My Iron Suit

Chapter 1050: The storm of public opinion!

In Zhang Xin and Xu Qing's view, this two-handed knight sword is not the opinion of the chairman of the Aegis group, but Su Shi himself added it!

Su Shi saw the look of the two hoes, and easily guessed their thoughts, but she did not explain anything. After all, Chen Mo’s identity is still not exposed!

With perfect equipment and starring candidates, Enron is also full of fighting spirit. In just three days, the final script will be revised. Other related actors and other props, scenes and other work are also fully operated by Aegis Film Company. Prepare quickly.

The name of the first Chinese-born superhero in Hollywood was officially confirmed by Enron’s proposal.

In view of the protagonist's equipment, characteristics, fighting style and way of doing things, Enron named him "The Dark Knight" on the basis of the "Knight" proposed by Chen Mo!

A week later, the world's first 3D holographic film "The Dark Knight" was officially launched, and a large-scale boot conference was held.

Until then, people realized that the Aegis Group was ready to shoot a real 3D hologram!

The fact that there is a holographic smartphone is in front of us, and there is no doubt about the technical strength of the Aegis Group in holographic projection. The billion-dollar investment announced by the outside world is also full of expectations for this 3D holographic film.

However, for the film's main team and script, there is still a lot of doubt outside!

A Chinese-female new female director who had never filmed a real movie before, but only made a few commercials for Aegis.

Two Chinese newcomers who are still studying, and only appeared in the commercials several times.

Most importantly, the protagonist of this movie is also a Chinese character!

And even the actors who play the protagonist are not, they are actually the bodyguards of the chairman of the Aegis Group!

This is a Chinese-American movie that has never been seen in Hollywood history!

The male and female protagonists and directors are all Chinese!

Among the other important characters left, quite a few are Chinese!

Just this point has already caused countless people to question, not to mention from the director, to the male and female stars, all new people!

Even if there are many veteran stars in the supporting role that they are very familiar with, the old bones can't make up for the huge weakness of the new core of the movie!

Many media, film critics, and industry insiders are not optimistic about this movie of Aegis Movies!

On the day of the conference, there was an overwhelming questioning voice on TV and on the Internet.

"The Aegis Group is entering Hollywood, or it will face the biggest failure!"

"The first 3D holographic film, the first all-Chinese movie, the first new person to create a movie, the Aegis movie company Shantou played!"

"The first film of the Aegis movie may be the last movie of the company!"

“The first Chinese superhero, can the audience in the country buy it?”

"What is the Aegis Film Company thinking about filming the movie of the Chinese protagonist in the country?!"

"The special movement of the Aegis Group will surely have a tragic consequence!"

"Aids Group makes a movie? No, it’s just an extra long version of the ad, don't trust the director!"


The mainstream media is almost one-sided and is not optimistic about the film of Aegis Films.

In the country of rice, white talent is the mainstream culture. This is especially true for superhero movies. It is enough to have a few black people to accompany them. As for Asians, it’s good to be a small supporting role!

Although ordinary people are full of curiosity and expectation for 3D holographic movies, they are influenced by the media and many people's original ideas. Many people ask Aegis to modify the script and change the protagonist into white. The director and the protagonist are all replaced. Otherwise they won't go see it!

However, in the face of outside doubts, the Aegis Film Company was not affected at all. Su Shi also personally went to the crew that had already started shooting, appeased everyone, and expressed the support of the big boss Chen Mo.

Don't worry about how to say it outside, how to shoot it, and finally use the work to let everyone shut up!

At that time, let everyone ask to see this movie!

Originally, because of outside doubts and requests to change directors and actors, and the mood is somewhat low and embarrassed Enron and Zhang Xin Xu Qing, and a group of Enron's crew, after learning the full support of the big boss, they broke out. One by one swears in the heart, must make a best movie, let all those who question them shut up!

However, Agent No. 0 is extremely calm from beginning to end, because with his understanding of Chen Mo, it is clear that he will not be affected by the outside world. As for the questioning and denial of them outside, he is too lazy to pay attention to it. A group of stupid ordinary people People are gone!

Long live the mutant!

In the countless doubts of the outside world, the crew's shooting is still the same, but Chen Mo is not like Su Shi said, just intend to wait quietly for the filming to complete, speak with strength.

Because of this public opinion storm, it is obviously deliberately guided by some people!

Otherwise, even if it is caused by the role and the main creative team, it will definitely not reach the current level!

And the forces behind the wind and waves have not been able to survive the investigation of Jarvis!

In fact, it is also very good to guess, Aegis Group entered the film industry, began to shoot 3D holographic movies, the most threatened is the Hollywood film company!

According to the development of the Aegis Group in the fields of automobiles and mobile phones, if the Aegis Film Company is really developed, it will inevitably squeeze the living space of other film companies!

You should know that 3D holographic projection technology is a unique technology of Aegis In this respect, they have no way to compare them. If they don’t kill Aegis Movies in the cradle early, they will become them. The confidant is suffering!

The film industry is not like a high-end and low-end market with cars and mobile phones. Every film company has a very direct competitive relationship. The box office is taken away by you, so no one will come to see my movie. Usually, No one will look at the movies that have been released in the same period. It can be seen that two or three movies are already counted. Most people usually only watch one!

This time, I learned that Aegis Film Company started shooting 3D holographic movies. The eight major movie companies in Hollywood have a very tacit understanding of their use, buying their own media, hiring the water army, and just shooting this movie for Aegis Film Company. Suppress.

At present, the effect is unprecedented!

Many ordinary people who didn't really care about the cast and director qualifications, and did not have much resistance to Chinese superheroes, were also affected by the public opinion storm they triggered, and they resisted the trend.

My steel coat

My steel coat

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