My Infinite Life

Vol 15 Chapter 775: Time wheel shift

Entering the Nagato of the time wheel, he wrapped himself with his own mana, making it impossible for the surrounding evil spirits to enter his body.

"The time wheel has already started. The deity must hurry out of the time wheel. If you continue to stay here, you will be in a lot of trouble. This time, no matter what, the Ksitigarbha has already helped me. When you return to the underworld, you must thank him well."

Nagato said to himself, and he flew out of the time wheel.

The time wheel turned very fast, and he came back to the place where Guanyin came out of Luojia Mountain before.

"It seems that the demon is nearby, but the mana of this demon is really not to be underestimated. I followed Guanyin quietly, I really want to see what kind of demon is, with such great abilities. ."

Nagato fixed his gaze on Guanyin, Guanyin flew out from Leiyin Temple, there was indeed a very special evil behind her.

"It seems that things are as the deity thought. Behind Guanyin, there has always been a black air followed, but Guanyin himself did not notice. Now I am near Leiyin Temple. I came here through the wheel of time. Here, I will find a suitable place and then shoot."

Nagato felt that there was no need to stun the snake at this time. He hid his immortal energy and kept following behind Guanyin.

Guanyin stopped on a hill not far from Luojia Mountain.

"It's really strange. Why do I suddenly feel the pain in my heart? Could something bad happen? No, I have to go back to Luojia Mountain to check it out." Guanyin said to himself.

Guanyin accelerated her speed, and just when she was about to enter Luojia Mountain, the evil energy directly entered her body, causing her to pass out directly.

"It seems that this monster is about to make a move. This place is already near Luojia Mountain, and there are no demons or gods around. I can make a move directly." While Nagato spoke, he already used his power of God and Buddha. The gathering is over.

Nagato also entered Guanyin's body, and immediately discovered the evil spirit.

"You demon, you are really bold enough to turn into a delusion of evil spirit and enter Guanyin's body to control her."

The evil spirit found Nagato, which made him very shocked. The evil spirit was a little flustered at first, and then immediately calmed down. "Avalokitesvara is a bodhisattva no matter what, and she has a huge mana that I can control. Such mana can improve my demon art. Only when my own mana is improved, Can be the master of the Three Realms."

The man incarnation of the evil spirit thought wholeheartedly that as long as all the mana of Guanyin was sucked into his body, he could greatly increase his mana.

"Do you think that you can rule the Three Realms by absorbing all the magic power of gods and Buddhas into your body? I can promise to the huge evil in your body, but do you think you can really do this?"

Nagato took the relic out of his body, and directly released the power of the relic to the evil in front of him. The relic in his hand kept shining, and the evil was directly forced out of Guanyin by Nagato.

Nagato followed the evil spirit and left Guanyin's body.

He confronted the evil man, the two of them stared closely, the evil man's eyes were full of murderousness, and Nagato seemed indifferent.

"Damn fellow, why are you here to stop my good deeds? Seriously, you are the deity of the world of gods and Buddhas. No one will affect your cultivation. Even if the Buddha is not your opponent, why are you here? Stop me?"

In the perception of the evil man, Nagato has detached from the Three Realms. Even if he really rules the Three Realms, it will not have any effect on Nagato.

Hearing this, Nagato sneered and said: "You have said that I am the supreme of the gods and buddha realms. I will naturally not ignore the sentient beings of the three realms. On the contrary, if you have a heart of repentance, immediately follow me to see Tathagata Buddha."

"I finally escaped from the Tathagata, and I will never go back again. If you want to see the Tathagata, go by yourself. I will not accompany you."

The evil man was about to leave after speaking to Nagato, and Nagato directly surrounded him with the power of the relic.

"Do you know how powerful this relic is? When Wutian wanted to conquer the Three Realms, it was destroyed by the relic. The relic was specifically designed to deal with evil people, like you, a monster, I don’t know the relic. How much power can the child release."

Nagato's words scared the evil man.

Wutian was indeed destroyed by the relic at the beginning, and it was Nagato who used the relic to reach the peak of the relic.

The evil man thought that if he really desperately competed directly with Nagato for mana, it would be hard to say how he would win or lose. ..


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