My Iron Suit

Chapter 1019: Noah's Ark!

The whole process of forcibly controlling the mind was very painful for her. The pain in the brain was almost cracked, and after all the zombie crows were wiped out, she was directly comatose because she was exhausted.

After that, Alice never dared to try to control the power of thought, but attacked in the form of a slamming wave at a critical moment.

Now it seems that she seems to have missed the opportunity to truly master the mind, and Chen Mo apparently experienced similar situations with her, but she made the opposite choice. She did not retreat because of the severe pain in forcibly controlling the mind. And give up, but carry out more in-depth research and exercise, which can achieve the precise control of the mind now!

Although Alice guessed that there were some deviations, Chen Mo did invest a lot of effort in research and exercise in his mindfulness. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the degree of omnipotence.

In the control room, the middle-aged man saw that Chen Mo had raised his hand and the surveillance screen was in darkness. However, Chen Mo’s shooting direction was not a surveillance camera at all, which made him unable to wrinkle his brows. .

"How is this going?"

Sitting on the side of the table, the red rear handles all the systems and equipment of the entire base. Naturally, I know the situation of the laser channel. In the face of the middle-aged people's question, limited to the procedure, she has to answer.

"The controller of the laser channel was destroyed and the laser channel was already paralyzed."

"Do you mean that they are still dead?"

The middle-aged man asked quietly.

"should be."

The middle-aged man couldn’t help but sink his face.

The laser channel is the strongest defense of the hive base and the last barrier to the ground control room. Passing through the laser channel is equivalent to entering the core of the hive.

Even if he continues to block, it is only a slight hindrance to their speed, and does not make much sense.

Now, Chen Mo and Alice have not been able to stop the arrival of the two, but he is not afraid.

Since the trap can't solve the two, then he can only take it out himself!

He is not Wesker!

As the master of the umbrella company, he has the final card!

Chen Mo and Alice went through the laser channel and came to a small room. For this, Alice is very familiar!

Here is the main control room after the red, through the computer in the room can directly control the red and the entire base, of course, the premise is that there are enough permissions!

Looking at this familiar main control room, Alice's look is a bit complicated. The mercenary squad and Matt and others who entered the hive with her are now dead in the hands of zombies and umbrella companies. Only she lives alone. Come down!

At this point back here again, Alice inevitably touches the scene!

But at the time they only knew that they were going to close the red, but they didn't know that it was a conspiracy, but they didn't know that it was actually the gateway to the real core of the hive!

Alice doesn't have time to do more emotions. It is imperative to get viral antibodies as soon as possible to save more survivors!

Before coming to the computer, Alice took out the projection device she had taken at the entrance of the passage and placed it on the table. The holographic projection of a honeycomb was then unfolded in the sky.

The core of the hive is similar to a hive, with an inverted pyramid shape that gradually shrinks.

Deeper below the bottom of the hive, there are some hidden maps that Alice had seen before, and there are no hidden buildings at all, and the virus antibodies they are looking for are in the lowest building. !

According to the holographic projection, in the middle of the hive, there is an elevator that goes straight to the bottom, and the main control room where they are now is the elevator!

"The bottom of the hive is at our feet!"

Alice said, according to the method shown in the holographic projection, quickly operated on the computer. As Alice finally pressed the control button, the floor under the feet of the two people suddenly moved and completely separated from the surrounding walls. Like the elevator, it usually goes down.

And as the platform declines, a picture that is completely different from the honeycomb above is displayed in front of the two!

Since the virus leaked, the upper hive has been abandoned, and in the absence of management and cleaning, most of the place is a feeling of ruin.

Just below the hive, the scene is completely different, and the space that does not exist on the original hive map is neat and bright.

Around the platform is a circular staircase like a gym stand, but the steps are not seats, but hundreds of coffins in a black box-shaped device.

A chill of water rushed out from a large air-conditioning unit in front of the grandstand, and fell toward the bottom. Chen Mo and Alice also noticed that the temperature here was much lower than the above.

With the continuous decline of the platforms under the feet of the two people, the circular platform with the same layer and above is constantly appearing in front of the two people. The rough number is actually more than ten layers, and all the box-shaped devices add up more than Ten thousand units!

This secret space hidden under the hive is actually the real "honeycomb"!

And these black coffins is the "bee sting" waiting to hatch in the hive!

Alice looked at her face with a grim look, and then turned to look at Chen Mo, Shen Sheng said.

"Cryogenic refrigeration! These should be the top of the umbrella company. They are hiding here and waiting for the end of the apocalypse! This is the Noah's Ark of the dignitaries!"

In the voice of Alice's magnetism, it is full of anger at this time.

These dormant compartments are similar to the Hydra's freezer compartments, but they are less effective. The freezer compartment can completely stop the body's metabolism and aging, and this dormant compartment allows humans to enter a hibernation-like state through low temperatures.

The survivors who were previously found on the Arcadia were placed in a simplified version of the dormant compartment.

Although this dormant cabin can not extend the life span indefinitely, it can also minimize the metabolism and slow down the aging rate. The time of years is just a sleep for them, and the aging of the body is just a few The month is over.

Billions of humans have died under the T virus deliberately released by the umbrella company, and the top of the umbrella company safely hides here to sleep, waiting for the human beings to die before taking over the earth as a savior!

Alice looked at the top of the umbrellas hiding in the dormant cabin, and her eyes were full of hatred!


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