect Nagato to be so strong, and she didn't care about them, how much effort she paid for this thing.

And at the same time when he saw Nagato, he regretted why he would find such a substitute for the dead ghost. Why didn't he ask more?

Thinking about it this way, the sadness in Qianqian's heart can only be turned into a sigh, "I can pay you some money, but I hope you don't care about this matter?"

"Now you are being hunted down in the city. If you go out at will, you will definitely be arrested, so if you don't have a place to go, you can take refuge here. It's not too late to leave here after the wind has passed. "

Nagato said, "Actually, I don't care if people catch me. I only care about the pain of my own life. You want to pit me because I look like an ordinary person, but if I'm really ordinary In human terms, am I going to die under your plan, right? "

In fact, when he said these words, Nagato's tone had revealed his anger.

How many things have he heard about stealing things, or he also understands that this is a bad thing, so what happens if the stealing is caught? It must have been directly proportional to the preciousness of the treasures he entrusted.

The first is uncomfortable, and the second is to get the treasure, which is the purpose of Nagato.

Qianqian did not expect that the long door in front of him was so strong and so persistent, but since things have happened, what can she do?

"Is there really no room for conversation?" Qian Qian said helplessly, "I can compensate you for anything we can compensate, but I hope this matter ends here, can I?"

In fact, Qianqian also has no way to do it. Now that she has gotten such a strongman, even with her skill, it certainly can't deal with it.

His friends were easily caught by this guy, so even a fool can imagine that the other party must be very strong, so he does not want to simply want him to be abused by him again, it seems a bit redundant Too.

As long as the man in front of him no longer cares about this matter, then whether it is for her or for them, it is the greatest grace.

But this man is so strong, and this rash is not so easy to fool over ...


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