My Iron Suit

Chapter 1052: Enter the theater line!

With such huge funds, it is exchanged for nearly 10,000 gold real estates in all major cities in the world!

Thanks to the assistance of Jarvis, otherwise, relying on the personnel of the Aegis Group, there is no way to complete this huge acquisition in a short time.

The almost crazy acquisition of the Aegis Group has made countless people unable to understand. Is the Aegis Group planning to enter the real estate market?

With the strength of the Aegis Group, there is no problem, but shouldn't they buy the land or build a skyscraper or a commercial area like other large companies that enter the real estate market?

Why shouldn’t they buy so many expensive gold commercial real estate properties as they are now, and these properties are scattered in major cities around the world, although the size of each is not small, but it is not particularly large. Most people don't understand the costly move of the Aegis Group.

Some even directly slammed the Aegis Group’s move, arguing that Aegis was stunned by the success of Aegis, holographic smartphones and new anti-cancer drugs. After the film that was doomed to fail, it was faint. , Daxun indiscriminately buy high-priced real estate.

Such a huge capital consumption will definitely affect the operation of the Aegis Group's funds, which may cause the Aegis Group's capital chain to break. The Aegis Group, which is on the right momentum, is likely to be mistaken because of this blind arrogance. Make decisions and pay a painful price!

The storm of all-Chinese movies has not passed, and the real estate acquisition incident has once again allowed the Aegis Group to stand on the cusp of the cusp. Many people are no longer optimistic about the future development of the Aegis Group, even the sales of Aegis and holographic smartphones. Has been affected to some extent.

Fortunately, the Aegis Group did not go public, belonging to Chen Mo's personal private enterprise. Otherwise, the stock price must have begun to fall sharply at this time, and the market value must at least evaporate by several billion!

However, this seemingly inexplicable move by Aegis has made the eight major film companies feel a strong unease!

The layman can't see it. The veteran companies in the film industry have suddenly seen the purpose of the Aegis Group!

Almost all of the real estate acquired by Aegis Group is located in the bustling commercial street, shopping malls and shopping malls. The area is mostly over several thousand square meters. The most suitable project is the cinema!

Coupled with the acquisition of a number of independent theatres and cinemas, as well as the distribution of these properties in various countries and cities around the world, the Aegis Group's purpose has come to the fore!

Aegis Group is planning to enter the theater!

And then the aegis group's renovation and construction work on these acquired properties also completely confirmed their guess!

This time, the eight major movie companies are even more unable to sit still!

The original Aegis Group's shooting of 3D holographic movies has already made them feel a huge threat. At this time, the Aegis Group began to enter the theater line, and they even smelled a dangerous taste!

They instinctively felt that the Aegis Group had already noticed that they were suppressing the 3D holographic film behind it, and the Aegis Group’s acquisition of real estate and the move into the theater line were obviously aimed at them!

Although I don't know what Aegis Group is playing, it is definitely not a good thing for them!

Although their eight major film companies are the masters of Hollywood, they have almost monopolized most of the well-known series of movies and excellent big-production films, but their influence is limited to the production of movies, although in terms of distribution, they are in the same field. The line also has a very good cooperation, but it is only cooperation, the eight major film companies do not belong to their own theater!

The eight major film companies seem to have a beautiful scenery. In fact, they have experienced many ups and downs. Every big production is behind a huge adventure. It’s a success. It’s a success. If it fails, it’s a bloody, eight movies. Almost every company in the company faces a crisis of bankruptcy more than once!

Their strength, more in the film's copyright, director production team, and actors, etc., really want to talk about funds, the eight major film companies tied together, there is no way to compare with the Aegis group!

The Aegis Group is now investing heavily in the cinema market. At that time, the Aegis Group does not need to do too much. As long as they don’t give them the film of the top eight film companies, they will be able to eat a pot!

If at that time, movies that cost a lot of money can't recover the cost, waiting for them will be another bankruptcy crisis!

The eight major film companies will naturally not sit still!

Although the previous public opinion attack did not allow the Aegis Group to fall into their traps, modify the script, and change personnel, it unexpectedly caused the sales of the products of the Aegis Group, which was caught in the storm of public opinion, to be affected.

Aegis now invests a lot of money in the construction of the theater, and it is not a rental site, but a direct acquisition of real estate, and is still worldwide!

This made the top of the top eight film companies see the opportunity!

Perhaps it was the success of the previous car, mobile phone and pharmaceutical fields that made the Aegis group bluntly arrogant, and suddenly took out most of the liquidity invested in the construction of the theater, and once it was up, it spread the stalls. So big.

Although this can build the theater in the shortest time, it also has great risks. Once the capital chain has problems, not only the theater under construction may be interrupted, but even the business of the Aegis Group itself may be collapse!

For the Aegis Group, is a cocky adventure, but for those of you who want to suppress the Aegis group, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

If the Aegis Group develops step by step and the strength of the Aegis Group, even if they are together, it is difficult to completely incite the Aegis group. In the end, it is very likely that the Aegis Group will gradually lose the pressure of the theater. heavy.

But now, the Aegis Group has taken the initiative to give them the opportunity to incite this behemoth!

As a result, when the Aegis Group's theater began to build, the discordant voice on the Internet came out again and became more dense and intense than before!

For the Aegis Film Company's films, from the role of the script, to the director and the actor, even the young photographers, lights, recordings and other people who followed Enron to join the Aegis Film Company in the crew became the target of the water army attack!

The high price of Aegis cars has also become the reason for their attack. The high price of 5 million US dollars is simply to treat the rich as fat sheep, and has not considered the purchasing power of ordinary people!

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