My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 12: Helping to get quasi mention to compete for Lingbao

The white mist around the Bodhi tree surged up and down, absorbing the spirit of a hundred miles, and poured into the wounded body of Zhun Ti with the spiritual force, and the wound of Zhu Ti lifted quickly, and at the same time dropped a flower from the sky The colorful clouds fell in the white mist of Junti, and then the white mist absorbed the surrounding spiritual power and became stronger.

About a quarter of an hour later, the white fog around Zhun Ti began to dissipate, and then a younger, richer man came out of the white fog and wore a yellow robe.

"Thank you for the teaching of Brother Changmen Dao, and thank you for your guidance."

Nagato and the pick-up waited 10 years, and finally it was possible to break through the formation of the Taiyi Jinxian incarnation.

If it is a common monster in the later generations, it will be a few hundred years, and a thousand years, and the metamorphosis will not be comparable to this majestic cloud.

However, this is in a wasteland, and if it is transformed early, it will lead to a weak foundation, and it will be difficult to make progress even if you practice harder in the future. Moreover, there is plenty of aura in the flood, and the later it is transformed, the more room for its own development.

And is this merit golden lotus and that bodhi tree ordinary goblins? This is a very powerful magic weapon in the wilderness. If you find a low-level spiritual treasure of the wilderness in later generations, you must be happy for a while.

Suddenly flew from the sky, gold, silver, glaze, glass, crockery, red beads, yard agate. These seven kinds of treasures are innate blessings of spiritual aura on the square of the Western Lingtai, and they enlighten the Tao along with the bodhi tree. Now that the quasi-incarnation is an adult, these seven treasures have feelings but the friendship of fellow initiates, they came by themselves.

Knowing the beauty of this treasure, Nagato twisted his hands and turned the bodhi tree into a spiritual implement. Then he brushed the seven treasures a few times and refined the seven treasures and the bodhi tree into one. Innate treasure.

"Quasi mention Taoist friend, this spirit treasure is a congenital supernatural spirit treasure that I refined from your treasure tree of Bodhi Tree and seven treasures drenched in Dharma of Mount Fangcun of Lingtai. The name is Qibao Miaoshu, This treasure has a great chance with you, and you will need to learn more in the future. "

Nagato said that he raised Qibao Miaoshu's hand and gave it to Zhun Ti. Zhun Ti secretly claimed that Qi Bao Miao Shu was holding it.

"You have a good understanding. These seven treasures have infinite power and can brush everything. But they need to refine the forty-eight congenital prohibitions. If the user's cultivation is achieved, this spirit treasure can also break through to the innate treasure, but With your current strength, this treasure cannot be brought to the extreme. "

"Thank you Brother Changmen."

"Our brother is thanking Brother Changmen for his preaching. It was only after we were able to break through the metamorphosis that I am extremely grateful."

"You don't have to be polite. I see that the two Daoists who received the guide and the quasi-professor were all compassionate and experienced the hardships. You admire you."

Nagato and Junti cited a few words of compliment to each other. Although these are all clichés, these moments are just a few words of greeting, which is much better than the four eyes. Yaque is silent.

"Brother Nagato, I don't know what the school is. I have this kind of cultivation at a young age, which makes my brother and I ashamed." The quote said.

"My Master is in Dongsheng Yingzhou. If the opportunity comes, the two Daoists will naturally meet with the teacher. His old man's Taoist law is so unpredictable that I can only understand the fur."

Nagato knew that after this introduction, he would listen to him under the gate of Dongfan Dao, and then comprehend Buddhism and save all sentient beings.

Dongfan Daojun has passed the avenue to me, but although he has been through the flood for a long time, he has not improved yet. At present, he still stays at the peak level of Taiyi Jinxian later.

Although Nagato has some comprehension, he has not yet broken through the realm. Everyone has a different way of prosecuting and sanctifying, but what is his own avenue? Nagato is more and more confused, letting his own consciousness wander in the boundless void.

Don't pay attention to these things for now, the most urgent thing now is to let the quasi-admittance be sanctified as soon as possible, and then surpass the soul who died in the flood.


A golden light shot out from the valley not far away, and gathered his consciousness, it was the direction of Ape Wing Mountain.

The ape wing mountain has abundant aura, and there is a slight fluctuation outside the mountain. If the realm is repaired to reach Taiyi Jinxian, the flashing fine ripples cannot be found at all.

This ripple is a method of formation. Judging from the golden light shot just now, this ape wing mountain must have been born of Lingbao. Looking at the size and color of the light, we can judge that this Lingbao is a top-level Lingbao.

How could the three people miss this opportunity, and then turned into three colored lights to go to the direction of Ape Wing Mountain.

It was only after three people discovered that the array outside the Yayi Mountain had only a thin layer of mana barrier, but the thickness was uniform and the mana was mellow. If it weren't for the birth of this Lingbao, this mana barrier was somewhat weakened, and the combined force of the long gate, the lead, and the quasi-lift can't break this barrier.

"This piece of Lingbao emits such a strong golden light, it must be a good baby, but if this golden light is seen by other great powers in the flood, it will inevitably be a fight for Lingbao. The two brothers, let's still go first Take this piece of Lingbao as soon as possible, and then leave this place of right and wrong! "

"It is true that Zhundi is right. Brother Nagato, let's get this baby as soon as possible! There is a lot of power in this flood, and if it is seen by others, it will inevitably injure the danger of hurting people."

The lead also thought that the quasi-remarks were justified, and turned his head and said to Nagato.

"Alright, then we work together to break through, and then get Lingbao and leave."

The Nagato agreed, and then the three of them gathered their mana together to break the battle together. They were about to lift up the Qibao Miao Tree and brushed against the Ape Wing Mountain a few times, and then took the merit to sit on the green lotus.

More than a month later, with the combined force of the three people, the corrugated mana barrier around this ape wing mountain was broken.

At the same time, this golden light was discovered by Xuan Tian. He pinched his fingers and said that it was a congenital spirit treasure born, and the direction was in the Western Ape Mountain. Xuan Tian was very happy and dared to go to the west in a hurry, fearing that he would be late and missed this Lingbao.

This Xuantian is a military commander of the Dragon tribe. Now it is for the purpose of Daluo Jinxianxiu. This dragon tribe lives in the waters around the Honghuang Continent. On this day, Xuantian traveled through Honghuang, but he saw the birth of these superb innate spirits. Also rushed towards this ape wing mountain.

Xuantian's lack of inner control and speeding up, he flew towards Ape Wing Mountain. Xuantian had exhausted all his energy to fly, but Xuantian still thought it was too slow.

Xuan Tian is impatient, fearing that others will preemptively obtain the spirit treasure, this spirit treasure Xuan Tian's ambition is bound to be obtained, the **** file kills the god.

When Xuan Tian was in a hurry, he used the technique of blood shield. This technique of blood shield was originally used for escape, and it was very costly to use.

This Xuantian came galloping all the way, but when he arrived, he discovered that there were already three black shadows breaking through the formation.

Xuantian Fury is unstoppable ...


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