My Infinite Life

Vol 14 Chapter 126: The ultimate compromise

"What the **** can you do, don't pursue this matter" Qian Qian gritted her teeth and said.

At this time, if everything is said, then it means that their plans and what they have prepared will be lost. This is a very difficult thing to choose.

In their view, they have been working hard for so long, lurking for such a period of time, to be able to steal that thing, is already lucky.

What's more, there are other people who want to understand that thing, so if they say that, they must not say what they know and do.

And Nagato didn't care, he came, and tied the four people in the corner, reaching out and stroking, the face of the only woman, let alone really smooth.

"You can't say this, but have you thought about the consequences?" Nagato said with a smile. "I'm in a good mood now, so if you really aren't so open, I don't mind killing someone to play. . "

Many people have died in the hands of Nagato. At least Nagato understands that there must be a reason for killing. If the other party is so ignorant, he does n’t mind letting the other party know and know his means.

Everyone's face changed, and even Nagato couldn't tell himself, why now his state of mind becomes so simple and rough.

At this time, Qianqian was also taken aback, forgetting his buddies who had been tied up. He knew from the beginning that he was in a disadvantage, but this guy suddenly said that he was going to start with their buddies, then, he did n’t Saying does not mean that others will not say.

The woman in front of the long door could not bear it anymore. She looked at the long door in front of her, begging, "Say something, say something ..."

At this time, although no one of them looked down on the long door at first, or more directly, there was no young man who could afford this red hair.

Because in their eyes, Nagato is indeed too young. How can the cultivation of such a young person be higher?

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with their thinking, so that they are now **** by the long door and become a prisoner of rank, this status and ideas have made them understand that they are the weak, not the long door.

"Oh? It seems that there is a traitor between you!" Nagato said with a smile. "It's the same sentence, whoever told me first, what did you steal, I will let go, I will talk Count! "

As soon as this remark came out, several people's faces changed, perhaps they thought at first that this person might just want to retaliate. Qian Qian can now be tied up, still in a completely crushed situation.

So as at this moment, their mood has changed a little, they may want to keep this secret, but is this secret really so important in front of their lives?

"Okay, don't talk about it, I will tell you everything I know, but can you let them go first!" Qian Qian said helplessly, she could only choose to compromise.

If they do n’t make this compromise, they may really become a corpse. In that case, if they work so hard for a long time, they may eventually become empty.

Well, Nagato was so curious about what they stolen, that is to say, they still had a handle in their hands, at least not to say that everything was under the control of Nagato, so Qian Qian would reason with Nagato, I want to use this to get rid of my partner.

Nagato shook his head and said, "I don't understand what confidence you woman has to talk to me about conditions. Didn't you find out? If I were to kill you, wouldn't you all escape?"

This statement appeared a little dignified in the air. No one thought that this person who looked so harmless as humans and animals was so strong, and his strength was proportional to his strength.

So in this case, or they really can't talk about any conditions.

"Okay, let me tell you!" Qian Qian gritted her teeth, her face showing a determination.

Other people, although they were tied up, also showed their ashes at this time. They knew that if Qian Qian didn't say it, maybe every five of them would speak.

Because although they say that they are serving the organization, strictly speaking, they do not have the mortal determination to do this thing like many people,

So now under such high pressure, Qian Qian chooses to tell this matter by herself, then it is enough to explain that he intends to put this matter to a complete end, rather than continue to struggle.

"Actually, we do this to eliminate harm for the people ..." Qian Qian said slowly. "Do you know who this caravan belongs to?"

Nagato shook his head, indicating that he was not clear.

Is there any big history for the caravan he met casually on the road? Of course, he didn't think so much, maybe he was just curious about what they said, and he had to do it himself.

"In fact, this caravan belongs to the Everlasting Chamber of Commerce. Their boss is actually the prime minister of the Yanhuang Empire, Zhu Zhishan!"

After Qian Qian said this, she wanted to see if Nagato would be scared by this name.

But Nagato did not, because for him, he only knew that he was now in the Yanhuang Empire. As for who is the prime minister or who the thing belongs to, he did not care.

"And we have planned for so long, in fact, in order to steal something, it is too old!" Qian Qian said with a heavy face. "Too old is a spirit that will only be unearthed in the midst of disasters and disasters!"

"Its function is very peculiar. There are rumors that he eats to make people immortal, and there are rumors that he eats to make people cultivate .... These are not important, the important thing is that he should have magical effects. Otherwise, Zhu Zhishan will not let it take so much effort to get it out! "

Too old?

When Nagato heard these two words, it was still somewhat novel, at least he hadn't heard of the word now, so as to what this Taisui is, he had no idea in his mind.

"Then do you mean that you came for being too old?" Nagato asked directly, "If I don't come, wouldn't it be someone else who bears the crime for stealing your too old?"

Qianqian nodded silently, indicating that this was indeed the case.

She was bitter in her heart. At first, she just wanted to find a substitute for the dead ghost, let their eyes shift, and let him and his friends escape from here.

It's just that I didn't expect that this replacement for the dead ghost was not for the dead ghost, but for the king of the land!

Being both overbearing and unreasonable, it made her all regret a bit, regretting why she was so stupid at first, and finding such a substitute for the dead. ..


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