My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 774: Help Guanyin again

The power of God and Buddha in the hands of the Nagagokkeeper condensed and released the magic power to the red boy in front of him, and the red boy regained his consciousness.

"Red boy, do you know the mistakes you made earlier? You should understand what you did earlier." Nagato asked.

Hong Haier lay on the ground with a look of ashamed, and then spoke.

"I know that I have taken action against the black bear spirit and tried to destroy Luojia. It is a very bad thing. I apologize for the mistakes I made. But I am also persecuted by evil spirits. I hope the gods can let me go."

The evil spirit of Luojia Mountain was not eliminated because Nagato had just released the mana to the red boy, but it became stronger.

Only then did Nagato really know that the person who is really controlled by the evil aura is Guanyin.

Guanyin suddenly shot the red boy. She sensed that Nagato had seen everything. Nagato grabbed the red boy and threw it aside, and fixed the black bear spirit and the red boy with her force.

Guanyin did not attack Hong Haier, and Nagato blocked her attack.

"Guanyin, in fact, when you called me to Luojia Mountain just now, I was always skeptical about this. You said that you are a dignified Guanyin Bodhisattva, this Luojia Mountain is your site, if there is something really happening, Tathagata Does the Buddha know?"

Nagato understood that Guanyin was controlled by evil this time, and she came for the elders.

The fairy qi surrounding Luojia Mountain only exists to cover people's eyes and ears.

"It seems that you are indeed very clever, Red Boy, Black Bear Spirit and I are just acting in front of you. But now the time is almost the same. Now that you have seen the flaws in the matter, just go straight Do it."

Guanyin's eyeballs were red, and the evil spirit within his body kept appearing.

Nagato directly locked Guanyin with his mana, and continuously injected his own fairy energy into Guanyin's body.

"You are fine at Leiyin Temple in the Tathagata, how come you suddenly become like this. I believe you must have experienced something on the way back to Luojia Mountain. I will quickly figure out the truth of the matter. You are here first. Be quiet for a while."

Guanyin's body showed a yellow Buddha light, which was caused by the continuous flow of Nagato's mana in her body.

The mana of Nagato made Guanyin gradually regain consciousness, until finally, Guanyin completely regained consciousness.

He helped Guanyin again, making Guanyin very moved.

"God, thank you for helping me regain my consciousness. Before the demon energy entered my body, this feeling made me very painful. If it were not for the power of your gods and Buddha, I would not know whether I was a **** in the end."

Guanyin's expression was full of rejoicing. She was glad that the person she met was Nagato. She was glad that Nagato helped her solve so many troubles.

"You don't need to say so many thankful words to me. The deity wants to find out the cause and result of the matter from you. You must not know what happened at that time, you just need to remember when you came out from Leiyin Temple. The scene is just fine." Nagato said seriously.

According to Nagato, Guanyin recalled the scene after leaving Leiyin Temple.

Behind her, there was always a cloud of black energy that followed, and then entered her body, causing her to lose her consciousness, and Guanyin would know nothing afterwards.

"Guanyin, I have helped you eliminate the evil qi in your body. You have nothing to do now. Don't leave Luojia Mountain for the time being. The deity will set up a divine power barrier around your Luojia Mountain. No matter whoever enters, Not coming."

Nagato wanted to keep Guan Yin from going out for a short time, so that she would be safer.

He repeatedly instructed Guanyin, and then left from Luojia Mountain and headed to the underworld.

Di listen informed the arrival and disappearance of King Jizo Nagato, and told King Jizo Nagato the purpose of coming here.

"Listen, you really are a sacred beast, and you can hear everything in the Three Realms. Since you know what Nagato God and Buddha are going to do in the underworld, this seat will naturally not stand idly by and want to help Nagato God."

The Ksitigarbha King listened carefully and flew towards the wheel of time.

Nagato came to the time wheel with the judge, and the king of Jizo was already waiting here.

"Nagato Divine Buddha, I have been waiting here for a long time with Di Ting. This time, Nagato Divine Venerable can use the time wheel at will. With this seat and Di Ting here, the time wheel will not consume any mana of the divine statue." Say.

Nagato did not expect that King Jizo would appear here in the time wheel, and he was willing to help him without asking anything.

He turned his gaze to Di listen, and then understood why the Ksitigarbha King knew what he wanted to do.

"It is said that Di Ting is a beast of the Three Realms. You can see through any matter in the world. It seems that this matter is not false. Since the Ksitigarbha has said so, then it is better to respect the deity."

Nagato's voice fell, and he jumped into the time wheel without hesitation. ..


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