My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 11: Assistant type

Long Gate walked into Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, and felt that the breath here was exceptionally pure, which allowed the enemies who did not share the world to put down their obsessions instantly, let the brutal instincts get rid of their grievances, and put down the butcher's knife to stand as a Buddha.

The aura here is very good, it should be related to merit Jinlian.

Dongfan Daojun passed the Chaos Treasure Chaotic Qinglian to himself, and he became one with Chaotic Qinglian. That merit green lotus is the immature lotus seed of the thirty-sixth grade chaotic green lotus that gave birth to the Pangu great god. It is a twelve grade, and it is also an innate treasure.

Sitting on the twelve virtue of virtue, there is nothing to break. It can also increase luck, and it contains Buddhism itself.

Although the Western spirit veins are not as many as the Eastern spirit veins, this is the exception in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai. The spirit veins here are very rich and can conceive innate treasures.

There is also a Puti tree not far away from this merit today, gleaming with golden light.

This merit, Qinglian and Bodhi Tree, are the essence of agreeing to obtain the world through the spirit veins. They are all bred today, and today all have the realm of Xuanxian Peak, as long as they can break through the Taiyi Golden Immortals.

Nagato is not good enough for too much intervention. After all, the incarnation formation is not enough to rely on external help. It needs to go through incarnation. This cannot be done forever.

Nagato is now only the realm of Taiyi Jinxian in the late period, and still dare not violate the Heaven Tribulation.

Therefore, the long door sits on the back of the panda and starts preaching and chanting.

"If a Bodhisattva has a human, human, sentient, or longevity, it is not a Bodhisattva."


"Away from all phases, that is, the names of Buddhas."


For a long time, the Buddha's light appeared in the door, and the golden lotus was born. It felt like a stick in the head for a while, such as the initiation of the taco, and the epiphany immediately, the two gained a lot in the preaching of the long gate.

It only took ten years for the lead to reach the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian, and it could come out.

Leading in the golden lotus of merit and virtue is obvious, although you can see it, but you have not reached your realm and you ca n’t be transformed. When you enter this Taiyi Jinxian early stage, you can be transformed into a shape.

The urge to mobilize physical mana is about to come out, and it is also known that this must come out of heaven.

Suddenly the sky was covered with rain clouds, and the dark clouds gathered to form a full scale, and the actual incarnation was formed, and the robbery was thousands of sizes. But Nagato is clear that the connection is a saint of heaven, and it is a name connection.

In this cloud-robbing cloud, lightning is dense, like electro-optical flint. The clouds are rubbing against each other, thunder roars, and the lightning appears faintly, ready to go.

No thunder was heard, first a huge lightning directly hit the chaotic green lotus, and the lead had to exhaust all his mana to resist the past.


This is the thought of thunder, Jiuxiao shakes, the Long Gate came through from later generations, and naturally has not seen the Heavenly Dao Sage crossing the robbery, and the scene is naturally very shocking.

Although Nagato raised a heart, he was not worried about the lead, because the lead was destined to cross the robbery, but even in this thunderous situation, Nagato's heart was slightly tight.

A larger flash of lightning struck the lotus, spreading the whole body of the merits of Qinglian, and wandering around the body of the lead. Slowly the lotus flower slowly blooms among the thunder and lightning.

Thunderstorms slashed on the lead, and the lead had to use its mana to fight this day's thunder, but the power of the thunder that day was not several times the power of the previous one. After biting and clenching the teeth, the lotus fully bloomed, and finally a lotus bloomed. A young man sat in it, his head slightly lowered, his brows closed, his hands folded, and his mouth was full of words.

After the thunder, the sky returned to clear, and a lot of Qingyun clouds also appeared, emitting a little golden light from the teenager.

"Thank you Master for teaching the avenue, helping me wait for the incarnation to form, and the disciples received the garden to listen to Master ’s teachings."

Thank you for the kindness of Nagato's preaching and want to worship Nagato as a teacher.

"You and I don't have a fate of being a mentor. I saw two of you, who are quite wise, but they failed to break through the formation of Taiyi peanuts, so they recited a few words." Nagato didn't say too much, after all, it was all heaven. The so-called heaven cannot be leaked, otherwise it will suffer the sky-robbery, and you cannot commit it yourself.

I was told that Nagato said this. It seemed that he knew the heavenly machine, but he didn't talk about it. He didn't ask much, so he didn't mention the matter of apprenticeship.

"My brother must have mentioned it, but he hasn't been incarnate yet. It must be that he hasn't seen it. He has been with me for tens of thousands of years. He has been facing each other all day long. He has a tacit understanding in his heart. He has long recognized each other as brothers."

"Daoyou has a second chance, which is gratifying." Nagato also admired the relationship between the Western Brotherhood of the Two Saints. On the contrary, the three Easterners, fighting openly and secretly, claim to be Pangu authentic.

Then lead them to the Bodhi tree not far away, and type one method into the bodhi book.

"I don't have any support for this. The thoughts are continuous, there is no interruption, body and language karma, no fatigue."

To quote the quasi-prototype is to agree to the spiritual vein to cultivate and to cultivate the Taoism at the Lingshan Mountain. The understanding is naturally the same as the mind. So far it has not been able to break through.

After listening to the quote, Zhu Di was suddenly bright.

"The golden lotus of your accompanying spiritual treasure merit is a congenital treasure, and it is a lotus seed of chaotic green lotus. The defense is extremely strong, but it is only nine grades at present, and it requires your patience and refinement."

After the introduction, this merit Jinlian was included in the body.

Nagato and Junti waited under the bodhi tree for another ten years before Junti broke through the Taiyi Jinxian and was ready to come out.

The body of this bodhi tree is gleaming with golden light, and the body's aura is rolling. When the shape is transformed, the consciousness condenses in a space above the head, and it can be transformed into a person if the state is reached, because this person is transformed by the spirit of heaven and earth. It is based on the appearance of Dao Zu Hongjun, which is also the most suitable for practicing.

Both Nagato and the lead knew what was going to happen next. This is the metamorphosis that must be experienced by humans. There are a total of 981 tianlei, one is better than one, and the power of the latter is the previous one. Nine times.

This metamorphosis and its ability to test the victim ’s spells and endurance, even if you have a high mana and can test the most powerful thunder, but under the continuous bombardment of eighty-one sky thunders, there is no deep mana to cultivate. It is also difficult to resist the past.

If this basic disaster has not happened, then it is not worthy of living in the flood, because there are many larger and more sinister disasters that need to be lived.

The robbery clouds are densely spread in the air, and they are full of size. This Bodhi's identity is not small in Honghuang. This huge roaring cloud is not rare in the Honghuang Continent, but at least it proves that the quasi-lifting talent has been recognized by Heaven.

After the Bodhisattva has suffered eighty-one days of catastrophe, the body is covered with bruises and flesh.

The linden tree was instantly shrouded in a cloud of white mist. ..


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