My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 199: Negotiation

After Haotian and Yaochi had acquired many treasures from Hongjun Taoist, they could only stay in the heavenly court.

At this time Haotian and Yaochi were among the heavens and gave birth to a daughter.

Her name is Princess Longji, she is talented and intelligent, and she is a good cultivator.

The heaven was silent.

At this time Honghuang had already ushered in Dayu's flood control period.

At this time, the leader of this tribe is already on Dayu.

After more than 20 years of flood control, Dayu dredged the rivers and rivers in the flood, so that the flood no longer flooded.

Greatly improved people's production and living standards.

Dayu used a dredging-based management method, abandoning the former method, relying on containment and intercepting floods, so that the river flow all flowed down the river to the four seas.

This is an excellent governance method.

Since then, Honghuang has established the first feudal dynasty, Xia.

Hongjun Taoist is also actively planning for Haotian. Under Haotian's heavenly court, there are very few people, no one can use it, and many things are not handled by anyone.

At this time, Hongjun Daozu was the order of Laozi, primitive, please come here.

Negotiations started again, this time mainly to select talents for Haotian's heaven.

Hong Jun did not inform other saints. One was other saints, such as Nu Wa, who had no apprentices and could not contribute anything. The two men, the Western lead and the quasi-mentor, were damaged by the Western spirit and they were in their own hands. The talents are always very good.

Hongjun Taoist then said.

"Now the Heavenly Court is already registered. I'm calling you here today to discuss the matter of the God of the Heavenly Court."

It is said that the ancestor of Hongjun Dao sacrificed the book of heaven, and the book of heaven is this list of gods. In this list of gods, three hundred and sixty-five gods are needed. How to select them now depends on the three saints.

The meaning of Hongjun Taoist ancestors is very clear. All the religions are to send some people into this **** list and into this heavenly court to help Haotian to take charge of the heavenly court.

I only have one apprentice, Master Xuandu. Naturally, there is nothing to contribute, but I have the ability. I can be considered the most powerful person among the known saints.

And Laozi is closely related to the original Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation. The original treats Laozi very humbly, not only the original humility, but also the original masters who are under his command, are very humorous to Laozi.

Tongtian didn't like to do things like that, making Lao Tzu gradually distanced from Tongtian.

Then there was the secret discussion between Hongjun and his ancestors and the three saints, and what was said was unknown to outsiders.

But this negotiation has passed six hundred years.

When the talks were over, the saints of the Three Religions, under the supervision of Hongjun and Taoist ancestors, all signed and painted on the Fengshen List.

Once it is a signature painting, it is to recognize this **** list. If it violates this **** list in the future, it will be disobeying Hongjun Taoist ancestors.

After signing this list of gods, it is also necessary to determine a chief commander of the gods' operation.

Hong Jun originally wanted Lao Tzu to complete this action, because Lao Tzu was originally good at training, and it was mainly for the two teachings of Interpretation and Interception to find the right person from their disciples and disciples. Is able to teach well.

But because he was unwilling to preside over this action, Lao Tzu gave the host of this action to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Hongjun Daozu can only hand over the version of the God of Seals to the original Tianzun and let the original Tianzun preside over the act of sealing the gods. Then the three saints all returned to their own caves.

As soon as the heavenly book appeared, all the saints in the flood had induction.

Nagato had sensed the appearance of the Heavenly Book early, and Nagato knew that this great catastrophe was coming.

Others do n’t know, but the Nagato is really clear, and the gods list is actually the fact that Hong Tian Dao Zu in order to weaken the forces of the Three Religions, let the power of Haotian God led by Haotian God grow up.

Among them, there is an internal contradiction between Sanqing, otherwise, this plan will not be implemented.

Among the three Qing dynasties, the most powerful one was the Master Tongtian. The force that cut off the teaching gradually grew to make the original Tianzun jealous, and then gradually made Lao Tzu a little jealous.

Most of the immortals in the Fengshen list were selected during the teaching cut-off.

This list of gods only needs three hundred and sixty-five gods.

However, there are as many as 10,000 people in the one-stop teaching, and there are 365 people in the area, which is not a lot.

Tongtiandaoren, the pressure of helpless Hongjun Taoist, can only sign this unequal agreement.

Nagato is also clear that this list of gods is the true **** of heaven, but compared with the unrestrained fairy, the benefits have not been improved, but this ability and practice are limited.

No one wants to be a person on this **** list.

Then the original united with Laozi, and even the doormen who were cutting off the teachings were sent to the gods list.

The original is even more ruthless, and if it is not possible to mention and pick up, if you can't see it, then the original and Laozi will also slaughter the gatekeepers.

Completely eliminate the cut-offs.

It's not that picking up and quasi mentioning took away a lot of people who cut off the teaching. The fate of cutting off the teaching is really a bit dangerous.

Nagato knew the original sinister intentions, but he didn't know.

Laozi didn't even know that, after the war of gods, Laozi himself would be betrayed by the sky, so that the cultivation of Laozi was always sealed.

But since there is a long door, such a thing will not happen here.

The original conspiracy will not succeed.

After the Battle of Gods, Honghuang will be rewritten.

Nu Wa didn't care when she learned that Shufeng God List appeared on this day.

This thing has nothing to do with Nuwa, and Nuwa only needs to do her own thing, it is enough.

There is no need to do anything unrelated to this matter.

The response and quasi mention in the West, because I do n’t know the situation, and Nagato has not been in Lingshan in the West for a long time.

But the introduction and quasi-proposition can vaguely feel that the opportunities of Western religion are coming soon.

When this **** list is released, it will cause a huge storm. If we can take the opportunity to attract some capable monks to the west, it will only be of great help to the future promotion of the west.

After the saints of the Three Religions go home, the original arrangement is to start a series of arrangements.

After Tongtian signed the Fengshenbang, because he signed an unequal treaty, Tongtian also had no face to say to the doormen.

Tongtian just issued an injunction in Biyou Palace, telling his doormen not to walk around the world at will.

This is also to avoid the slaughter of his doormen. ..

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