My Iron Suit

Chapter 1051: The great movement of the Aegis Group!

It’s not that 3D holographic movies are not attractive to them, but now that the film has just started shooting, it seems that everyone is against new directors and actors, not like Chinese superheroes, and has created a movie that does not change people. The illusion of it.

In this case, they don't mind resisting the wind, plus a force, let Aegis Film Company put on their favorite actors and directors, and change the characters into their favorite white superheroes!

If any other film company, in the case of such a collective opposition to boycotts, will definitely follow the wishes of the audience and make adjustments to the film crew and scripts.

After all, the film is taken out to the audience. If they do not care about the wishes of the audience, the death will not change, the final box office will definitely be greatly affected, the loss is inevitable!

These veteran film companies were still waiting for the Aegis film company to give in, and then took other measures to continue to suppress the film!

Hollywood's well-known directors and actors are just like this. With the strength of several movie companies, a big director of Aegis Movies does not want to invite!

And if Aegis has invited some small directors who are not well-known, they can continue to guide the public opinion, attack, and let Aegis Movies continue to change people!

The starring actor is the same!

There are eight major film companies in the back, there will be no more big-name actors will go to smash this water!

As for the actors who have signed a contract with Aegis Movies, they are not going to do it, it is too obvious, and it is not necessary!

As long as no one is willing to star in the movie, there is no way to shoot this movie!

Even if Aegis Film Company finds some less well-known actors, it will only have to continue to change people under the boycott of their creation!

After all, no matter who you use, there are always people who like it, and some people hate it, plus they guide in it, this movie simply doesn't want to shoot well!

After the substitution of the channel again and again, the reputation of this movie among the audience will become more and more stinky. Even if it is finally shot, it is estimated that not many people will watch it!

Their purpose is reached!

The eight major film companies thought it was very good. For any movie company, under the pressure of their full force, there was only one failure!

Unfortunately, the opponent they met was the Aegis Group!

This company that has created countless miracles cannot be inferred by common sense!

While everyone is waiting for the Aegis Film Company to surrender, Aegis's reaction is unremarkable calm and tough.

Director, don't change!

Script, don't change!

Actor, as usual!

The shooting work was not affected at all, and it was still carried out step by step. It seems that nothing happened!

The eight major film companies have waited for a long time to see the reaction of Aegis Movies. It took a long time to react, and people simply did not have their set!

The most important thing is that the Aegis Film Company does not seem to care about the reaction of the audience at all. Whether you like it or not, you can't resist it. Love can't see!

The eight major movie companies seem to be hitting the empty space with all their strengths, which is uncomfortable!

They also want to take pictures regardless of the audience's thoughts and how to shoot, but the reality is not allowed at all. The final box office will give them a stick and tell them that the audience is God!

The audience doesn't like it, you invest bigger, the actors are famous, and it's useless to shoot well!

The eight major film companies will naturally not give up, continue to launch the media and water forces to attack the Aegis film company, accusing them of disregarding the wishes of the audience.

The Aegis Film Company still had no reaction. Even the press conference did not open, but Chen Mo called Blydley and told him about the new task.

Bradley is responsible for Aegis Technologies, which was previously ordered by Chen Mo to develop a holographic projection device for use with holographic smartphones. This time, Chen Mo’s new tasks for him are also related to this.

"How is the development of portable holographic projection equipment?"

Chen Moxian asked about the current task progress.

Bradley immediately reported.

"We made some modifications on the basis of that drawing. The first batch of test products have been produced and can be officially put into production after the test is completed!"

Chen Mowen nodded and said immediately.

“Very good, portable holographic projection equipment will start production directly after testing, prepare enough product reserves, holographic smartphones will also increase production, prepare a batch of stocks, and the sales of these two products will definitely welcome one after the movie is released. Outbreak, I don't want to be out of stock!"

Bradley nodded quickly.

"Yes, boss!"

Later, Chen Mo continued to say to Bradley.

“In addition, the organization’s R&D department immediately began the development of a wide range of holographic projection equipment at the cinema level. Before the film was released, I wanted to see enough projection equipment!”

Bradley heard a little bit of indifference and immediately promised.

"No problem, boss! Holographic projection technology we have completely mastered, the information you originally gave also has a wide range of holographic projection equipment related technical information, I took the R & D department plus one overtime, certainly can be put into production within a month! ”

Bradley quickly returned to Aegis Technologies, convened R & D personnel, and directly began the development of a wide range of holographic projection equipment.

At the same time Su Shi also received a new assignment from Chen Mo!

While Bradley was busy with the company at the company, Aegis started to start a large-scale real estate acquisition on a global scale!

Large-scale venues in prime cities, shopping malls, shopping malls, commercial streets, etc. in the world, large-scale venues with poorly operated independent theaters and cinemas, and a large amount of funds from Aegis Group, quickly The world has laid a large network that covers almost all major countries and regions and penetrates into every city!

In the most important target countries, rice and China, each city has acquired at least one land, and in some large cities with large populations and developed economies, the number has reached more than a dozen to dozens!

With the development of Aegis Group during this period, the sales and profits of Aegis cars, holographic smartphones, and new anti-cancer drugs have been amazing, creating hundreds of billions of dollars in profits for Aegis!

This time, the large-scale real estate acquisition under Chen Mo’s order has directly consumed most of this amazingly large capital!

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