My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 200: Lord of the Gods

After accepting the order of Hongjun Daozu and becoming the host of the operation of Fengshen, Yuan returned to the Yuxu Palace and started planning.

At this time in the interpretation, the original and most trusted is the Lantern Taoist, and the Antarctic fairy.

The repair of the Lantern Daoist is relatively high, and the time of the Lantern Daoist is earlier than that. The Lantern Daoist is a powerful one after the Lich War.

Then he worshipped under the primitive door of the saint. Primitive Tianzun trusted the burning lamp very much, and let burning lamp be the deputy leader of the interpretation.

The big things and small things in the denomination can be spoken by the lamp.

The burning of Xiu Deng is now only in the middle period of Daluo Jinxian, but this Daluo Jinxian was regarded as a very powerful horn during the period of feuding.

The sage ca n’t be sent casually because of his good face. At this time, if there is a powerful man under his hands, that is undoubtedly a very good thing for elucidation.

The Antarctic fairy is not a person with a burning lantern, but the Antarctic fairy has a high qualification and a long life.

It can be regarded as the eldest disciple of teaching.

Antarctic immortals are like the secretary-general of the original Tianzun in the robbery of the gods. Many messages are conveyed by the Antarctic immortals everywhere.

The practice of Antarctic Xian Weng has been in the practice of Daluo Jinxian for thousands of years, and its practice is difficult to go further.

The same is true for the burning lamp. It is difficult to improve in the middle of Daluo Jinxian.

Original Tianzun found the two of them to discuss.

Original Tianzun said.

"Now Hongjun Taoist has asked me to preside over this list of Gods and choose talents for the heaven court of God of Haotian. We still have a lot of places in our teaching, once the gods are sealed, it will be controlled by God of Haotian since then There is no freedom. But this act of God cannot be stopped. "

At this time the Antarctic fairy Weng said.

"The God of Haotian is famous, and I and other disciples are willing to follow Master and do not want to be on the **** list."

The burning lamp also said.

"Although this **** list is a lot of places under my elucidation, but it does not require the quality of this person, we only need to allow the twelve immortals to recruit more disciples, and let these disciplinary disciples be on the list, which is done by the ancestors It is also for the apprentices of Jean that they have an early day. "

After the original listening, I felt that Lantern said very well.

This person who cultivates high is naturally reluctant to enter this list of gods, but if he cultivates underground, he has not yet become a mortal who is an immortal, or a capable person immortal among mortals, who cultivates underground, and if he enters the **** list, the strength Will be significantly improved.

However, the lowest ability of entering the Gods List is also the early days of Tianxian.

For many mortals, this is already a great temptation.

In addition, the fairy can greatly prolong life, which is not easy to complete the task.

The original said at this time.

"The Landeng said it well. We can act according to the plan. But I am afraid that the whole world will not be convinced. He has a lot of places in the cut-off door, and many fairies are born from the cut-off."

Burning the lamp can instantly understand the original thought.

Lantern said.

"Teachers don't have to worry, he has been a large number of disciples for cutting off the teaching. It is not an easy task to send some capable people into the heavenly court. The cutting off is originally a large number of people. We can also take the opportunity to kill the cutting edge of cutting off the teaching. Otherwise After that, the fear of cutting off education is to dominate the flood. "

The original hearing was very annoying.

Tongtian has always been right in the original, and the demon apprentices who are unwilling to accept the original, Tongtian wants to accept.

People who are unwilling to teach in the first place can teach in the sky.

Moreover, the teaching is relatively good. The original teaching likes to keep one hand. Although the original does not leave much, it still affects the disciples' understanding.

Tongtian is different, open to the disciples directly.

Tongtian teaches what he knows.

There is no class in teaching, and it has been passed down.

Tongtian's brave "sex" son also allows all the disciples and masters to have a happy life, without any gaps.

Although Tongtian has a good relationship with his disciples, it still has some disadvantages, that is, his disciples are not easy to discipline.

This was also the original spy plan that worked for the War of Gods.

Speaking of the original secret plan, that is when the original Tianzun received the host of Fengshen, he set a policy.

That is to cultivate a spy, let the interpretation, and the contradiction between cutting off the teachings, intensifying constantly.

Promote the action of enshrining the gods, at the same time guarantee the benefit of interpretation to the greatest extent, and weaken the interception to the greatest extent.

In Biyou Palace of Golden Turtle Island.

Master Tongtian still educates his disciples about Taoism as usual, and there is no difference in what he does.

Tongtian himself also wanted to be more open.

This is not to choose the right God of Haotian God for more than 300 people, and his doormen are as many as ten thousand people.

Random selection of some can be dealt with, as long as it is not your favorite lover, or there are one or two powerful, then it is acceptable.

After all, Tongtian thought it was too simple.

The original did not intend, just careless.

The original plan was to completely defeat the interception of teaching. The original interpretation of the teaching was very strict because of the strict rules, so there were not many people under the door.

Among those who are high, they are also very few.

It is nothing more than an Antarctic fairy, a person who burns lights. There are twelve cents.

The strength of the Twelve Immortals is now just Jinxian Xiuwei.

Among them, the mana high-definition Guangchengzi red gold was only cultivated in the late Taiyi Jinxian.

This original is still a bit anxious.

Afterwards, the original twelve Golden Immortals convened a small meeting.

The original said to the Twelve Golden Immortals.

"Apprentices, you are the elite among my apprentices, but your cultivation practice has not been improved in size for thousands of years. If you have n’t broken through to the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian for 1,500 years, then He committed a world of killing. "

The twelve Golden Immortals looked at each other, they didn't understand what the killing was.

Guang Chengzi is also the first immortal of the twelve golden fairies. He is deeply loved by the original, Guang Chengzi said.

Here's a word here, when striking the first immortal of the Admiralty of the Admiralty, the side is the original Tianzun practice. Among the apprentices who accompany the practice around, the apprentice who can strike the Admiralty is usually distinguished.

Guang Chengzi asked.

"Teacher, how can this killing ring be broken?"

The original answer.

"If you haven't made a breakthrough, you will commit a killing ring. This killing ring is different from others. It can only be killed if someone is killed or killed by someone."

Chi Jing said again.

"Please ask the teacher to point out the robbery."

The original had already planned. ..

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