My Iron Suit

Chapter 1020: Antiviral agent!

At this moment, the back light of Alice's eyes was to see two black canvas bags placed at the corner of the platform.

In her mind, she instantly recalled the scene when the mercenaries entered the hive and closed the red. These two canvas bags were originally left by the mercenaries!

Alice immediately stepped forward and pulled over two canvas bags. The biggest one contained some weapons and ammunition. From the base of the sea, I prepared the full Alice and didn't care, but the other one was slightly smaller. The canvas bag is filled with a hundred pieces of high explosives!

Looking at this full pack of explosives, Alice's mouth could not help but smack a cold smile, immediately slammed the pack of explosives onto the table, and raised the hand and pressed the control button to stop the platform that was descending. .

Chen Mo glanced at the explosives in his bag and immediately looked at Alice.

Alice took two brick-sized explosives from the bag and handed it directly to Chen Mo, watching him say.

"Get the handle."

Chen Mo took the explosives and did not refuse.

The tens of thousands of people hiding here are all the top executives of the umbrella company. They have also made a contribution to this eradication plan and will be the last beneficiary!

When the humans on the surface finish cleaning up, they will be the new masters of the future planet!

For them, Chen Mo did not feel the strong anger of Alice, but he also thought that these umbrellas were dead!

A group of delusions can destroy the world, slaughter seven billion humans to clean up the earth, and control the world's crazy ambitions. Staying behind will be a scourge. Killing them Chen Mo does not have any psychological burden.

With the help of Chen Mo, Alice quickly put the explosives on, and as long as the detonator is pressed, all the high-rise umbrellas in the "Hive" will be grayed out in their sleep!

After placing the explosives, the lifting platform descended down again and finally stopped at the bottom.

Using the power to open a gate in front of him, Chen Mo and Alice took the gun and walked out side by side.

What appears in front of the two is no longer a manually constructed passage or room, but an underground cave with a huge area!

Although the light is very dim, the two can still roughly see the outline of the underground cave. The overall height of the cave is more than 50 meters. The rock is exposed on the wall, but at the bottom of the cave is a deep underground. The lake, the dark water surface looks calm and waveless.

Just as the two men walked down the light glass corridor to the shore of the underground lake, the water in front of them suddenly surged.

In the eyes of Alice's alert, two white lights illuminate from under the water, and the surging lake quickly extends from their feet to the opposite side of the underground lake.

Soon, a narrow bridge with lights lit up from the water, just connected to the glass corridor under their feet. In front of the lake, a narrow bridge was still rising from the water, facing the other side of the lake. The places where the lights are shining extend and form a glass path across the entire underground lake!

Chen Mo and Alice looked at each other without hesitation. Instead, they stepped directly onto the plank road and rushed toward the opposite side of the underground lake.

As the distance got closer, Alice slowly saw the general situation across the lake.

At the end of the plank road is an open-plan room that is not too large, but because the light is dark, the details inside are not clear at the moment.

However, according to the information given by the red, the virus antibodies they are looking for should be in this room!

Soon, the two crossed the underground lake and entered the room.

Alice noticed that on the two sides of the plank road that had just entered the room, there were two sleeping cabins with a very beautiful shape, one of which was already open, and obviously someone had been awakened!

At the end of the plank road, the huge screen that occupies the entire wall shows many monitors of the place that Alice has just passed. The series of traps they encountered just now should be controlled by someone here!

Alice walked forward with a submachine gun, and quickly observed the entire room, and soon found a familiar figure in the inner ring of the fireplace around the fireplace!

"Our bad boy is back!"

A sound full of ridicule sounded in the room.

Alice stopped and stopped, pointing the submachine gun in her hand to the figure on the sofa.

"Don't be stupid, come over!"

The middle-aged people on the sofa are like greeting their younger generations, and they smiled and waved.

However, Alice did not relax at all. The assault gun pointed firmly at the middle-aged man and walked to the sofa with Chen Mo.

The middle-aged man sitting on the sofa wore a straight suit, and the blond hair was meticulous. Looking at Alice and Chen Mo who came to the front, his eyes were fierce!

Seeing this familiar face again, Alice was not as surprised as before, but she couldn't help but feel a ridiculous feeling in her heart. The muzzle pointed at the middle-aged man and asked intriguingly.

"Are you the body?"

In the face of the muzzle, the middle-aged people did not panic, nor did they directly answer Alice's question. Instead, they pointed to the ground and said calmly.

"Things come one by one, you put the gun on the ground first."

Alice said coldly.

"Why should we listen to you!"

The middle-aged man heard the words but reached out and took out a metal glass test tube from the There are two spiral green liquids inside!

"This is what you want, right? Antiviral, the antidote to all this!"

Alice couldn't help but change her face, her eyes fixed on the test tube.

This is what they are looking for, as long as it is released, the end will end!

However, I heard the middle-aged people continue to say.

"However, antiviral agents only have this tube!"

The middle-aged man said that he stood up from the sofa, pinched the metal above the test tube with his fingers, and held it in midair, watching Alice say slowly.

"We are in the 800 meters underground sealing facility, as long as I fall, the antiviral agent will be gone, and your delusions will only burst faster!"

Looking at the middle-aged man's smug smile, Alice bit her teeth and licked Chen Mo's eyes, and finally she finally let go of the weapon.

"And you!"

The middle-aged man immediately turned his attention to Chen Mo, adding to the threat of tone.

Chen Mo knows that the middle-aged people in front of him are not ordinary people. They have also been strengthened by the T virus. The strength should not be under Wesker!


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